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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1907)
Sbe XDaito IFlebraekan v , "') Vol. Vfc No. tit. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN,, SATURDAY, MAY 4, J907. Price 5 Cents. AT illFC T A n A V I ocKcMCHKKoootf oc a i iivilo muni ORNHU8KERS TO CLASH WITH THE IOWA AGGIES. Track Meet and Baseball Game Agri ) QUlturajUts Are strong Nebraska Athletes Left Yesterday. EIGHT CORHHUSKERS WHO ARE AT AMES TODAY , The Nebraska and the Iowa Agricul ture college athletes will meet in a .track contest and a baseball game Jit Ameg this afternoon. The Cornhusker track team left Lin coln for the Jqwa city at 1:35 over the Northwestern railroad yesterday aftor non and the baseball nine followed a little later on the Burlington road. The men who made the trip are: Track Knodo (captain), Burress, Coe, JDunlap, Hughes, Craig, Bonodiot, Mor gan, Davis, Alden, Bauman, McDonald, ,'D. F. MacDonald, G. B. O. Wollor,' Chaloupka, Sampson, Kroger, Thlosen; 'baseball Itine (captain), Carroll, Ward, Hrubesky, Blake, Watson, Dud geon, Beltzer, Bellamy, Schleutor, Freeland and Manager Eager. All of the men on both teams were in good shape when they left Lincoln and had high hopes of winning the events to day. The Ames teams are strong and ex pect to give the Cornhuskers a hand rub in both contests. This will be the first dual meet the Ames Aggies have held this year, and it is impos sible to tell what may be expocted of them in the track meet today. In baseball the Ames boys are considered stronger than Nebraska and are said to have one of the fastest nines in the west. The Nebraska track men will re turn to Lincoln tomorrow noon, but the Cornhuskor baseball team will con tinue on a trip for two weeks. Dur ing that time the team will play thir teen games. The schedule of contests for thef trip follows: May 6 Grlnnell College, at Grin nell, la. May 7 Iowa State University, at Iowa City. May 8 Cornell College, at Mt. Ver non, la. May 9 University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis. May 10 Luther College, at Decorah, In. May 11-T-Univorslty of Wisconsin, at Madis'on. ' May 13 Beloit College, at J3oloit, Wis. . May 14-r-Notre Dame University, at South Bend, Ind. May 15 Purdue University, at La fayette, Ind.- May 16 James Milliken University, at Springfield, 111. May 17 Knox College, at Gales burg, 111. May 18 Monmouth College, at Mon mouth, 111. Senior Baseball. All Seniors who expect to play, on the class team, or -who can play, are urged to appear for preliminary prac tice and organization. On Thursday there will be an election of a captain at.fahapel time on the athletic field. -Xil' Seniors appear at , Chapel time Tuosday.anfl bring your glove. O J. F. DUDGEON Second Base A. W. SAMPSON Two Mile Run x. mmVlaM fli i T i Bf ikHM ft lirf 8 sJBSBHESs W. W. THEISEN One Mile Run PS 1? a:: i H. W. CRAIG Broad Jump and Quarter Mile C. G. HRUBESKY Pitch W. L. DAVI8 One-mile Run C. L. ALDEN Two Mile Run G. B. MCDONALD Pole Vault WELL ATTENDED ART EXHIBIT 18 PROVING A SUCCESS. Teachers' Night Next Tuesday 8omo Especially Attractive WorksTo Purchase Paintings. Aft? r J lEr Mil n IK : ankm M ' '4H s fetn ?n IE ,U IKMniV TFJBm K I x IW i 'jIH tmifh 49 .m SNr1'lVMHHV'AVBVkflHi O OW3KKK5K00000 kO00OiMD0WDKCmO00Oa FRATERNITY HALL (Abb" ' t ) i Orchestra The Art Exhibit has been very well al tended during the past few days. The Horles of evening lectures Is prov ing especially popular, and large audl- i encoB are turning out to hoar tho I speakers. Last Thursday evening Professor Dunn of the Greek depart ment gave ii very broad lecture on art In general, not going Into a criticism of the various paintings exhibited here. Next Tuesday ovenlng will bo preachers' .Night. Mrs. Frank tiall will have charge of tho program, 1 which will consist of a sorles of Bhort talks by varloiiH critics. Miss lluyden, ' teacher of art at the University, will speak next Thursday evening. Tho 1 lectures for the following week havo I not yet beon dollnltoly urranged for, but speakers will bo secured for Tuos- day and Thursday nights of that wook. 1 Somo of tho larger paintings aro attracting especial attention. The J "Salvla-potunla-aguarantum" by Von i nah, is particularly attractive with Us I many-colorod flowers in riotous profu ! slon. "Springtlmo In Connecticut," by 1 Smlllle, Is one of the large types of 1 paintings that is remarkedly sugges 1 tlvo. Another work that attracts vlsl- i tois by tho life and gaiety It suggests OIih the "Spanish Holiday," painted by 0 ' Mora. Somo of tho moonlight effects M ale ulso very choice, among them few i suggest more perfect tranquility and O solitudo than tho marshy scone en ? ... . .... . . .. uueu "Aioonriso in me urownou Lands. " Thero are also on exhibition several paintings by Win. Chase, pno of tho foremost American artist, who la noted especially for his portrayal of still life. Miss Sara Haydon of , tho University Art department lias several of her paintings on exhibit, tho one attracting especial attention he- i ing "My Playfellow." Miss Loulso Mundy, one of the students of tho Art department, bus on exhibit u clevor piece of work entitled "An Old Fire place." The marble bust of tho Young Au gustus, which was loaned to the asso ciation" by tho Latin Club, Is of espe cial Interest. It Is carved of tho finest marble and modeled, after the original bust in tho Vatican Museum at Rome. Tho association expects to purchaso a few of tho beBt paintings, but none have as yet been decided upon. These will perhaps be selected within a wesk. O Company fi. Hop Tickets MM. m m - A; One Dollar . fKlUAY, MAY 1U tO00OWDOKM1 Freshman Hop. Tho second dance of the Class of 1910 will bo given at Fraternity Jiall this evening. Elaborate preparations have been made to make this a hop that will please all who attend, The fact that their master of ceremonies Is In t)ie hands of the Sophomores has not In any "way effected tho plans of the Freshraeh and the dance will tako place as advertised. i r I"",t 7?vmxikw "y t