The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 16, 1907, Image 1

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atl IRebraekan
rol.VI. No. 136.
Price 5 Cents.
b ' -
Messrs. Aladdin and Tschlakowsky
i Address Big Crowd at Convocation
t on the' RUssian 8truggle.
Friday, May 17, 2 P. M..
Convocation yesterday morning
took on an especial significance as an
event in University history when two
Russian patriots, presented their
cause of freodom and liberty to the
sympathy of an audience that filled
Memorial Hall to its capacity.
The younger of the two statesmen,
Mr. Aladdin, spoko of the privileges
enjoyed by American students under
the Stars and Stripes. Russian stu
dents . are, not. so fortunate . nor so
learned nor so well trained, yet they
have undergone many sacrifices and
aro our equals because they have done
their duty. The Russians, when strug
gling on a foreign soil under a foreign
flag, fought as bravely and as grimly
as now is a struggle for honor,
freedom and liberty. .They love peace
but the transformation "necessary to
the attainment of free press, free
speech .and .assembly can not be
brought about peaceably.
In one year 14,000 men, women and
children are killed; 30,000 die in exile;
and, sinco the police- department re
fuses. Co say how many die in prison,
the lowest estimate of deaths is
50,000. This sort of peace the people
do not like, and they "believe it is far
better to havo'a battle royal once for
all and lose once for all than to be
drained and bled year after year-,. Yet
iifttie Dumabvery effort is being made
to 'save this h great country from the
horrors of civil war, for if civil war
does come to Russia,' the horrors of
the French, Revolution will fade away
in comparison ' ' ' w
Mr. TschiaUowsky, a loader among
the people, tno not of the Duma,
spjoke of reforms as related to the
czar. It has 'been the Imperial forces
which have pushed the masses to tho
wall and persecuted them relentlessly,
declaring, the villagers must obey;the
nobles. Themassos of people cannot
believe in" the czar, "tho little father,"
since ho has broken khis word with
them so many times, considering it his
right to do so v whenever convenient
to, Mm. Their cry. has. been, 'IGet.
land .anl liberty for us at any cost
W(( can't live under this longer."
Their , other motto is ''Liberty ' and
land.," The people have had no
arms; their only force has been
courage of thought and they have be
'll'evod and preached it Thus they
undertook to shake the foundations of
tho great empire founded by the Tar
tars seven centuries ago and kept up
by the Greek church and German bu
reaucracy.' The Russian people have
not been to 'blame in rising thus, for
over1 six hundred massacres "have been
organized against people who, like
the Finns, have been most faithful
and law-abiding citizens.
, The czar is at the head of a se
cret society, yfhen the people stop-
ped the railroads and poles and tele
(Continued on page 3.)
University Athletic Field.
Biggest Event Ever Held on the Campus
All are very much concerned over
the sudden disappearance of the 80
nior class. Not a member has been
seen on the campus and it is feared
something has gone wrong.
Number of Book Will Be Out
Next Week.
Tho first annual CornhUBker will be
placed on sale not week. The en
tire edition of the book has been
printed and now is in the bindery
where the covers are being made and
Over 400 Entries, 140 Men, 23 Schools
Scores of Contestants on Field ..'
at' Same Time.
Junior Jollification to Include an Elab
orate Feed.
The committee in charge of the Jun
ior Picnio felt at its last meeting that
it had achieved a decided victory, in
successfully arranging two important
details of tho Jollification which will
come off Saturday afternoon, at Ep
worth Park. First, It was definitely
reported that A. H. Miller, manager of
scheduled a game with tho Lincoln Y.
M. C. A. Juniors, for 4 o'clock Saturday
afternoon at Epworth Park. It was
further reported that cortaln price con
cessions had been secured in the pic
nic arrangements, which would give
the refreshment committeo 3 cents per
person more, to devoto to the menu.
Only, a committee that has planned a
menu for a hundred people can realize
just how much an oxtra three cents
per capita may mean, In the way of
ice-cream, oranges, and other dainties,
But suffice to say, that every picnicker
who comes will be well fed; there will
be plenty of fun for everybody; and
altogether it will be perhaps the pleas
antest event of the Junior college year.
