'M 4s. - fit- ,. $m & V I?'.' n ) y SI ffbc Dalit? flcbraefmn ': ' ii "HOW NEBRASKA EXCELS." "' ' k a j9a a .' - p I; 1 -, t I-. i; . . . l i,-V ' $"' Have You Seen ' Those Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and Higher. iKijl 11 II ttav 'IwiPJKthiTnlWw v& MaY- let AT Elliott Bros., iTAILOR8 oth Phones. 1210 O St i WHEN WALKOVERS GO ON W Whom Trophies Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 112 O 8trt Gotrell & Leonard ALIAHY, K; Y. MM it CAPS, I0WNS H4 hook ,Tl lM aSifleil HIMCN HI HflflflUli. suit mntiuts a trautn SPECIAL LADIES' MAN TAILORED 8UIT8 S11.35 to $40.00 JACKETS1 7.35 to $21.35 SKIRTS. . .'...$4.00 to $18.65 Misses' 8ulte. .$10.00 to $18.00 Work, goods and fit guaranted.. Also QENT8' TAILORING R, O. HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street Second of Artloles Comparing This University with Others. Following 1b a lottor from Edwin P. Myers, '04, now' at Harvard Law Collogd, on the subject of Nebraska's superiority. Mr. Myers writes as fol lows: To attempt to tell how Nebraska ex cols makes mo feel almost Immodest becauso I am from 'Nebraska myself, and each time that I root for Nebraska I will be tooting my own horn, which I learned 'when In the kindergarten Is a very noisy thing to do Yet there are many advantages In going to col lego at Nebraska and many, ways In which Nebraska does oxcel. The purpose of any school Is to do- voIor, polish and round off the Indi vidual man. There 1b much to bo said In favor of the old college with Its centuries of tradition, Its conception of college spirit that-is the growth and accumulation of tho ages. But; on tho other hand, there is much that Is advantageous in tho now school Hko Nebraska. "Wlillo In the older colleges tho ages that aro passed have handed down their customs, tra ditions and conceptions of colle'ge spirit that aro good and valuable, they have also handed down many that aro obsolete and useless. At a young col lego Hko Nebraska tho strong lndi vldual is able to do things without be ing mot on every hand by the long established conservatism and preju dice against Innovation. When ho pr poses a new and a Letter way of doinfe, or managing things or suggests that tho college life take on some new ac tivity ho has a far freer hand at Ne braska than-ho would havo at Har vard, and surely, tho individual gains power and develops his individuality by putting his own, ideas into active practise in tho activities of his college life. Nebraska still has and always will havo her co-eds, and I may say, that I still boliovo Iiy co-education. Tho social problem at Nebraska should bo much more easy to solve than It is at eastern schools, tho I am not persuaded that it is better solved there. Nebraska men never como from tho families, of the very rich, and there aro comparatively few in tho West of tho very poor. This sit uation produces a feeling that one Individual is somewhere near the equal of tho other, and this state of affairs should bo very conducive to a broadly democratic student body. Yet thiB Is one particular in which Nebraska Bpirit and ideals need developing. One sees much in tho editorial columns of tho Yale News and the Harvard Crimson, urging the men to make as broad a circle of' friends among their" classmate as possible. Many class smokers and class dinners aro . held for tho purpose of rounding out that broad good fellowship which makes a college man's life replete with pleas ant memories after he has bid his alma matqr good-bye. In this par ticular Nebraska does not excel. O c You art wearing batter cloth! ..than folrmtrty. i V YES, and far less money. Dresher, The 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Tailor ?y SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PAS8 E'CAUSE THEY ARK KEPT UP TO THE MARK AMD NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as lest fsr Athletes. BEND FOR THBBE, BOOKS NOW-JTEN OBNTi PBR COFT . No. 388. Group XVI Musole Building. By Dr. L. H. OtOltk, DlrMtor of Physical Training, N. T. Vubllo Sohools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. O. Murphy, tke wall known Athlotlo Trainer, new with Univ. of Penav No. 246. Group XH Athletto Training for lokoolboys. By Oao. W. ' Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a famovs athlete btmaaU. A copy of our comploto oatalogue of athletic goods will be a tike: tjeaa. requost. MAIL ORDER DEFT. A. G. SPALDING fc FJR08. U Nasuu 8t, NEW, YORK. 14 Waki.h v, CHIOAOO. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. rB V UNION COLLEGE 1 TAILORS RM?R x. Far Flrat Clan Tallar Inj at Law Frlta ." . . SI Awtt, 41 Cilligt Vltw U As to the Picnic. Sneak Day is a grand and glorious institution, but the Junior picnic Ngnyum! 2, - I Wauli LIka t be Your I -,' i - - - Laun4rymesi. 1 '. L SVii YULE BROS. I C. R.. Cushman,: a graduate student of Mining Geology and Chemistry, will go to thq gold fields of Nevada at tho clooo of the semester. ', The IVY PRESS "" SPRINTING Why Net Let Thesa It NwT BOTH hcrc Can I Get a HacK? ." At the Forbes Stables, o! course " ' . AUTO 1550 BELL 550 r GLEAN GOAL AT GREGORY'S u ,ii ,l a . ,l t .',!