vrfHa).r.f;..;w, . v -- . P jWjjMWBBHBBB xrsmB A-. fcbe Dal Is U br as ftan 'HOW THE COLD WORLD FEELS." w i'i ft r 1 1 Have You Seen Those Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest Eastern ' College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and Higher. AX Elliott Bros., TAILORS Both Phones. 1210 O St. BASE BALL GOODS Wf nil ySy A Sole AgentB for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. We also carry the Spalding lino. Special prices to clubs on bats, balls, mitts and untforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1324 O 8t. Only bicycle and sporting goods house on O streot. am a. j IcOAT'SHIRT 1'-J I ON AND OFF L KC A 1 COAT. THE MOD- LI CRN SHIRT IDEA, flfl WHITE OR CGLOR ! CAST FABRICS. ' H $1.50 AND MORE I H ClUtTT, PtABOOY & CO. I 'aadH ui"ii or oiutT 1 jSBBSBBSB9 nnow I Second Article on the 8ubject by Miss L. Stotter, 1906. The HMCund article on "How the Cold World Fools" Is written by Miss I ..eta Stotter, who graduated from the University last year. .Miss Stotter dis courses hb follows: In writing on "How the Cold World Fools," permit mo to submit the fol lowing from my observations "out in the weather": The time is approaching when a new class will pass out from the alma ma ter into this same world, and perhaps they are already drawing their mental cloaks tighter and shivering at the prospect. Believe me. you who are on the threshold, "the cold, cold world" is nothing but a proverb with n fallacy In it, like the saying that "overy man has his price." My observation up to date has been that "the world" derives its "tempera ture" largely from the Individuals who go out into it. If the person will see to it that his own "temperature" bo of a genial and suIHclent warmth, "the cold, cold world" can nover freeze him. He will find it comfortable and good. He can never know that there 1b such a quality as "coldness," any more than a lighted lamp can realize what darkness is. "Cold" is negative. If the individual radiate the positive quality, It will be dispelled inevitably. The' man who Hrst gave utterance to the doleful and widely quoted sen timent concerning "the cold, cold world" was undoubtedly either a Chinese laundryman who wanted to be president, or one of those numer- I oub creditors to whom the world owes a living. Its author voiced a fallacious philosophy, and the fallacy lay in mis locating the Bource of misery. If an Individual be prepared for Ills work, and have a share of the "warm" qualities, cheer, good-temper, amia bility. he will never feel the "cold." This last may sound like a para- graph from a sermon, but I am sure other alumni will bear me out in these observations. LI3TA STETTBR, '06. O C You art wearing ' better clothes 'than formwly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PA88 BECAUSE THEY ARK KEPT UP TO THI MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL iTANDARD. Recognized Universally as Beat 'for Athlates. SEND FOR THBBB BOOKS NOW TEN CBNTB PHR COPT No. 238. Group XVI Musclo Building;. By Dr. L. H. Onllck, Director of Physical Training, N. Y. Public Sohools. No. 27. Group XII College Athlotlca. By M. C. Murphy, the wen known Athletic Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. No. 246. Group XII Athletic Training for Schoolboys. By Gao. "Vf. Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a famous atklete himself. A copy of our completo catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo R E S U L TS TELL ON THE TRAIL. Wo claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to prove it. Our methods and machinery are the VERY LATEST and our workmen the best that money can secure. We clean the finest drosses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to lnjuro them In any way. Wo also elean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and dollv ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering aad repairing. Phono Bell 147 1820 N street Phone Auto 1891 Call or write for prloe list. Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Wood & Company oooooooooooooooooooooooooo SPECIAL LADIE8' MAN TAILORED SUITS ..$11.85 to $40.00 JACKETS 7.35 to $21.35 SKIRTS $4.00 to $18.65 Misses' Suits. .$10.00 to $18.00 Work, goods and fit guaranted.. Also GENTS' TAILORING C HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street R. mmmmamKKmmimmmmmmammmtkmmmmmmmm&mmamummmm X capital aieo;ooo.oo Xj X Surplna ami Profits...'. 1 0,000.00 Q I P DMPOSIT8 3,00,000.00 Qi J W I I Freshmen Are Earnestly Searching for I Their Man. I At the latest report last night the J Freshman master of ceremonies, kld I napped some time Thursday, had not yet been definitely located by the anx ' tons Freshmen. It was rumored for a time that he was imprisoned In a second-story room on O streot, but a I diligent search revealed nothing, i The Freshmen, however, declure 1 they will rescue Mr. Holland before to- night, and that he will preside at the Freshman Hop this evening. The wires were hot "with detective work late yesterday afternoon and evening, and it Is evident that the first year men are doing all In their power for their- man. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. QOOCXXXXXXX)OOOOOOOC Ha T.J.TIIORPfcCO. Rubber Stamps, Slenoll, Seal, Trade Checks, Key Lock Smlthlnp, General Machine Work, Moid Maker, Ete. 308So,'UU, LI.COU Seniors Did It. In accordance with the plans as mentioned in yesterday's Nebraskan, the Seniors took charge of special Convocation at 5 o'clock yesterday af ternoon. The program, with but one or two exceptions, was followed as announced and all "did themselves pround." f UNION COLLEGE a TAILORS Main Colligt BUILDING For First Class Tailor ing at Low Priest . , . oTHf Auto, 48 Colltp Vliw gj The IVY PRESS PRINTING Has Done ,Your Why Not Let Th Do It Now? mnr looatjohmms s. BOTH PHONES ALIKRETTI (MATES AT RECTORS r r i ; X