The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1907, Image 1

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iibe 3ath IFlebraeRart
Vol- VI. No. 139.
Price 5 Cents.
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8 RI
MAY 25
Book Contains 100 Pages Articles by
Professors, Write-ups, Literary
..-Department r and. Joshes
The Law Book for the year 1907
went on sale rather ahead of
the. time set by the management for
Its appearance Thofaook', con tains ex
actly" a-hundred pageB, 1b printed on
good paper and tho, not expensively
bound, makes, a yery presentable ap
pearance. It Is divided, tho not very distinctly,
Into four .departments; namely, ar
ticles by professors,, biographies of the
membsu-s of the three classed, liter
ary -department ind Joshes. .Half
tones and etchings are scattered plen
tifully thru the publication and form
one of Its most pleasing features. Sev
eral of the cartoons are of especial
In the first department, Dean Pound
writes on "Petty fogglsm," Professor
Hastings on "Nebrasqa's Flag Law Up
held," Professor Co3tlgan on 'Con
tracts," Professor Ayers on "Some of
the Things a Lawyer Ought to Remem
ber," and Professor Maxey on "Tho
Progress of International Arbitration."
Half-tones of all tho profcsors-, save
Dr. Maxey, are placed In this section.
Then follow Individual cuts and wlrte
"ups of the Seniors. Tho cuts are
those prepared in the first place for
the Oornhusker and so are uniform In
design, s fnr as the borders go with
th'oae of .the larger book. The plan
followed In,, these write-ups Is to gle
merely lie principal facts' regarding
' the career of the man In question,
high school honors, and so forth. Then
a group Ot paragraphs, after the sec
tion containing the half-tones, Is de
voted to the special "remarks" befit
ting each person. It Is the same plan
that Is followed In the CornhuskeT.
"Biographies" of each of the members
of the two larger classes are also
given, but these classes are photo
graphed In large groups. These bi
ographies are .written In good form
and are one of' the, best sections of the
' "The Book of Records" is tho name
applied to a. Bet of happenings or sup
posed happenings of th'e present school
year. Following are a couple of ex
amples; "Oct- 5-rAffolter elected president
of, the Senior laws."
'Oct. 6 Th'e 'rag has "Its first
spaBm, paused by the aforesaid elec
'tlon'.". ,
, The -literary department proper con
sists 6f onljr a few stories and poems
tho a number of other contributions
really ttolonglng In the josh depart
ment are here to be found. This lack
of organization in this part of the
book is, perhaps, the feature most!
pen'toVcrltlciSm, tho there Is some ex
cuse for this 'pwlng to the brief time
ppen to the editors for work.
: The Josh departmentcontalns a num-
- her of excellent .etchings and. a num
ber, of good 'fortunes as "Where Law
f vV'CoaUitudoipMt;l.)
Get Tickets Before Friday
1908 People Spend a Moist Afternoon
at Epworth Park.
The Juniors held their long antlcl
pated picnic at Epworth Park last
Saturday afternoon, leaving the Li
brary In special cars at 1:30. No pro
gram had been arranged, but a base
ball game by the co-eds proved a very
Interesting feature. A game between
the high school and the Junior boys
was Interrupted fortunately for tho
Juniors by a rain.
The members of the Glee Club pres
ent gave several selections which wero
well applauded, and a duet by Miss
Harold and Miss Rhoades was especially-well
All. sorts of diversions were resort
ed to that everyone might find amuso
ment, but secluded benches proved
most popular for some reason or an
other. The boats wero kept constant
ly busy and no small show of skill was
displayed by some of the co-eds as
they rowed about tho muddy waters
of the lake.
All would have gone well had It not
been for the successful efforts of some
one to get tho lion's sharo of the
lunch. After disposing of tho remains,
the crowd dispersed at 5:30 amid
songs and moisture, and all well
pleased with tho Juniors.
The committee report 113 present,
which Insures against any financial
illfllmililad I
I ton Pepperbprg. '05, who has been
visiting with University friends since
Monday last, left y:Uerday evening for
southern Utah in ifce Interests of the
U. S. Geological Sunvey.
Pay Your
P " .
- vv.r.'n-'"' '
(30 CENTS)
Baseball Aggregation Gets Back From
Long Eastern Trip.
The baseball team returned Sunday
morning from tho long trip. The
team was decidedly unfortunate, los
ing the greatest part Qf Its games.
