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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1907)
'' ) w i XTbe"aJft IRebraefcan -ust ;4 Vol. VII. No. J. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, J907. Price 5 Ccns. '-! "ft GRIDIRON TALK PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT FOR A STRONG ELEVEN. 1 I J S V J 1 s i? i' " . ) u ti I' ! P ... 'i3U Much Good Material In School Sev eral New Recruits at Prac ticeOther Athletic Notes. ??23Sit? w Opinions of Prominent Foot 'J' L. il 1L. W-I.ll !i... oaii i vi en on inc uriairon mu atfon at Nebraska: Coach "King" Cole: "I believe j jjiuic luuiuoii man win uun it j. & uniform and get out for practice. & V The bigger the squad the bet- $ fa ter our chances for a winning $ A team will be." A jjjj Captain John Workizer: "I feel (), that we are going to have a $ strong team this fall, and I sm $ confident it can be made a cham- jtf A pionship eleven, if every avail- w & able football man will do his $ K duty by gotting out for practice." $ ffl Manager Earl Eagerl "I am A y not very optimistic about this V A year's team. I believe, however, & that there is enough material in A school to make a winning eleven ftj A and I hope to see many new can- & ty didates added to the squad dur- $ ing the next week. $ Iii spite of hot weather a large squad ot foot ball candidates has been engag ing In dally practice on 'the Athletic Field for the past two weeks In prepar ation for what Is expected to be the most Successful (gridiron season ul Nebraska since 1902, when "Bummy" Booth's Champions defeated Minnesota and wont thru the season without hav ing their goal line crossed. Conch JOHN WELLER. Captain of the 1907 eleven. '''King" Cole arid his assistant, Earl 'Eager, have had charge of the prac "tlco. ; This year's squad contains nbout as many men as any early season bunch of recerii years has had, but is lacking in the number of veterans. This scar city of old material Is offset, however, by (ho largo number of new men at prnqf ice who are eligible and who are promlalug candidates. Among the old " men pt the 1907 eleven, who have re turned to practice tire Weller (captain of this year's, team) Chaloupka, Har yiy, Cpok, Matters; and Craig. 'Little, R,lc'o and Denslow are eligible and taqbably will be in school but have vho(, decided whether they will become '''fodtbair candidates. The list of pther 1 aspirant who are eligible for the team ijg faU'incUidSalHart, BuroetVBelt- H'';PR ' ' BMWWWWm COACH "KING" COLE, Who has charge of this year's football team and in whom Nebraska hopes to find a second Booth. zer, Kroger, Miner, Sid Collins, Pat ton, M. Benedict, P. W. Johndon, Bur leigh, Ewlng,( Proudft. A. Weatover, Pium, and McDonald. All of these men have reported for practice. Both tho veterans and the hew can didates are showing up well In prac tice. Captain Weller Is faster thai) ever and Is doing some excellent punt ing, booting tho ball sixty and sixty live yards with ease. Husky Chaloup ka and Harvey have added several pounds to their frame a this summer and are exhibiting much "tear 'cm up' abilfty in their work Matters and Cook show much improvement over last year's work. Mattei'3 wa3 regard ed as a very strong player last season and promises to do soma phenomenal playing this fall. Craig has arrived In Lincoln and Is going after an end posi tion on the eleven. Of the other men there are several who give promise of doing big things. Sid Collins, the Lincoln high school man, Is a strong aspirant for ccntor At quarter Miner, Benedict, and Bur leigh are showing up well; while Bur nett, a fast freshman player of last year, Is making a good bid for half. Burkner, who played half on the Corn busker eleven against the Haskell In KOK0)30KM3)(0 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR J907 r September 28 Peru Normal, at Lincoln. October 5 University of 8outh Dakota, at Lincoln. October 12 Grlnnell College, at Lincoln. October 19 University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis. October 26 University of Colorado, at Lincoln. November 2 Ames College, at Lincoln. November 9 University of Kansas, at Lawrence. November 16 University of Denver, at Lincoln. November 23 Doane College, at Lincoln. November 28 University of St. Louis, at St. Loin's, 0WOJKKQ dians Is out for practice and is mak ing an excellent showing. A brother of Gil McDonald Is trying for an end position and gives promise ufgood playing. Other candidates who are doing fine work are Hart, a tackle; Beltzer. a fullback; Ewlng, a tackle of last ear's squad; Frum. a guard; Johnson, a tackle, and Kroger, a guard. The earl season showing of the squad has put joy Into the hearts of many of the Cornhuskers' supporters. The followers of the work of the Ne braska men. with ft-w exceptions, art optimistic In their opinions of the pros pects for a successful eleven and be lieve the Cornhuskirs will be a win ning bunch. Among the men who have charge of football there la a hopeful tone, which.. however, la not burdened with false optimism, for (as the opin ions published at. the head of this ar ticle show) these men realize that every eligible football man In school must get out for practice In order to make the 1907 a winner. They are urging all available players to get uni forms from Manager Eager and Join the squad. They say a large bunch of candidates will give Nebraska one of the best teams ehe has ever had. (Continued on page 4.) o'clbck. STRENUOUS WEEK i WORK OF REGISTERING KEEPS STUDENTS BU8Y. I I ', New System Delays Freshmen Engi neering School Shows Gain Chancellor Andrews Absent. How the Realstratlon for this & V C-.ll rmn-i..... ...ItU .U-.4 f 1U. ? ff mi vwinpHi wo vtivii bimi wi tile & Sr.-me Period Last Year. , 1907 1906 X Tuesday 101 89 w weancsaay lo i, m M Thursday '.252 262 I? $ v ' Total 520 528 A The work of leglHturiug and getting ready tor the o)ciiliig of school next .Monday lias Kept every one on the campus busy this week. Registration l)egan wl;h a niHh Tuesdiiy morning and has continued unabated up to the M ... . ' t j HH rl' present time. Professors ami students have boon engaged In I lie task of reg- ' lsterln ami in ai ranging their woj'iv Toi the semcsier. Registration, returns up to the o'clock yesterday afternoon Indicated that the attendance .at the IJulverslt.t ,. this jear will fxcfc! that or any pre- ' I Ions term. The uumbe; of sliidents who have registered this fall Ih a pioxlmntoly (lie rfiniic n:s tint I for the coi responding days last year, but the , ' met ho. I oT legisterlng this seiueHter t , lequires more time and has kept down the number. A slight Increase over last ear Is shown In the registration t1 of Prerflunen Many students Trom the small towns of the state are registering In the En gineering department and it looks as tho that school will have the biggest t li. crease of any of the colleges. It Tj ex-IJ i w?w, ,ft ,.H -ir .. "? EARL EAGER. Manager of athletics and assistant football coach. pected, howefver, that the next few days will show a gain In the registra tion in the other departments or tho University. A new system of registering Fresh men, which has been inaugurated this fall nnd which allows only about a hun dred of the now students to register dally has caused the number of regis trations to fall below the mark It would have reached undor the old plan. Chancellor Andrews is abroad pn a -Jeave of absence and will not return until next month. . While he is away. Dean Bessey Is acting Chancellor and will deliver the opening address in Memorinl Hall Saturday morning at Jk ,.K:.; rML-! e " m. v WPr jtMMMBMMMMmkMMtMMMMMMMMMMMM : 'A-j" ii . Wk wj Vl vrt I 4 m ,!t- f i "Prf m I9. z? lvaj X disss MdXfif'lfcJW .VIlrflM A - h I'.i if, , i. VkrF.-fte.-,, ,; ,fr;ft '.fwT., J LiLifJ. n WMlllWS