h i w iwndNwgfc" r-s.cfc- -s - A Gbc Saits fUDraaHa.n Ml Mil SbelDatligFlefrragftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, Nkbrarka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND M8HDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. fiblkitlM Wfici, 126 N. 14th St. Edltor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knode, ;08 A.annlntn ttflltnr Clvda E. Elliott. '09 MnnnRlnff Editor .,A. E. Long. Athletlcn Hugh W. Craig, 07 Glen oral Mows . .Paul O. Burt, 'Or KOVIOWB uuuiuuo rauum, ' Convocation Laura Rhoados, 08 ABHlstnnt Athletics. Mlllor S. Benedict, 09 Awt Don; News..... Sidney a Kywis, '09 Departmiral....Earl R. Hunt, '08 II. L. WIlBon, '09 . Ouy Montgomery. '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '67 . Alexander J. Dunlop, '09 C. C. Hickman. '07 BunlncM Manager.... Byron E. Yodpr, 08 ABBlBtnnt Manager Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator .II. C. Robortaon, '09 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2MB and 4472 Editorial and Buslneis Offices BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poitofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, S2.00 PER YEAR " Pf tU tn Advnc Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. Individual notices win bo charged for at the rate of 10 Oenta por Insertion for. every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins will gladly be publUhed free. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, a second-claw mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. LET U8 HAVE IT. . Altho It id difficult to stnrt a move ment toward thoro organization of al umni, it 1b something that needs at tentl6n and continued attention until the difficulties in tho way bo overcome. This 1s urgent for tho reason that, al tho we may have become again some what less concerned over the loss of prominent men from the University and Bdmewhat Indifferent once moro to the appearance of campus buildings, the fact remalds that Nebraska's posi tion as the leader in this section of the West is, by no moans, moro se cure than a couple of weokB ago. In- O0000000000000000000000000 TODAY, THE EYES of the biggest, brainiest, most substantial men In business and the professions look upon the world through glasses. It simply shows rapid advance in the science of optics and the good sense of the American people. We shall be pleased to demon strate theefficacy of proper glasses to any who need them. HALLETT, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, 1143 0 ST. Established 1871. )OQO( deed, it is persistently rumored, and rumored with an audibility -bespeaking confidence, that another very promin ent man from Nebraska's faculty will soon be lost, one whom the University can ill afford to let go, yet whom It can with difficulty retnln If unable to offer him advantages equal to those of othor universities. Other schools, like Minnesota for instance, are making-worthy strides in obtaining new and brilliant men for the faculty and in extending and build ing up tho campus. At tho northern school just mentioned a new building is just being finished which 1b reputed to have cost over four hundred thous and dollars, and there on tho campus eOOOOOOOOXOOOOOOOOCXXXOOOOOOCX)CXXXOOCX)OOOOOX0000000 rMfiURSUBSCRIPTION NOW I &ooe090ooooo o o ooooooooooooo6 Pay Your SUBSCRIPTION F AND KEEP THE OFFICE GAT FAT aro to bo found Bovoral buildings of stone and elaborate architecture built to endue for a long period one longer than between the blonnium between two legislative sessions. There ,too, a largo amount has been sot aside for tho campus. There 1b a substantial growth. At Minnesota, however, tho alumni are well organized, and when they bo como possessed of a determination-respecting the old alma mater, thelegis latlvo body of the state somehow be comes converted to the idea also. , Or ganization of alumni can mean a great deal, especially when kept togethor by a weekly publication as they have at the school In question. Organization of alumni will prove a big power here and It will possess more influence at this tlmo than It ever could havo pos sessed at any time. Eighty Harvard students have been engagod by tho consulting engineer of Eyes Examined Free. the now Cambridge Bubway to make an, actual count and tabulation of the number of passengers, and number of stops of each street car in a certain district " Fred Lanagor, of Stanford Univer sity, vaulted 12 feet 4 inches in an exhibition trial, after breaking tho Pa cific Intercollegiate record by making 11 feet 11 9-10 inches In the Stanford California meet last week. . T. J. Pepperburg Is expected here Friday. As a member of the U. S. Survey at Washington, Mr. Pepper burg is sent to make investigations in tho coal fields of Idaho. " f-TWW Office of Internallofial Correspondence Schools, Koom a I, 1205 O St., Lincoln, Neh,. PIoohO ox plain, without further obligation on my part, now I can qualify for ft larger salary and gain advancement to tho position bofore which I have marked X. Bookkeeper Btonographor Advortlsln't Writer Tolophono Engineer Kloc-Llcrhtlncr Sunt Mechanical Enginoor Bhow-Card Writer iry Mocbanlcal Draf toman Olvil Engineer Ornamental Designer" Building Contractor Illustrator Architectural Draf to. Architect Structural Engineer Brldgo Enginoor Foreman Plumber Mining Englnoer Olvil Servico Cliomiat Toxtilo Mill Supt. lEloctrlolan Elootrical Engineer Namo St. and No. ... City St. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Found A Senior pin. braskan office. Call at Ne- Buy a pin, fob 'or spoon now at The University Book Store. The best place to eat in town Is at Don's. 114 So. 11th Street. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.T Have you Oxfords at beauties. seen those swell $4,00 Sanderson's;, they are Green's Barter Shops: Tho Rich ards, Tho Mogul. All modern. Best workmanship. Why did the Glee Club decorate with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Store? Have you made your spring decora tions use one of our pannants. The University Book Store. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mo Vey's, 125 No. 12th St Students wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 Windsor this week. Miss A. E. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St AUto 4603. There is no time like Harris' time. If your watch isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1187 O St Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you dan get a swell spring sampler at one-half price. Sander son's. Students make big money selling the Scarborough late maps of Nebraska. Exclusive territory and free instruc tions given. Call for particulars on J. R. Carrothers, 1815 South St BAND INFORMAL FRIDAY, NINE ARMORY. Gregory's Washed Coal $6.50 LlaBBBBBk avVlft I BBBBBBBT I '""BBBBBBBBBF "- " If you want to be graceful and light footed go to SANDERSON'S and let them fit you to a pair of their new Party Slippers. They are beauties. - ' BASE BALL GOODS Sole Agents for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. We alsd carry the Spalding line. Special prices to club on bats, balls, mitts, and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCUE CO. 1324 O 8t. Only bicycle and sporting goods bouse on O street. OXXXJOOOOOOOCXXDOOOOOOOOOOOQ COLUMBIA NATIONAL IANK 0F LINCOLN, NEIRAtKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 irrxxicxxxxjcxjiDoc MAY 7 P. M. . 50 CENTS !sbBBT. ABBkfci'-.flfcvi Y ' v I The Evans 1 Dm Your WaMn 1 irfln . t