It handicapped by losing Its first
baseman just before starting on the
trip, and as usual on a long Journey,
tho men were more or less used up
and In rather poor condition for some
of the later games. The boBt work
the team did was In defeating Minne
sota, winning tho game 8-7 In an up
hill struggle. They also played Wis
consin vory close, being beaten 2-3,
and beat James Milliken in a brilliant
eleven-inning game. Tho team played
thirteen games on its trip, traveling
thru Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illi
nois and Indiana. Tho men who made
the trip wore Carroll, Ward, Blake,
Hrubesky, Watson, Dudgeon, Beltzor,
Rlne Sleuter, Freeland and Bellamy.
The schedule with the scores Is given
below: .
May 4, Ames College, 0-9.
May 6, Brlnnell, 4.-11.
May 7, Iowa, 2-5.
May 9, Cornellt la., 4-3.
May 9, Minnesota, 8-7.
May 10, Decorah, 3-4.
May 11, Wisconsin, 2-3.
May 13,.Belot, 0-2.
May 14, Notre Dame, 0-4.
May 15, Purdue, 2-8.
May 16, James Milliken, 1-0.
May 17, Knox, 1-8.
May 18, Monmouth; 2-7.
Following 1b tho table of the batting
averages of the team:
Rlne .....,.,..... 65
Sleuter ,.... 67
Carroll '55
Hrubesky ?.;.. 30'
Watson ....v' 42-,
Beltzor ....;..' .-.66
Blake ..'. 35
Freeland .... ..: .... 62
Bellamy ....; '..'60
Ward 25
H. P.O.
19 .292
18 .269
11 .200
6 .200
8 .190
12 . .185
4 .114
7 .113
6 .100
1 .040
Total 502
Union Pin.
The Union' Literary Society has
stepped up with the rest of University
organizations now and has secured for
Itself an emblem whereby Its members
can be distinguished. The pin Is of
gold and a neat design. The letter U
in the center Is set with small, blue and
white stones, the colors of the society.
J. C Page, '08, left' yesterday for
western Nebraska, where he will work
during the jrammef for the Trt-state,.
Land company, iewm uneiy return
for school at the biglnnlag of j the next
Makes Room for Photographers' Asso
ciation Hopes to .Purchase Pic
tures Stockholders Elected.
Owing to some misunderstanding,
tho Art Exhibit Is forced to close
promptly at noon today to give place
to tho exhibits of tho Photographers'
Association. It had boon the intention
to hold tho oxhlbltlon open until the
beginning' of tho. 'May Festival, May
22, but a conflict-'ofdatea has made
necessary tho presont action.
Tho Art Exhibit has been tho sourco
of much profit to thoso both of the
UnlvorBlty and of tho city who are In
terested In the art of painting. The
oxhlblt thiB year drew a larger per
cent of students than it (has ever be
fore succeeded in interesting, and tho
amount of season tickets sold was
somowhat abovo tho usual number.
The various schools of the city have
respectively taken "half "holidays to
visit tho gallery, and the children have
shown much appreciation.
The series of lectures held on Tues- -day
and Thursday evenings of each .
week during the oxhlblt was a great
help to those desiring a fuller appro
elation of art, and Miss Haydon's an
alytical criticisms proved of especial
It haB been the hope pi the associa
tion to .purchase one or more of the
.palniijigafprbjD art, gallery, but It
has not yet been definitely decided as
to whether this will be .done or npt.
There are a number of paintings that
have taken tho eye of, the association,
and should it be decided "to make a
purchase, there will probably be some
considerable preliminary discussion.
Among the visitors of the exhibit
last Friday were Miss E. -O. Salisbury,.
Instructor In china painting and oil
colors at Beatrice; Judge J. S. Cooley
of Omaha.
Eight now stockholders have been
taken Into the association this, season,
viz., Clinton R.4Lee, J, S. Ewart, Dr.
Inez Phllbrlck, E.J. Ha'lner, H. Her
polBhelmer, "W. A.p Solleck, and Helen
Company Banquet
B Company hold a pleasant ban
quet at tho Llndoll hotel last Satur
day evening. About thirty-five of tho
men wero present and every feature pi
the affair was made pleasant to all.
All the officers. and non-coms were
called upon for speeches, and several
talks, Calculated to arouse cup-
cup-wlnnlng enthulasm, were heard.
Rhetoric 1.
The make-up examination for Rhet
oric 1. will" take place Saturday," May
25, 1 to 3 o'clock, 'in JL 207.
'""Department of Rhetoric.
Rhetoric 13.
The makdup examlnotlon for .Rhet-
oriQ ;13 will occur ;Saturday; fay 25,
lHov3 o'clock UL'20.7. ,
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