- Vf "VP " fLbc Dalit flcbr a nn ,. Vrryv r Ki-v'v i V m il ' IV u i ii l ' I l Have You These4 Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and Higher. Nebraekans at Panama. Mr. H. Pt Warren, who is an assist ant engineer on the Panama railroad, and who is spending his vacation in Lincoln,, gives the following account of Nebraska men whom he has met on the Zone: Charles It. Sargent, Law '04, is chief clerk for G. L. Campen, Superintendent of Public Works for Panama. L. M. Huntington, C. E. '03, In Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, under Mr. Campen. Charles Uorg, Law '05, has a responsible posi tion with the department of Law and Government. Mr. Warren reports that the above mentioned men are in the best of health and are doing very well In their positions. TT Elliott Bros., TAILORS Both Phones. 1210 O St BASE BALL GOODS MJ Sole "Agents for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic GoodB. We also carry the SD&ldlng line.t Special prices to clubs OTTbatB, balls, imltta and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. .1324 O St. Only bicyole and sporting goods house on O street. The Engineering Society is making arrangements to bring E. E. Howard of the Arm of Waddell & Harrington to the University to give a lecture on 'Records." The firm of Waddell & Harrington Is perhaps the foremost among bridge onglneors in the coun try, and the society expects a very good talk from Mr. Howard, who is the chief man for the firm, and who has had very wide experience along his line. O .-?. C ' You are wearing batter clothe than formerly. YES, and for lass monay. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Another explosion occurred in the Chemical laboratory yesterday after noon In which G. S. Heffelbower had his hair and coat somewhat singed. He was making an experiment with benzine when the liquid became ig nited and an explosion resulted. For tunately no one was injured. See the Sun. The observatory will be open to the public from 1 to 3 p. m. today for a view of the sun. There is now quite a conspicuous group of sunspots visible on the solar surface. SPECIAL LADIES' MAN TAILORED SUITS. , $11.35 to $40.00 JACKET 8 7.35 to $21.35 8KIRT8 .$4.00 t9 $11.65 MfftMs Suite. .$10.0S to $18.00 Wark, gooaa and lit guarantsd.. Alao '" aCNTB' TAILORING ! C HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street Alpha Zeta fraternity will give a banquet at the Llndoll hotel tonight. Governor Sheldon will be one of the guests. A list of toasts is to be re sponded to after the repast. George Berger of the Kearney schools was a visitor at the University yesterday. While in the University Mr. Berger was known as "Stub" and was considered a great foot ball player. SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PASS BECAUSE THEY ARE KEPT UP TO THE MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as Beet far Athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CWfTS PER COPT No. 288. Group XVI Muscle Building. Br Dr. L. H. Oalleav Dire , of Physical Training, N. T. Piblio Sehools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. Bjr M. O. Marahr, tka watt-, known Athletlo Trainer, naw with Ualr. of.Penm. No146. Group XII Athletta Training for Sokoolboys. Bjr Of, W. Ortoa of the Unlr. of Penn. and a famoa athlete smmU. copy of our complete oatalogue of athletlo gooda will be nutlet" aa request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING A, BR08. 121 Nassau 8t., NEW YORK. 14f Wabash Ave., CHICASO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CATO&I SC,000.00 Sarplna and PreflU.... HP.000.00 SKP08ITS 3,0)) t,t)00.0O GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SMBSBBlBSBBSSBBBBSBBBBBBlJUf EJ II B COAT-'SHIRT ON AND OFF LKE A COAT. THE MOD CRN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FABRICS. $1.60 AND MORE Cluctt, Pcabody A Co. MARCH Or QLUC.Tr AND ARROW OOLLAlia Earl PranBworth, 03, has been vlBlt ing at the Delta Tau fraternity house for the past few days. It may be re membered that Mr. Farnsworth while in University hold the tennis cham pionship of the west. L FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right. Phones: Bell 234; Auto .1610. Office 1106 O. ooo R E S U L TS TELL The Legislature Reference JBureau is being much used by students of Pro fessor Aylsworth's class in politics. This class is doing work in drawing up Original legislative bills. The Historical Society recently re ceived from Yale College the diary of one of its early presidents, President Stiles, who lived over one century ago. His work is found in three volumes. We claim to fee the best OLBANEM ana DYMS la Llaaala aa are hare to arava It Oar matfcods aai maaalaary art fee TSSIY ULTMT and oar warkatea the bast that homj aaa aaaara. We cleaa taa maaat draaaes an robas wlthoat aaaar eflsaiag t aarlnMag ana gaaraataa mat to lajare them la air war. Wa alaa eftaaa gentlaman's elethlag af all htaaa. Goods called Itr aaa dellr arad. AH faaaM thoraaghs atarillxed. Wa do alterlac aai rapalriag. Fieae Ball 14T 111! N street Pheaa Aato ii all errfte far arioe Net Lftaaota, Wea. J. C. Wood & Company osxxK)ooaoaooooooobooooooooo Have you seen those Bwell $4,00 Oxfords at Sanderson's; they are beauties. Jl Vmmmmmmmmmammammmmmmtmam 1 Tka Ui4vtrt4t Uhi Till I I TIE MEST toll NM AW HsCB MM I I l33QQSrRBBT Stetson's totam toe, that's the swell shoo for young men. Sanderson's have them. I UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS X. Main Ctlligt BUILi I N Fer First Olatt TeNtr lug at Lew Prim . , , Si Aut, 41 CHt Vkw j The IVY PRESS "- te PRINTING Why Not Let Thes Deft Now? OTHlsOMO LLEORETTI GIOCOLATES AT REQORS .0 i- iv 3 J r Ml GUfrl ) .