The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 03, 1907, Image 4
rxf('iiinMi'iw " "i"i ''"" . VN i, ..,. Jr-f3m- M3 tlbe alls Hebraeftan A Suit You'll be Proud 1 That's the kind of a. Suit your Spring Suit should be. And it's the kind of a Suit it will be if it comes from this home of good clothes. The character and superiority of our clothing is well known, but with all our selling of the finest ready-to-wear clothes made, we have never neglected the man 'whose outlay for a Suit is to be $12 or $15 For instance, take this season's great array of Suits at these prices, the variety is large and the style and fit receives the same attention as in the higher priced clothing. The man who wants the best moderate priced suit his money can buy will do well to turn his steps toward this store, where his purchases will meet his expectations. A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes The New In Men's Wear ZINCQLN NEB. I UNIVERSITY OF The Summer Quarter, 1907 1 it I tin Juno 15 'n'y n Scioiul Icim. In y a Auifiiot v C'IiI'Ich Undent', to l);ln regular rk wrtli on' u.iltinit for tlie Aii'imin 'J milrr mill nlliir l ki ul .IIAlllll l),vMjllUhlllC (or teailir"- Divinity School Law School, S.I100I o I iliuatlon, Kutli Mcilkal Collide (.illill at il); Or.vliiMe Slioo of All ami Literature. Oieilcn Kirailiutcl School ol Science; Senior and Junior li.lleie of Aits, Literature, riilloi. oiiliv, anil Sclrme For I nforniatton aililrew THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CHICAGO llfSi An Arboretum. During the last ten days the De partment of Horticulture at the State Farm has been busy putting in various ornamental shrubs and trees that will go to make up an Arboretum which is to bo placed southwest of the Agrl ture Hall. The Arboretum will con sist of five acres and will be designed after the "Nature Plan." UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. TUCKER, Jewelir, IR. S. S. SHEAR, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Rhetoric 2. The Introductions to the briefs will bo returned at U. Hall, 107 A, this (Friday) afternoon, from 1:30 to 4:30, and Saturday morning from 0 to 12 o'clock. See bulletin board for readers' spe cial office hours, beginning Saturday, for conference on these introductions. Department of Rhetoric. Notice of Examination. The examination of Miss Louise Mario Allen for tlie degree of Master of Arts will be held on Friday, May 3, at 2:00 p. m., in Nebraska Hall, 104. Subject: Botany (complete course). U A. SHERMAN, Dean Graduate School. JJ I I 1 C0ATSSH1RT ON AND OFF L KE A COAT. THE MOD ERN SHIRT IDEA. WHITE OR COLOR FAST FABRICS. $1.60 AND MORE CLOCTT, PCABODV k CO. MAKCKS OF OLUtrr ANB ARROW OOLLAIIS Y. W. Pins. An order for Y. W. C. A. pins will be sent in May 10. All girls desiring to order pins are requested to hand their names to Ella Andreeson or Nel lie Ludden, chairman of the intercol legiate committee. , , SUIT or OVERCOAT TO ORDER $15 No More, No Less. The Scotch Woolen Mills Company. World's Greatest Tailors 145 So. 13th St. .May Morning Menu. Strawberries and cream! Hot biscuit and maple syrup! Cereal, meat balls and potatoes! Coffee and cream! Radishes! Served by Uni. girls at St. Paul's church, May 4, 1907, from 7 to 9:30. Y. W. C. A. May Morning Breakfast. -Twenty-five cents. Tell someone about it. Come. The Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. With the completion of the new buildings, which were dedicated Septem ber 25th, 1906, this school now has facilities and equipment for teaching'and research in the various branches of medicine probably unsurpassed in this country. Of the five buildings, four are devoted entirely to laboratory teaching and research. The numerous hospitals of Boston afford abundant opportunities for clinical instruction in medicine and surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of art, literature, philosophy qr science, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the degree of M. D. The studies of the fourth year are wholly elective; they Include laboratory subjects, general medicine, general surgery and the special clinical branches. The next school year extends from September 26, 1907, to June 29, 1908. Send for illustrated catalogue; address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 15S0 DELL 550 -CJ IT .