The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1907, Image 1

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Ml 3ath flebraeftan
Vol. VI. No. J29.
Price 5 Cents.
Iowa Aggies Had a Snap in Baseball
and a Fairly Easy Time In the
Track Events Scores.
Ames defeated Nebraska in the dual
track meet last Saturday by a score of
89-17. The Iowa "Aggies" had a for
midable aggregation of athletes and
proved very strong In almost every
event winning ten out of the fifteen
firsts. Their men were in better con
dition than those of Nebraska, as thoy
have been working all winter anil have
better facilities for training. This
told especially in the distance runs.
Nebraska men nil ran well, every man
running to his limit oven tho beaten,
but spirit "pepper" was not enough.
Burruss did good work taking first
In . the .100-yard dash, second In the
two-twenty, tying for second In the
high junip, and winning tho half mile
relay, making up a long lead which
his opponent had to start with. Dun
lap received-a bad fall In the low hur
dles which injured him considerably,
but he should be in good shape again
by next Saturday. The day was cold
and the track slow, otherwise better
work would have been done. Tho
Ames men proved themselves thoro
sportsmen and the rivalry, tho keen,
was characterized by good feeling on
both sides. Nebraska's team is yet
only in tho developing stage and should
be able to give a much bettor account
of itself in the meets to come.
The summary Is vis follows:
100-yard dash Burruss, Nebraska,
first; Knowles, Ames, second; Dun
lap, Nebraska, third. Time, 10 2-5
Pole vault B. McDonald, Nebraska,
first; McCullough, Ames, second;
.Jeansen, Ames, third. Height 10
Discus throw Thayer, Ames, first;
Laughlln, Ames, second; Krozer, Ne
braska, third. Distance, 122 feet; G
inches. ,
One-mile run Van Martpr, Ames,
first; Morgan, Nebraska, second;
Davis," Ames, third. Time, 4 minutes,
44 2-5 seconds.
Running high jump Knode, Nebras
ka, first; Hennlngor, Ames, second;.
Burruss, Nebraska, third. Height, 5
feet, 4 3-4 Inches. ,
120-yard hurdles Hennlngor, !me3,
first;, Nevlll, Amos, second; Mc
Donald, Nebraska, third. Time, 1G
1:5 seconds.
440-yard hurUles Hubbard, Ames,
first; Can, Ames, second; Qralg, Ne
braska, third. Time, 55 seconds.
1G pound shot put Wejler, Nebras
ka, first; Brugger, Ames, second;
Lampman, Ames, third. Distance, 37
feet, 6 inches.
22Q-yard hurdles Nlcholl, Ames,
first; McDonald, Nebraska, second;
Hennlnger, Ames, third. Time, 28 1-5
Broad jump -Lambert, Ames, first;
Jones, Ames, second; Gralg, 'Nebras
ka, third. Distance, 21 feet, 1 1-4
Inches. . . "
8S0-yard run Beard, Ames, first;
.(Continued from page 3.)
V Orchestra
Company B. Hop
i One Dollar,! FRIDAY, MAY 1 0
Elected Head of Botany Department
at Minnesota.
Dr. Fredrick E. Clements, of the Bot
any department, has been elected to
the position of Professor of Botany at
the University of Minnesota. He has
not as yet sent his acceptance of the
offer, but It Is probablo ho .will. He
will reach a final decision either today
or tomorrow. It is an excellent offer,
since Minnesota has one of the best
equipped departments In the country.
The head of the department previously
was Professor C. O. McMillan, who
graduated here In 1885. Professor Mc
Millan resigned the position about a
year ago In order to engage In busi
ness In Philadelphia, so that the posi
tion has been open for some time, Tho
matter was just recently taken up by
the president and Dr. Clements elec
ted nt his suggestion.
Triumphant Over Capture of Freshman
Master of Ceremonies.
The Sophomore class or at least a
part of It boasts of having accom
plished for the first time In four years,
the feat of withholding a dance ofTlcial
from his class-mates.
Laurence Hollnnd, after being cap
tured at the corner of Eighteenth and
E streets, Thursday night, was con
veyed to the Royal hotel. His hiding
place was discovered by some Fresh
men, but the Sophs were able to get
their prisoner to the Burlington yardB,
whence ho was transferred to Emerald.
He was brought back about eleven
o'clock Saturday night,, and taken to
tho dance-hall. Fearing a disturbance,
tho janitor of the building refused
them entrance and telephoned for the
police, upon whose arrival all the Soph
omores but the one who wns hand
cuffed to Holland fled. "Tho Siamese
Twins" then proceeded to ohjoy the re
mainder of tho evening.
