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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
Ittmf. 'Znima&M9rmvzxzzi mmmtrr ., .. ...... 7 .J ttbc Datl Beb.rieyn njWItW : ZDbe Balls flefofasftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRA8KA. Lincoln, NsaiUKA. PUBLISHED EVERT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAT AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB." BOARD. Pobllcitloi OfflCl, 126 H. 14th St. Editor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, 08 Associate Editor Clydo E. Elliott, Ofl Managing Editor A. E. Long, 09 Athletics Hugh VL Craig, 07 Ocnoral Nowb Stuart P. Dobbs, '00 Reviews Gertrude Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoados, '08 Assistant Athletics. Miller. S. Boncdlot, 09 Asst. Gen. News Sidney G. Evans, '09 Departmental.... Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. Wilson, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 Aloxander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 Business Manager Byron E. Yodor, '08 AsBlBtant Manager Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robertson, '09 Ono of the most democratic bodies to be found is the student body. An Hndividual Btudent needs no "pull" to get recognition, and he Is for the most part treated openly and greeted cor dially by everybody If he shows an Inclination to "mix" and to get into the swing of University life. Yet there is no question that there is room for improvement in the way we treat the younger students as they come in at the beginning of the year. If upperclassmen treated the newcom ers, whether they looked as If com ing from luxurious environment or not, with the general cordiality they deserve, there would be more college spirit among us. TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1B28. N1QHT 23CB and 4472 Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Eaoh. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-claBS mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. By the time .night arrives, one of the companies of the University bat talion will have won, it is to be sup 'posed, the trophy of the afternoon's competition. Then that company will perhaps feel called upon to give vent to Its jubilant emotions In a grand on slaught upqn the town with red paint. Such, at least, has been tho way in which other triumphant companies in the past have reacted under the strain of the emotion attaching to the win ning of the cup. Furthermore, some of these com panies In the past have let their feel ings carry them so far that certain things wore done which those outside the Influence of the excitement de clared, and those in the company cele brating, after their ardor has cooled 8UCCE83FUL CONCERT. University Band's Appearance on the Campus Well Received. Yesterday morning the University Band gave an excellent concert on the campus at chapel time. The men showed the results of a year's hard training. The responsiveness of the players to the leaders and the ex pression used in executing the various movements proved their appreciation of tho music rendered. A good crowd gathered about the "band stand" and the mixture of music and Cornhuskor joshes went exceedingly well. The program given was as follows: March, "The Steel King," St. Clair. Selection, "Roly Poly," Johnson. "PoIIbIi Dance," Scharwenka. Patrol, "The Piccaninnies," Lauren deau. March, "Lights Out," McCoy. NEW MANAGER. H. O. Bell Elected Business Manager of the 1908 Cornhusker. The Sophomore class held a 'very Im portant meeting 'yesterday morning for the purpose of electing a business manager for the 1908 Cornhusker. Ow ing to the resignation of Don Russell who had previously been selected, the position was vacant. The candidates were Russell Burruss, Hubert Bell, Yale Holland, Walter Kenner and Don ald Price. Kenner and Bell being the high men on the first ballot, they were voted on a second time, Bell winning on tho rather close vote of CO to 45. The "winning candidate comes from York and Is a member of Beta Theta PI and tho Iron Sphinx. He was vice- BUDD'S SOFT SHIRTS it a I I For hot weather. I sell the kind you look well j in without a coat. An3 Summer Ties at.2 bits to kill. Let me fix you out for the Pan Hell tonight. BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O Qe)t(QQQe3)QQQQQQQQQQ)gQQ)KQ somewhat, admitted wore somewhat extreme. Sometimes the company letter has been put In places where it damaged other people's property. This sort of action is not to be laid up to the company as a body, perhaps, but there are always a few men in It who have not yet outgrown their young innocent way of looking at the wtorld sufficiently to appreciate tiho fact that the world 'was not construct ed as a playground for their sole and especial benefit. Their actions are open to criticism and there are -undoubtedly more mature men in the company who frown at this sort of thing. There' is no reason why there should not be a celebration. It Is only proper that there be, but it should be car ried on with something like respect for property at least. president of the class the second se mester last year. H. H. Wheeler and C. A. Thompson were placed In nomination for assis tant business manager, Wheeler re ceiving the position. H. H. Wheeler, S. G. Evans and S. P. Dobbs were plac ed In nomination for membership to the Student Publication Board. Evans withdrew and Dobbs received the ma jority vote. In the earlier part of the meeting P. H. Clancy read the report of the party committee which has been print ed In a previous Issue. NOTICEI All candidates for the degree of Mas ter of Arts expecting to graduate in Juno meet in U. 106 at 11:60 today. It Is Imperative that every candidate fie present. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOO TR PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW 1 $00300$00900000- . A Great Display of White Shirts White Negligee, with Pearl Stud Buttons and fine Satin Stripe Madras Cloth ; all sizes $1.50 Fine Tvckcd Bosom or wide pleats, quite correct for informals . $150 Magee & Deemer FANS Either Cooling or Coquettish 5c to $25.00 MILLED & PAINE 00OffiO0000OQOffip00 O O 00000000000 "Taming of the Shrew1 . " TICKETS FOR SALE SATURDAY THDEE P. M., MEMORIAL HALL A 000 f IT mf r- V i ) A I