Tho picnickers will go on special
street cars, which will leave Eleventh
and R streets promptly at 1:20 Satur
day p. m. All Juniors aro urged to
buy their tickets at once. The commit
tee wlli .take care of everybody that
comes, to tho picnic; but In order to
cut down expenses, it is important
that the committeo know the day be
fore about how many wjll attend. Tic
kets, may be had of Mary E. Brown,
J. C. McNlcol, M. A. Fills, Florence
Tillotson, O. O. Johnson, Jennie Whlt
more, M. F. Wasson.
1 M0
a Bird From the Cornhusker.
the final work done on the annual.
Editor Myers will announce the lat
ter part of this week the exact date
when the book will be ready for dis
tribution. Orders are still being taken for the
Cornhusker at $1.75 and the price will
not be raised to $2.00 until next week.
About 900 subscriptions for the book
have been received up to date. .
How Other Universities Are
Two years ago the appropriations to
the following universities were: Uni
versity of Arkansas, $235,000; Univer
sity of California, $909,000; University
of Georgia; $442,000; University of Il
linois, $446,000; University of Texas,
$540,000; University of Missouri, $844,
000; University of Wisconsin, $1,140,
000. This year the appropriations to
many of these same universities has
more than doubled.
Sophomore Annual Hop
f; MAY 17, 1907
The annUnl N. I. A. A. meet to be
hold on the University athlotlc field
tomorrpw afternoon, is to bo thb' big
gest event of the kind over pulled off
In the stato. Up to the present there'
have been ovo.r 400 entries in the vari
ous ovonts; 23 schools will bo repre
sented and 140 men will be on 'the flelo?
during the course of tho afternoon. At
2 o'clock1 there will bo enougb?ovdnta
going onr to perauado thospeotator he
is witnessing a modern circus, since
five events, four 'field events and the
100-yard daBh.are allcty boidtarted at
the same time, there, will: be 30 men
In the 100-yard dash, 40 in tho .two
twonty, 36 in tho 440-yard run, 37 In
tho half mile, 34 in tho mile, 16 in
the high hurdles, 18 in the low hur
dles, 28 In the shot put, 25 in the -hammer
throw, 23 in the discus throw
21 In tho pole vault, 28 In the broad
Jump, 24 In the high Jump, 66 men lU.
from-15 schools In the half-mile relay
The following schojols havo ton
tered: Ashland,, Auburn, Aurora, Be
atrlce, Beaver City, Columbus, Crete,
Falrbury, Falls City, Franklin Acad-
emy, Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings.
Humboldt, Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha,
Pawnee City, Schuyler, Shubort, To
bias, Wahoo, York. No school will be
allowed to .enter more' than ten men!
in the meet and only two men from1
each team may compete In any one'
event. First place' will count s'ppints;
second, 3 points, and third, 1- pblnij '
To the contestant winning first will;
be awarded a fine silyer medal, second
place will draw a bronze modal of the
same pattern, and the third man. -will;
receive a ribbon. Besides 'thes tro-'
phles, a penantVill go to'ttie winning,
relay - team,' another to the athlotlc
team winning the meet and a gold
medaris to be awarded the individual'
scoring the' most points. 7 ... '.
The program for the afternoon, has
been very definitely arranged' as fol-, ' '
lows: , .
10Q-yard dash Preliminary heats 1,
2 and 3, at 2 o'clock; preliminary
heats 4, 5 and 6, at 2:05; semi-final
heats 1 and 2, at 2:15. v ' , ..
One-half mile run at 2:20 o'clock.
100-yard finals at 2:25 o'clook,
120-yard hurdles Preliminary
heats, 1, 2, 3 and 4 at 2:35 o'clock;
finals at 2:55.
220-yard dash Preliminary heats 1, ' ,
2f 3, 4 and 5 at 3 o'clock; preliminary
heats 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, at 3:15.
220-yard . hurdles Preliminary '
heats 1, 2, 3, and 4, at 3:30 o'clock.
220-yard dash -Semi-final heats 1, ,
2 and 3 at 3:45 o'clock. t
220-yard hurdles Semi-final heats 1 L
and 2, at 3:65 o'clock. f ' . '.'
- 220-yard dashFinal heat at 4:06 -
' ' , t ' i
o'cldck. : , , .
220-yard hurdles Final heat at 4:10 ' .' ,
. , (ComtlsMed o pe I.) - . ,' -v v