Warrants for tho April salaries have
been received at tho office of tho Sec
rotary of tho University.
l - "
Order Now
Out-of-Tpwn Orders for
Must Be In at One
I : D $1.75-NOW-$.175
So Did the Latin Club at Banquet Sat
urday Evening.
The Latin Club Introduced a now
and pleasant feature in their organi
zation in the forni of club banquet,
which was held at the home of Miss
Luclle Long at 6:30 last Saturday
evening. Every feature of this ban
quet was decidely Latin and Roman.
Roman delicacies were served In sev
eral courses In the ancient Roman
fashion, und were enjoyed with a truly
Roman relish.
Another thing that rendored the ban
quet unique In character was tho fact
that each guest assumed the Latin
namo of some ancient Roman worthy,
and endeavored to make his behav
ior thmout the evening conform to the
character of tho dignitary whoso
name ho had chosen. Naturally
enough, this made it necesary that
the toasts be given In Latin; and so
they were, under the appropriate titles
that follow: "Arbiter Loquendi," by
Octaria (Luclle Long); "De Medita
tlonibus Mols," Marcus Aurelius (Prof.
Barber); "Quo Modo Germanus Re
gain'," Arlovlstus (Albert Aron);
"Haec Ornamenta Moa Sunt," Cornelia
(Jossle Thompson); "OcuII Mel ad
Brltannlam Vortunt," Julius Caesar
(Samuel Rlnakcr).
The toasts were pointed and witty,
and were delivered with all tho graco
of Ciceronian oratory. These various
features of the program brought about
such a thoroly Roman atmosphere
that It Is said even the applause and
laughter was Latin.
The Athletic Board Members Will Be
Chosen Tomorrow.
Tho annual Athletic Board election
will be held Wednesday, May 8, to
chose the student members of the
board. Tho men to be voted for are:
H. W. Craig, J. A.. Murphy, E. C. Zlm-
.merer, F. W. Bellamy and C. A. Clark.
All students who have registered for
this election are urged to cast their
votes tomorrow.
O ffl O (rwrsMrewnntj7
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Speaks Before 8mll Audience Tells
What Subjects Are Most Impor
tantEnglish Placed First.
An approciatlvo, but not large, audi
ence greeted Professor Kent in Me
morial Hall Friday night, when ho de
livered his addroBs on "Education for
Life and for Life Work," tinder the
auspices of the Engineering Society.
Professor Kent showed hlniBolf well
preparod on his subject and delivered
himself, in a clear-cut, emphatic man
ner. H1b remarks Bhowod a unique
and original trend of thought and
those who listened to him expressed
the greatest satisfaction In his treat
ment of tho subject.
Dr. Kent took up tho matter of edu
cation from tho primary up to tho
college courso and outlined tho many
variations and changes and reforms
which ho would suggest as a means of
bringing our standard of education up
to whore It should bo. He emphasized
the Biibjects which should bo taught
in the high school In tho order of their
importance, as follows: First, English,
which ho considered the most impor
tant of all the branches, and tho sub
ject which Is too much slighted in
most of our high schools at the pres
ent tlmo. Especially BhoiUd tho abil
ity to speak and express one's self bo
watched and guarded, ho declared.
Second, mathematics; third, history,
Amorlcan preferred, "with a mixture of
civil government; fourth,, drawing,
which ho considered ono of tho moBt
useful tpolB of expression, since a man
to make himself clearly understood, at
the present day and age, should be
able to presout his ideas In a concrete
way upon pnper. Fifth, physical
science; sixth, natural science; bov
enth, language, which he considered
tho least important of tho seven
branches mentioned. Ho preferred
modern to ancient languages, and
raised the point If wo are to take a
subject, bucIi as language, for. tho
brain development which It brings to
us, why not at tho same time get some
thing like a modern language, which
will be an risset of usefulness In our
after life, as well as a mind trainer?'
Ho then brought out the Idea that the
high school course should be arranged
with reference to those who do not
expect to go higher, as these people
formed tho majority of tho students In
our high schools.
Dr. Kent then outlined tho requisites
of education by taking them up In tho
following order: J
1. Tho student must first learn .to
give his attention.
2. He must uso and develop his pow
ers of observation.
3. Ho must acquire tho power of con
centration. '
. 4. He must learn to bo able to re
sort to Invention, or to group together
his ldens'ln his mind.
5. He must develqp his. power of con
centration, should Uo able to put his
Ideas on' paper, or to construct In con
crete form his Inventions. '
C. Ho .must then resort to experiment
(Continued on page 3.)
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