The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 24, 1907, Image 3
Vfy-f- 7 -Vfcf- f-- I ff b e E a 1 1 p Debraehan Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. OLIVER THEATRE Chapin BroB., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. TONIGHT AT 8:30 AND ALL SUMMER The best place to eat in town Is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sta.T t7P I J rL im B ' jBP v T Every Night, 8:30. Matinees, Wednes day and Saturday, 2:30 FULTON BROS. 8TOCK CO. Miss Enid Jackson Mr. Jess B. Fulton Thurs., Friday, Sat and Mat. "MOTHS" All 8eats Reserved. Evening Ore. 25c, Bal. 15c. Matinee Ore. 20, Bal. 10c. THE ELITE Continuous 8how from 1:30 to S:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. THE HERO AMATEUR NIGHT. TAMING HIS WIFE For ice cream, candies, cakes and comfort visit Dalrymple's, Thirteenth and N. Green's Barter Shops: The Rich ards, The Mogul. All modern. BeBt workmanship. v Why did the Glee Club decorate with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Store? CURFEW WIL NOT RING TONIGHT THE MAGIC BOTTLE DANIEL BOONE (Pioneer of Kentucky) ILLUSTRATED SONG8. "When the Sunset Turns the Sky to Gold" By Miss Elma Cutter "The Man With the Ladder and Hose" By Prof. 8. Cutter BSTTho Only Up-to-Date Hall in the City. The Monarch BILLIARDS AND POOL AUGUST BLAP0, 1134 N STREET Proprietor. Lincoln, Neb. office of International Correspondence Schools, Room ai, iaos O St., Lincoln, Neb. Plooeo oxplnln. without further obligation on my part, now I can qualify for a larger salary and gain advancement to tho position boforo which I have marked X. Bookkeeper Telephono Engineer Stenographer Elec.-Lightlng Supt Advortls'm't Wrltor Mechanical Engineer Bhow-Card Writer Surveyor Window Trimmor Stationary Engineer Mechanical Draftsman Civil Engineer Ornamental Designer Building Contractor Illustrator " Architectural Drafts. Civil Sorvico Architect Chomiat Structural Engineer Textile Mill Supt, Bridge Engineer Electrician Foreman Plumber Electrical Engineer Mining Engineer Name..... St. and No City St JHAVE I The Evans j 8 Do Your Washing : W J UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 714 P STREET Ml 341. AhU3MI. See the Globe Sultorlum, 1442 O street, for the only genuine Panama hats on the market. Have you made your spring decora tions use one of our pannants. The University Book Store. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mo Vey's, 125 No. 12th St Students wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 'Windsor this week. TOMMY -------PE-40F-----H --RJR-l!----H K-Pm? v HH -l-f K ryi&-fc---. KmMm'''i29II ----jL-f---rl TM TWil -rvi-iVirf!--lf-------B M For refreshments and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Miller A Palne's. X J?k Proprietor Q Q pT Bell Phone 355 Q n Auto ... 3305 n R A Specialty In Oysters In Season H 8 117-19-21 No. 13th St. 8 UNIVERSITY OF The Summer Quarter, $907 FInt Term. Juno K July JI Second Term, July 5 August 31 enable (tudents to.lXKlQ reguUr work with, out waiting for the Autumn Quarter and afford! special vacation opportunities for teacheri. ' Divinity School, Law School, School o I Education, Kush Medical College (affill. ated)i Graduate Schools of Arts' and literature. Of den (Graduate) School of Sciences' Senior and Junior College of Attn Literature, PhUo. ophyi and Science. For I nforma tl on address we why Exsmr f emcMM CHICAQO, ILLINOIS CHICAGO -M-l-ltn-! Uvv'V V , V-.-v J-nV ' If you want to be graceful and light footed go to SANDERSON'S and let them fit you to a pair of their new Party Slippers They are beauties. ON 8ALE 8ATURDAY. Tickets for 8enior Play to Be Avail able to 8tudents. Tickets for Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," which Is to be given by the Class of 1907 In the- Oliver Theater matinee and evening perform ances on Tuesday, June 11; will go on sale to University students Satur day afternoon, May 25, in Memorial Hall. The sale will begin at 1 o'clock, when seats may be purchased by Sen iors who have paid their class dues by that time. At 3 o'clock the sale of seats will be thrown open to the general university public. After Sat urday there will be no public sale of seats until June 8, -when tickets will be available at the Oliver. Prices for the evening performance will bo 75, 50 and 25 cents; and for tho matinee; 50 and 25 cents. All tickets on sale will be for reserved seats. Seniors who have paid dues will be permitted to select seats In the order in which their payments have been made, to tho extent of two tickets each. The remaining two tickets due will be chosen by lot. It is hoped that in this way tickets may be distributed in a manner .satisfactory to all con cerned and that all unfairness in dis tribution may be avoided. Rehearsals for the "Taming of the Shrew" have been under way for tho past three months, and under the competent direction of Professor P. W. Losey the play Is. assuming shape rapidly Contrary to the expectations of some who have been Interested in the progress of the play, the cast which has been selected from tho class of 1907 has proved Itself worthy of the task of Interpreting in really satisfactory fashion one of the most Interesting and sparkling of all Shake Bpeare's comedies, and two perform ances of very real merit are assured. The courtesies of the evening will be extended to the Pan-Hell dancers at Dalrymple's, 13th & N There Is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor. 1137 OSt For Sale Tow sets English-American .Encyclopediae of Law; first and second editions; slightly used; bar gain. Call and examinate at 326 No. 10th street - . H -s-- -3 2r -PspsI ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER THE DANCE CALL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVIOf , . 1 1 -j jE-WEg v t y M a COAT-'SHIRT ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD ERN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FABRICS. S1.60 AND MORE CLOCTT, PCABODY & CO. WAKcna or oluit an ARROW OOLLAItS I 1 r7 We-Ii Like to be Your I Laundryme-. 1 YULE BROS. 1 L, J. HERZQQ TM Uilierilty Mil's Till TKFMEITWMI MM All PIKES Mtf 1t30 O m PREET Dctry Bakery C. B-Uaf OrterslUl Prootptly. ru lltf Bret, tvr Sptckttjr. Tour OifrWt ItAtMtto-. 8 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK y OF LINCOLN, NE1RA8KA j! J CAPITAL - $100,000.00: - ' AllKRETTi CHOCOLATES AT RECTOR'S