The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 30, 1907, Image 2
- A :..' , ... y- Jtt l,X H)a tfl eJ rae Ran,, . p' 4 V e' - . . r f . 1 i ET if. -t -" . "SH V.f, , ,t '.,. ! . -." $beg&tls;febraftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. "'Liwc6lw,'-Nkbiuba. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AMD MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. frtllcttlM Ifftei, 12IJ. 14tb St. u J Editor-ln-ohlcfi J. Carroll Knode, 08 Asuoclato Editor Clyde E. Elliott, 09 Managing Editor A. E. Long, 09 AthlotlcB Hugh W. Craig, 07 General Nowb Stuart P. DobbB, 09 ttoviowB Qortrudo Moore, ;07 Convocation Laura Rhoades, 08 ABslstant Athletics. Miller B. Benedict, 09 AoBt. Qon. Nowb Sidney O. EvanB, '09 Departmental.... Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. WllBon, '09 Guy Montgomery. '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 iM Aloxandor J. Dunlap, '09 C. O. Hickman, '07 BuBlncas Manager.... Byron E. Yodor, 08 ABBlBtant Manaor........ Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. RobortBon, '09 and .taking irb the work of a life-time and while overyono'looks with u ce"r tain momentary feeling of regret, back over the college course and at the ne cessity of giving" It up," there Is' also an eagerness for the new program nd new envlroment. A college course flashes past In a mightily sbort time; It Is here and then It Isn't. The reason is perhaps, because It Is overflowing with happen ings, and further, because it is a very smooth and Ideal sort of a course. More of its Idealism ought to be car ried out into the world. Let's carry it. O000000000000 o o o o TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NlQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Offices BABEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Pybl in Advncc Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged Tor at the rato of 10 cents per InBortlon for ovcry fifteen words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and Unlvoralty bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho poatofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bccond-claas mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. QUITTING TIME. Today is tho last time tho Nebras kan will appear on tho campus this year and It Is tho day when practically all tho recitation work of the Unlvorsl ty Is brought to a close. It Is a day when students begin to feel that "quit ting time" Js drawing docldoly near. Freshmen lodk forward to tho time when they shall como back with tho glory of a fujl year's experience to parade bofore tho wondering eyes of next fall's crop of verdant Innoconts. Sophomores look forward to tho time when they shall bo fully ontltlod to the nnmo of uppor-clnssmon, and ablo TAPPING. A Custom Which is Observed at Yale Yearly. There are three senior societies at Yale. They are the "Skull and BoneB," the "Scroll and Keys' and tho "Wolf's Head." The membership of each is limited to fifteen men. Tho ceremonies at "tap day" took place Thursday afternoon at Yale University and werb one of tho most momentous events of tho year at Yale. This Is the day whon tho three senior societies appear on, tho campus and designate by a tapping process tho Juniors that thoy have chosen to be come their mombers. Of so great Im portnnco of this event that many of tho paronts and relatives of tho candi dates woro present to watch tho tap ping. By u recent net of tho Missouri leg islature a tapping, which parents and relatives did not witness, has been pro hibited within five miles of Columbia, Missouri, whore tho state university Is situated. Laws Object. Tho Senior law students at Minne sota have protestod against wearing caps and gowns at graduation. This conventional attire, they say, is of fenilnatp and not becoming to men. President Northrup of tho university says that ho does not disapprove of their action, and that tho only stu dents who really get thoir money's worth out of tho garments aro tho girls of tho Academic department. The. Reliability of Our Men's Wear Section Is evidenced in the style correctness of the merchandise now being shown. The most ex acting man can now find his requirements in Shirts or Underwear, Neckwear or Collars among such well known brands as these: Celebrated Cluett Coat Shirts. Arrow Brand Collars in 1-4 sizes. Neglige Shirts as low as 50c and on up to $2.25. New Neckwear in four-in-hands qt 50c and 25c. Popular Bat Wings at 50c, in a new line just in. Summer Underwear from 25c to $3.00 a garment. Form-fitting Union Suits, $1.00 to $2.50. A visit will be appreciated with a pleasure to show you through. RUDGE& GUENZLE. Q00Q00QQQ0QQQ O O 0QQ0000OffiO00 O o Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Chapln BroB., FloriBts, 127 So. 12th. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. Tho best place to eat in town is at Don's. 114 So. 11th Street. WhT not take your baths at Chris Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Tho Chinese students tit Yale will glvo a play for the benefit of tho fnmlno sufferers in China. For ico cream, candies, cakes and comfort visit Dalrymple's, Thirteenth and N. BUDD'S SOFT SHIRTS ft a n it it it it it it it H it H it it H it it it n n n it n n n it it n it H it it it it For hot weather. I sell the kind you look well in without a coat. And Summer Ties at 2 bits to kill. Let me fix you out for the Pan Hell tonight. Lost Gold watch between 1600 R St. and 1136 T St. Finder notify 113G T. Reward. KHtU inwgff ,IW-S5 0&& 245 TOS5S: Green's BarVor ards, Tho Mogul, workmanship. Shops: Tho All modern. Rich-Best Why did tho Glee Club decorate with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Store? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O ft a Lost Waterman fountain pen. Ini tials S. T. on end of cap. Reward for return to this oQlce. AND 0V S71TO 96 8NIM "TONE "Key See tho Globe Sultorium, 1442 O stroot, for tho only genuine Panama hats on tho market. to call themselves such without stretching the actualities of tho case in tho least'; tho they may bogln to feel, at the same time that a Universi ty course is not tho long epoch of time thru which tho'y had anticipated pass ing. Juniors heave a sigh of relief at thought that now tho greater part of their work Is done, and that now a year with an oasy schodulo and a time of especially pleasant ,class fel lowship Is approaching; tho tho prox imity of that cold world waiting there with but a couple of semesters in front of It may causft,Jthi8 and that one to catch his breath occasionally. Sen iors have become inured for the most part to, the thought of breaking away Two rare copies of speeches by Ste phen A. Douglas have been recently secured by tho Historical Society Ll brary. One Is on "Popular Sovereign ty in tho Territories," and the other on "Kansas and tho Dred Scott Decision." Captain Trudgian, of Colorado's baseball team, had his skull fractured In a rocent game by a hot liner striking him In tho forehead. Ho will be out of the game tho rest .of tho season. Harvard students are raising money In the interests of the Peace Confer ence. Carlisle Is to have a now hospital. The government prlated tho money. i $20,000 appro oooooooooxooooooooocxoooo S DKV VnilD CUD o A. 1 II w W I -F'W BsVlw wb lit' m W 4k Sccccosooccoobcoc PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW l Have you made your spring decora tions use one of our pannants. Tho University Book Store. If you have danco programs, tickets or posters to bo printed, go to Mc Voy's, 125 No. 12th St.. Students wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 Windsor this week. There Is no time like Harris' time If your watch iBn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St For Sale Tow sets English-American Encyclopbdiao o'J Law;. first and second editions; slightly used; bar gain. Call and examlnnte at 326 No. 10th street. 0 O 0000000000 DON;? FORGET TO SEE LUDWIG mmmmmmmmmmmmmL ICOAT ( ' J 'SHIRT ON AND OFF V KE A COAT. THE.rtIOD CRN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FABRICS. $1.60 AND MORE Cluctt, PCABOor K Co. MkftKXB or OtUCT AN AHOW OOU.AIIM I The Evans j Do Your Washing j 4 ffEPREtYUGO-HOME g PjOry Bakery Cd. BcJdB Orders TiUtA Promptly. TIM Iks Bread Ovr Ssltlty. kg m B4Your Ordr WU1 kUMlra Prraapt AtUotloa. - 1 Jr 1 r5sH 2m SBL' vV-v11 0C-0000000000 T" v i f. P' 4 ii,HHillliiir "IPM ii y ' "-tr m yiifi nmi. '""- '!"'" "yKfcUw