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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
(Utwt irwwiMw Dlliil imnmin wiwipwmui "r- 7 tt b e Dalit tt'ettaehan 1 J ri ' a Our Showing of r-r I i' ' ' i I i I e 1 Choice Negligees rWAWKfxM ( ) Shirts made of every new fabric, in all sizes and colors, priced from $1 to $3. The prudent man will buy early this season, as cotton goods are scarce and lines will be broken early. If you enjoy Furnishings that are out of the ordinary smart and different you'll find them here. A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes The New In Men's Wear UNCQLNNB. Gotrell & Leonard ALBANY, N, Y. Mikirs of CAPS, 60WNS and HOODS To tin Uuricto Colligis ind (iRlviriltlit. CUSS CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY m lillikli Hitirlalt Riitoiibli Prlctt jj UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTIGIAH i C. A. TUCKER, Jmlir, IR. S. S. SHEAR, Qptlclii 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT j luunrAimiHAtJt auuuntu. HUYLER'S L J Chocolates and OFF FOR KANSAS. Track Team Leaves for the Jayhawker Stronghold Today. The 'Varsity track team leaves to day at 1:30 for Lawrence, Kansas, whore a tlual meet will be held with Kansas University tomorrow. The team will spend the night in Kansas City and make 'the run out to Law rence tomorrow morning. The meet promises to be very close, judging from the records that have been made by both teams. AH the men are In fairly good shape. The team will arrive in Lincoln Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. The folowlng men. will make the trip: Burruss, Coe, Perry, Morgan, Davis, Alden, Bauman, McDonald, G. B., Dun lap, Wollor, Chaloupka, McDonald, D. T Knode, Hugor, Benedict. Dr. Clapp wUl accompany the team. The St. Paul Dispatch of May 17 came out with a large cut of Presi dent and Mrs. Hodgman standing with Mr. Bryan on the campus of Macales ter College. Professor Hodgman held until recently, it will be remembered, the position of High School Inspector. At Mlchitran more than one-fifth of the' Junior medical class are marled. It Is claimed that as many are engaged and that other classes in the medical department "show up as well." O G You ar wearing totter lottos than formerly. YE8, and for toss monty. ' Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Chocolates and Bon Bons. The Drug Cutter. OOO0OOCXXXXXXXXX50OO0OOOO00 DR. CHAS. YUNGBLUT, DENTIST Auto Yale has nn offer of $300,000 from John D. Rockefeller on condition that the university raise $1,700,000 addi tional. The offer has been accepted. Rooms 18 and 10 Burr Block Phono 8110. Boll 650. LINCOLN, - NEUUA8KA. A movement Is on foot among vari ous womens' organizations for the pur pose of securing scholarships similar to the Rhodes scholarships for men. &oww2OKwyoMyK CONVOCATION TODAY MEMORIAL HALL, 5 P. M. Hon Geo .Fred Williams 0CW30KWD Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course - r- V V J AUTO 1S50 DELL 5S0 k M I' 5lld:FAJJ;IMirJ:IWCTaa