THE DAILY NEBRASKAN --, Gfoe alls ttebraeftan TII1C PIIOIMCKTV OP Til 15 UNIVI3K81TY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NvbriiHku. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY Til 15 STUPIINT I'UIJ, BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. EdItor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Dullness Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL." NOTICES will bo clmrKcd for at tho rato.of 10 cents per InHortlon for every fifteen wonlH or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free. Entered at the postofneo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of .March 3, 1879. impression of his follow students. Such Incidents are especially regret nblo since they arise from careless ncBH In tho most part and could bo avoided. Campus Notes. Miss Ruth Bell, 190G, spent the sum mer touring Europe. Byron Yoder, 1908, Is reporting Uni versity news for the State Journal. Advertise your lost articles in the Nebraska!!. We get quick results. Subscribe for The Dally Nebraskan and get the authontlc football news. T. A. Brown, 1907, Is employed on tho State Journal as a general reporter. CONCERNING ROOTER8. In a communication received at the offlco of tho Nebraskan from an alum nus who, although out of school, does not Intend to permit his Interest to wain, tho necessity of organized root ing wns montloned. The time 1b ripe now to bogln the movement Inasmuch ns tho first game of tho season Is to be played noxt Saturday. Of course, It Is truo that Peru Is not one of tho big games, but It certainly offers an opportunity for the rooting squad to got busy. It might bo possible that more effective and systematic root ing bo realized this season If an early start Is made, and every bit of talent 1b nreBont at all tho games. There can bo no discounting the Important part tho rooting Bquad plays and for thlB reason no effort should be spared by tho supporters of Nebraska foot ball team In developing plenty of tho right kind of nolso. It Is not primari ly essential that we outdo tho other follows In respect to volupio, but we surely do want to surpass thorn In general ofTlclency. For Instance, the well known yell of Kansas Univer sity does not depend especially upon Buy n season football ticket and get a large blue print of Captain Weller free. You will save money. P. W. Bellamy, captain of the 1908 baseball nine, has left school to go Into the mining business la Wyom ing. Ho will return to the University next semester. Edwin Mllroy Sunderland, 1907, and an ex-edltor of tho Dally Nebraskan, 1b a manager In the Sunderland Bros.' company of Omaha. MIbs Edna Miller, of Beatrice, who attended Ferry Hall, Chicago, year before laBt, has registered for University- work. Ray Edmunds, Knppa Sigma, will not return to school this year. He Is engaged In the creamery business with his father. The First Christian church, at Four teenth and M Btreets, gave a recep tion last night to University students. Ralph W. Weaverllng of Beatrice is one of the new men who will turn out for cross country running. I RESULTS TELL! We claim to bo the best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro here to prove it. Our methods aro tho VERY LATEST and our work men tho best that money can securo. We clean tho finest dresseB and robes without danger of fading or shrinking In any way. We alBO clean gontlemen'B clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivorod. Ali goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD Sc CO. - Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 Suits and O'coats Made to Order, SI5 No More No Less World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cultor LINCOLN BRANCH I45 So. Thirteenth Street THBA m w r.a DRAWING SETS AND SUPPLIES Before purchasing your sets of Drawing In struments and Supplies, consult the Lincoln Book Store We have a combination this year that beats anything offered heretofore The Lincoln Book Store 1126 O STREET Don't forget that a season football ticket saves you money. Got one at Harry Porter's or the Co-Op. Mrs. Davis, hair dressing parlors are now located In the Famous. Corner Thirteenth and O streets. New line of fall hats. Special atten tion to students. NlcholB, 116 No. 13th. Cheapest place for students, 127 No. Fourteenth street. The best place to eat In town is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh Btreet. Tho University Book Store has a full lino of Spaulding's goods. the number of people giving It, in fact it is rather more effective If tho num ber Is not too great. It would bo a good thing If a Bearch for now ideas be. inaugurated at once, not that some of tho old yells and other stunts aro no longer useful, but wo might bo able to improve our present strong collection. A BAD HABIT. A freshman student came Into this office yesterday with n story of what Is sometimes called misplaced con fidence. It seems that last Monday n fellow student, a stranger to him, borrowed his fountain pon, but In tho confusion of the crowd In Administra tion Hall they lost track of each other and tho pen is minus the original owner. It is entirely unlikely that te intent of tho borrower was not to to the pen, but the incident has ' served to give this freshman a wrong Miss Dodge, national president of the Y. W. C. A., has presented the University Woman's association with a large picture of Glasgow University. For second hand books 340 North Eleventh street. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr Blk. OOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXDOOO WE I Q Would like to be O Q your Laundrymen Q QOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOCXX) Peg Top Corduroy Pants ELIAS BAKER PANTS CO., U8Sa ELEVENTH St. Green's shops are the best in the West. Dr. J. H. Graham, dentist. 1339 O St. Try Bud's Cafe, 1435 O St. Lost Gold locket, sot with pearls. Gladly give reward. Loyd A. Win ship, 617 Burr Blk. Auto 2950. "Mike" Donslow, Delta Tau Delta, has returned to the University and will get out for football. Gil McDonald, 1907, is employed by tho United States government forestry service In Wyoming. , The Y. M. C. A. Hand Books nro being distributed at the rooms of tho organization. Gertrude Moore, 1907, has accepted a position In the Aurora High School. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Boaid,-43.00 per week, 127 No. 14th. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing MME. F. F. ROSS Scientific Chiropodist Manicurist HAIR DRESSINO AND MASSAOE PARLORS 1339 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. Agent for Muskegon, Mich., Vegetable Silk Hosiery Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P " ' j Eat at Climax restaurant. Meals 15 cents and up, Tom Draper, Prop. Gregory's Semi -Anthracite FOR FURNACES $7.50 HO CLINKER OR SLATE GREGORY THE COAL MAN I AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLDG. 132 N. Ilth STREET t mmmvMumamismiaaajm Lvz- .! &E5BM9C? ? 4Y &mfr&& M-Nt?-., wrjyg snv"" ri " JBm. y, v li1