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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
t (Tbc Datlp ftebraslian k M.'l 4 J.J.J-. w t " ", t .. J . nrTi IiIEHeeI Continuous Showt, from 1:30- to. 1:80 and 700, to 10:30 p, m. h r,Ui. t. -,, -, ,i :'TH horrible adventure BOWSER'S HOU8E CLEANING FROM SOLDIER TO COLNEL GUNNER NOIR "HOW NEBRA8KA ECEL8. THE UN8KILLFUL -SKATER THE ARTFUL 5 " . C ? " HU8BAND nLLUSTRATED 80NC& f 'Because You Were an Old Sweetheart 5 of Mine" By Prof. Gutter k "Give Me an XmerJcin 'Sirl Miss Elma Cutter t TOMMY IIIIIVHQLJC'iiBHIul bbbbbbbbbbl LbbbV ' - J AB bbbbr- ' -.. ' ''W bbbW t '' ; j VJft '- iiTiw" 'jtbibSbm bbbv'' V 'w.'BL-'iJWNa jUBkBbI bbwitbbbbbbbbflbVBliSy For refreshments and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Miller & Palne's. OCXXDOOOOOCXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOQ SAM'S CAFE S. F. Westerfleld Proprietor NfV Special Sorvlco to PARTIES' Bell Phone asa Auto 3355 A Specialty In Oysters in Season 117-19-21 Ho. 13th St. l&TTbo-Only Up-tomato .Hall in the City. The Monarch v 4 s MILLIARDS And pool AUGUST BLAD0, Proprietor, '1134 N' STREET Lincoln,1 Neb. iB DR. CHA'S. fYUNGBLUT, g,y - "DENTIST Q In Roomal? and ,ip Burr Block. t &uto O 10 v j4j9neJM16. Bell. 65 'W a" LINCOLN, - NKBBASKA. Q A Cutting Criticism oh the Inebriety of Eastern -Schools. , C. "W. Bunker, the. author of the fol lowing contribution, went from the University to Gornojl on a' fellowship obtained therei In Chemistry. JProm there ho went to New York City," sow ing as an assistant In the hospital nt the same time he was pursuing his studies.. He Is still engaged. In hos pital work. Dr. Bunker chose to write on ine briety expresses himself as follows: Editor Nebraskan: I pursued the letter of B. Q. Lewis In your Issue of February 27. On our privilege of contact with our Chan cellor we are certainly to bo congratu lated and I can echo every allusion printed concerning the affection and esteem "in which he 'is and 'has been held by Brown men- I have known, several of the alumni and And them unanimous as regards "Bennie." And he Is. not the only one of whom we have much' reason to be proud. Still I will leave them to a worthier bi ographer. But why need we go as "high as the faculty for praiseworthy qualities? It is upon the student body upon their morals especially In regard to Ine briety that I wlBh to sprinkle a few words of approbation. I do not believe that I can confine myself particularly to Nebraska either in this regard, but must look upon her as a bright example of most other Western universities, colleges and schoolB. The antithesis is obvious. My medical work In New York state has brought me Into Intimate contact, with Eastern college men, especially of Cornell,, two year's of whoso life I have seen at Ithaca and two year's in New York City. During the latter two years as well as during my two years of hospital work here, I have seen Columbia at home, Yale on its viBlts, and have known men from Pennsylvania, Princeton and Harvard who are in a position to know. This merely as a qualification for an opin ion. And, you say, my opinion, what is It? Simply this. The attitude of the student body towards inebriety and its prevalence at the above institutions are two things I have never Been and hope I never shall see or hear of at a certain University located Just north of R street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Why such a thing should bo true, 1 believe there are various reasons. The apparently inborn conservatism and mlnd-your-own-business attitude of the Easterner tend to prevent the knowledgo of a studont's waywardness reaching the ears of authority or par ent, and greatly aids the "sowing of wild oats." Then again, Nebraska's hell-holes are not painted in colors so alluring to the unwary youth and they offer less immunity from detection. Most of our students come from cities or villages, small compared with those of the East, and the instincts of so briety are probably instilled in them from youth, whereas, here, especially In the larger cities, much greater tol erance Is shown for folk not "on the water wagon." But. last and greatest of all, I be lieve the real reason lies in the atti tude of the student body toward the drunkard. Here he Is the hail-fellow-well-met man. He receives at least sympathy, .and usually admiration, par ticularly, if h6 be fortunate enough to secure his diploma. He Is much sought after, and really popular even with the feminine contingent, and Cornell Is co-educational, you know. ' At Nebraska, on the other hand, and I remember two of them of good stock, too, he is looked at with ask ance, his fallings are a sore trial to his brethQrn and are no.t montloned at length In public, ourvco-eds do not seek his society and, best of all, he meets with little emulation. I do not .believe the Oornhusker con tains (I know 'the Junior annual did not six years ago) any list of clubs, Illustrated principally by. emblems of "booze," as lo the Eastern annuals. An1 Invitation to a-sociable-stag even ing with buch' ail inclusion as'thnt of Seattle uiuo, ".Leave your, tnirst at home, would 'arouse rat least much wonder.v - ' - !- , C. W, BUNKER, M. D., '01.. . - v." r-s r-r- J Acacia has rented a house at 1216 . . t ... n ' V H street and will begin "housekeep-' 'lng'r nexffall. "-" -"" " ' ' , Souvenir Spoons . 1 Great Seal o! NcbrasKa (on Handle) V. of N, Main Building State Capitol Wcsleyan University New Post OHice , Bird's Eye View ol University Grounds ' The Bryan House St. Paul's Church Cap-ahd-Gown Girl Corn Handle ' Indian Head Handle Golden Rod Handle J- , ALL STERLING SILVER 50c to $3.00 MILLER & PAINE Distinctive Blue Serge Suits for Men $10.00 to $30.00 f There's a big difference between Serge Suits as you have soon them and the Serge Suits wo show. With the aid of skill In tailoring wo eliminate much of the same ness and sednteness of the average blue sorgo and glvo instead style and tone thnt add wonderfully to Its appearance. Within the range from $10 to $18 there are strictly all wool, fast color Blue Sorgo Suits that represent some of the best values wo have over offered. At $20, and $30, we show several different and distinct models both conservative and radical elthbr plain or" fancy weave. These are the well known Kensingtons and wo want It -well understood that wo fit .you as exacting In every detail as though your measured ment had been taken. Full lined half lined or quarter-lined and In every caso Coats are guaranteed to keep their shape. 8TRAW HAT8 FOR YOUNGN. ' In Sailors, Nobby Soft styles or Panamas $1 to $7.50 s ''. Magee & Deemer KENSINGTON SUITS FIT. The Harvard School, Boston, Mass. With the completion of the new buildings, which were, dedicated Septem ber 25th, 1906, this school now has facilities and equipment for tekching: and research In he various' branches of medicine probably unsurpassed In- this country. Of the five buildings, four are devoted entirely to laboratory teaching and research. The numerous hospitals., of Boston Afford abundant opportunities for clinical Instruction in medicine and 'surgery, COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of art, literature, philosophy ort science) and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the degree of M. D. The studies of- the fourth yeanare wholly elective; they include laboratory '.'subjects, general medicine general surgery, and the'speclal clinical branches, The'hext school,year: extend 'from September .26,! 1907, to June 29;i908. 'OanI ftw !11iiafviat .of altonJA arMrjtaa Send for Illustrated catalogue; address HARVARD EDI.QAL SCHOOL, Bo.Un, Mats. 1 v. v v ?. w; i MEiiffiMOCOLATES AT RECTOR'S r , S 1 I r . .$&. v- I- 'i