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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
.JrF' . r ifax NS A : It be 2) a i 1 1 tij ji Select Your Suits For Commencement at , "' M; '' The Sterling 2S IP t f r i. t I X Copynjhi 1907 Howe ol Kuppnhroer Chicago Wo will show you the greatest variety of fabrics in Black Suits, and all tho now shades of Brown, Gray and the always good Blue Serges; in all tho latest styles, splendidly made and tailored. Clothes appropriate for ovory occasion and place, Priced at $18, $22.50 and $25.00 To go with tho Suits wo havo just tho correct HATS, in FELT or STRAW; TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS and SHIRTS. Plain whito dross Shirts, and beautiful patterns in plain and plaitod bosomed Negligees. Everything that will ombolish and complete your outfit. ADAMS-FAuQUHAR-O'NEAL GO. Firiirii MNE CUTMM COMPANY frm V . WJr, M uiiem' - i. ilf i in hum m - ZINCOLJV IEB "A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes" i ummiTYJEvi !; C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler,- : ;j IR. S. S, SHEAN, Optician i 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT J YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Gotrell & Leonard ALBANY, N. Y. Mikirs of CAPS, 60WNS and HOODS To U AjmtIub CoIIiim aatf UilvinltlH. CUSS CMTIACT.S A SPECIALTY 'CXCpHBBKSSQT THE SENIOR PLAY. (Contlnuod from page 1.) Gromlo, suitor to Ulnnca W. 13. Stnndoyon IIortonBlo, suitor to Blanco C. C. McWilllams Tranlo, servant to Lucentlo J. R.'GreoK Hlondollo, Borvant to Blanca L. C. Syford Onunlo, sorvnnt to Potruchlo.... Dv D. Gibson Curtis, servant to Potruchlo Kathlcon Llndorman A Pedant 11. R. Frazlor Tailor G. L. Pitchford Ilabordashor G. 13. McDonald Hlanca, younger daughtor to Dap- tlsta. . . . .. Flossy Erford Kathorlna, tho shrow Ilolon Huso Scene: Padua and Potruchio's coun try homo. I 8 9- 8 kK Graduation Presents Q3&&OQQ)Q)QOQQQQOQQQ0QQQQQOQQQg&QQQQ99O& Watches, University Soals, Brooches, Uni versity Fobs, Waist Sots, University Hat Pins, Fobs, odd piocos in Cut Glass and Hand-Painted China, University Spoons. HALLETT, JEWELER, 1143 0 ST. Q0QQ00QOQ00OQOO000QQ&Q0QGQ000Q9Q Lost Pair of noso glasses, to Nobraskan. Return MKtMfHthriiit Rttsoiibli Print HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. Set-WkJags' m Tho Intercollegiate commlttoo of the Y. Wv C. A. has received, a pennant from tho Delta Gamma sorority. Tho nssoclatlbn hopes to havo a pennant from ovory sorority nnd girls' organiza tion In tho University to place In tho now rooms along with tho now pillows and collego pennants which tha rooms nnd intercollegiate committees aro making plans to gathor during tho summer. The Drug Cutter, Professor Taylor has boon Invited by letter to edit a section of tho Re view of Curront Economics Literature, his department being the criticism of all economic writings of tho present time. He will perhaps decline bo cause tho library facilities here will not pormit of oxtonslvo research. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL f,eOO.OO Surplus Mi Profits,,.. ltP.OOO.OO PBPOBITS 3,e,oo;oo o c You aro waarltig tottar clothes than formtrly. YES, and for ltis money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Where Can I Get a HabK? Af the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 IELL 550 A t 9 l 31ld:FAJJ:IJILl'J:IEKr ;obocooocxxxxxoooooo I ' 'yVs 1 ' mjmifMMrk4smmm .,'. -T - . :? x. 1'. '. 4t ' J'" I tft --WJ w i if