Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
'&$8Sfe& t "...Mfcttw , I.. (T b e i I v B c b r M h n vB ittf-r - V ' "" . , m T 'I.V K i I f OLIVER THEATRE i Wi THURSDAY NIGHT, MAY 16 EX-SENATOR BURTON OF KANSAS, ON THE POLITICAL COMMUNITY OF . INTERESTS f " P.RICE8 Ore, 60c. Bal. 25c. FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 17. CHARLES B. HANFORD IN "JULIUS CAESAfi" PRICE8 $1.50, $1.00, 76, 60 A 25c. SAT. MAT. & EVE., MAY 18. "A COWBOY'S GIRL" Mat., 25 & 10c. Eve., 50, 30, 20 & 10c f$lMiMIl"l ..LYRIC THEATRE.. HARRY H. RICHARD & CO. RU88ELL & HELD CHAPMAN & NELSON a j CROUCH & RICHARD8 Ttv, . ' ... , JAJJK WILDE Illustrated Song, "The Bird on Nellie's Hat." THE LYR08COPE Ladles 8ouvenlr Matinees, Tuescdays and Fridays. THE ELITE Continuous Shows from 1:30 to i:30 C" ".and 7:00 "to 10:30 D. m. i THE OLD COAT 8TORY THE CLOWN AND STATUE THE ARTI8T'8 HAND HI8 FIRST RIDE THE DOG 8NATCHER8 THE BANDIT KING f. ILLU8TRATED 80NG8 lWhen the-Flowers Blobnr In the " Spring, Mollle Dear," f" Paul 8chroeder "'Twas'Only a, Face In 'the Firelight" - By Miss Robinson. - m HUYLEWW - n -tons. univ : II. s. s. SHEAN, Qptlclll i ;j 1123 I STREET. YELLOW FRONT i YOUR PATRINAOESOLICITED. I BUSINESS DIRECTORY j ------aBaaaaaa-a--f ( vary ejral Ualvaralty Itadaat U j j rg4 to yatreaUa theaa Xaaraf ka advertisers, aad to aaaatloa 1 1 taa paper wklla delay t t I aaf Baf aVaVaV F aW aaf aW aat aW aW aW aaf aaf aal aaf aaf aaf aal aW aaf aaf aaflJ BARBER SHOPS Green's ShopB, The Richards; Tho Mogul. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Petry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAPE Sam Wosterfield, Don Cam eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, The Sterling. COAL Gregory, Whitebreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol som. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol Bhelmor, Rudgo & Guenzel. DRUGGISTS Rector, Riggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE The Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY 12.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Herpolshelmer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Melick, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING New Century, George Bros., McVey, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice. Crancer. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's,. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoe Co. , SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog, Elliott Bros., Dresher. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. UNIVER8ITY BULETIN. May. Wednesday, 15 Sophomore Class mooting. .Mem. Hall, 12 m. '. , Convocation, Messrs. Aladdin and Tschlakowsky, 11 a. m. Noon Meeting Y. W. C. A. State , Secretary Ethel SlmmonB. Thursday, 16. Candy Sale, Y. W. C. A. Friday, 17. Dean L. A. Sherman, "Turglneff," at Convocation. Sophomore party, Fraternity Hall.- Saturday, 18. Junior picnic. Friday, 24, Professor George D. Ayors, "Charles "Sumner,' afCon vocation.' ' Pan Hellenic Hop.- Auditorium. Friday, 31. , Hon-. Albert w. Watklns, "Lincoln and Douglas," at "Convocation. 'We WiiI4 Like im be Your I Laundrymen, , I I YULE BROS, i 1 '3 BARBER SHOP & , i :: CIGAR STORE :: ; ; 5 W.M.pjkJTH-L,fA; PMHlitn X i ; i im f.MiTMKUi av-nBl aid ; i JUNIOR8 MEET. Talk About Bobsleds and Indulge In a Little Foolishness. A Junior class mooting was hold yesterday morning at which tho only matter discussed woe the Junior pic nic to bo held next Saturday. Tho committee pledged themselves to see that skates', bob-sleds and all othor means of amusement suitable to tho season would bo on hand at tho prop er time. After the meeting adjourned a pleas ant little recreation was indulged in by the class and tho chief form In which this desiro for diversion found vent was tho tossing of tho reporter who had been detailed to cover this momentous event for the Nobraskan. The Historical Society Library re cently received a copy of tho first volume of "Washington Papers," be ing the correspondence of George Washington to the Continental Con gress. C. A. Sunderlin, Ivy Day orator of '07, will dellvor the commencement address .to this year's graduating class at Weston. Tho mid-week prayer meeting this evening will be led by Robert Ashby in the Association rooms. Y. W. C. A. Campaign. Tho University Y. W. C. A. will soon start a campaign to raiBo J400 to fur nish their rooniB. A good plan has been made for raising the money and the leaders of tho organization oxpect to have little trouble in securing tho desired sum. Baseball Managers. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock tho four managers of the class baseball teams will meet on tho athletic field to arrange for tho championship games, College BasebaJI. Chicago, 11; Northwestern 0. Indiana, 18; Northwestern 0. Pennsylvania, 4; Yale, 3. Cornell, 1; Harvartl, 0. Washington, 1; St. Louis C. Kansas, 17;' Arkansas, 3. A circular letter Ib being sent out by the Historical Society to all tho editors in Nebraska, asking for in formation to be used in a history of the Nebraska press. This volume will be written and published jointly by the State Historical Society and the Nebraska Press Association. Professor Davlsson leaves today on a two weeks' trip thru the East to in spect agricultural schools. Penvsyl--vanla and Cornell will be among tho schobls visited by Mr. Davlsson. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Mabel Bennett, formerly a student In tho University, to Mr. E. W. Julian, May 29. The twentieth annual report of the Nebraska Experiment Station con taining 16 pages hoe just been issued. The Missouri state' legislature has passed a MM prohibiting saloons within five miles of Columbia, where the State, University ,1s located. The bill now Jacks" only .Governor Folk's signature to make it a law. ' Purdue .University has a baseball diamond which is reserved for the ex elusive use of members of the faculty. JLJX-i-t n ri f-i r ' ' AjrSJAFE b9b Prtsrlettr BBP!la Siwolal Service ( jl 8 VnT PARTIES Rr BeH Phone 355 V Q Auto t...i..3305 i"i i A Sttclilty In Oysters In Siish !; 3 117-19-21 No. 13th 81. ' '; BTTho Only Up-to-Dafo Hall in tho City. The Monarch BILLIARDS AND POOL j , AUGUST BLAD0, 1134 N STREET Preprtelor., t LJnoifRrNtjj.' '' Wcbuy school-books And w trad fn to tnj pptUal tmr Book WtnUd" OataloTMotor rfi cuool-booki, wun mo jmeai.Mwiuea VWaM We pay cash For all muktUbl tcnool-booki, or if ' auxrta. urn ercait cuoiixnrasiu on c count, to b Mid tr utia etMr cJiol- , book from tuat tollmta nfdtd. I HUM 1e V0BII 81-335 W. 16th St., Ntw.Toik Oily. XmtbntMt ai. ON A .SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER THE DANCE OALLKf Tfifl Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company (For Good, Frontft LIVERY SERVICE . . r i -i 1 UNDERWOOD VISIILE TYPEWRITERS I3I Nirth EltvtHth Itll 141. llll T.J.THORrfcCO. Mi IM vaata. liaaa CMwl) Kcyt LMk SriMMml 301 $, lit, Litem fi'BEST 16 CENT MEAL IN 8 P THE. CITY. g . I , I 1 ? i. i WM nui CfMUrw