'J!ll!LL!IUAt.ltMllJl"l1l"'Ji'l J. i)illiiMilivli,l,",tVM;rJiiMlf'iHiiB.UJilJB.i'JMiiTr jctJ tt b e 3 a 1 1 s Bebcaan Hav VoUV Seen Those Swell Spring Novelties Thdse Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order . $20.00 and Higher. AT Elliott Bros., TAILOR8 Both Phones. 1210 O St. WTho Only Up to-Dato Hall In s tho City. The Monarch BILLIARDS AND POOL AUGUST DLADO, Proprietor. 1134 N STREET Lincoln, Neb. I The Evans 8 Do Your Washing Pctry Bakery U. Bakiir Orders Filled Promptly. rtic Rice Bread Our Specialty. Fkon ua irad Your Ordor Will BelTe Prompt Attention. "HOW THE COLD WORLD FEEL8." (Continued from page 1) tho least nor' give one a license to "rest on his oars." A mnn must know his business from the foundation up lie must make himself tho best in his line. Ho must "delivor the goodB" In largo quantities, for men ask tho nutation not "How many degrees has he?" but, "Can ho deliver the goods?" If ho can and does, he can always be sure that he will be needed. Then, too, one nuiBt not neglect his personal IdealB, the further education of hlB powers of mind and soul, the bloadonlng .or nls horizon. A man lives and acts not from outer, but from Inner inotlveB, and successful living do pendB upon the stature of the inner man. Then because tho "cold world" Ib retroactive, just as tho college world Is retroactive, It will adjust Itself to a man Just as a man adjusts himself to It, and tho college alumnus can an Bwor tho question, "How does tho cold world feel?" In tho words of his an swer to tho question, "How am I moot ing tho problems of the world?" FRED M. HUNTER. .ooooooooo Wuld Like to be Your i Laundrymen. j i YULE BROS. Cfi I T OR,A I VW AVOIROW Ctopeco Shrunk Quarter Sirs Collar mittvip iitvinnnv fW Makers of duett and Monarch ShlrU i flw ' T ,-K? ProfesBor Miller returned yesterday morning from hlB trip to tho North Platte sub-station where he has been superintending the planting of ton acres of trees. This work 1b boing done for experimental purposes. Meth ods of spacing and of culture and tests of Bpecles for the western part of Ne braska will be tried, and will bo con tinued from year to year, until some twonty-flvo acres are planted. On tho return trip Professor Miller stopped a- few hours at the head quarters of the DlBmal Pine forest re servo, where several of tho forestry boys are now making Investigations. I SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PA88 BECAUSE THEY ARK KEPT UP TO THE, MARK AND NEVER PALL BELOW THE' 'OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as Best for Athletea. BEND FOR THEBE BOOKS NOW TEN 0BNT8 PaTO COPT No. 238. Group XVI Muscle Building. By Dr. L. H. Qullsk, Director of Physical Training, N. Y. Public Sohools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. 0. Murphy, the well known Athlotlc Trainer, new with Univ. of Penn. No. 240. Group XII Athlotlc Training for Schoolboys. By Geo. W. Orton of the Univ. of Penn, and a famous athlete himself. A copy of our comploto catalogue of athletto goods will be mailed Uen request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BR08. 126 Nassau St., ' NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAQO. 0000000QQQ0QQ O O QQ0000000QQ 8 ? 8 Order Now Out-of-Town Orders for CORNHUSKER 9 Must Be In &t Once $1.75 NOW $.175 00000000000 o o Professor Arthur of Purdue Univer sity will lecture tills morning at 10 o'clock In N. 110 to the class in Plant Pathology. ProfeBsor Arthur was a Btudent of Dr. BesBoy thirty-seven years ago in his first botany class and is today recognized as a world authori ty on that subject. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the Announcement. I, F. W. Bollamoy, expecting to bo In school the coming year, announce myself as candidate for student mem ber of tho Ahletlc Board for 1907-08. Postponed. Tho lecture by Professor Barbour which was announced for the regular meeting of tho Forest Club this even ing 1ms been postponed one week. L WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right. Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. The IVY PRESS PRINTING Has Done Your Why Not Let Th Dm It Now? mr LOOJjnoir-eM a. DOTH PHONES Ethel Pressly, 'OG, who taught In tho hlgflh school at Randolph, Iowa, lust your, has- been retained in tho same position for another year at an In crease in salary of $15 per month. Announcement has been made of tho coming marrlago of Frod Wallace Card, formerly a professor of Horti- V culture In tho University, and Miss Maud Irene Clements of Cazonavla, Now York. MIbs Ciemonts is a cousin of Dr. Clements of the department of Botany. Where Can. I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1S50 DELL 550 Chi Omega gavo a banquet last Tues day night at the Lincoln hotel in honor of their president, Mrs. Ida Pace Purdue. ksBBB UNION COLLEGE I TAILORS MIR p For First Class Tailor Ing at Low Prlots . . . Auto, 48 Collogo Vlow ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8 GZDB iv iri OCOCOC)CXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOO( PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW 0000000000 O O CCOCOCCCO00000 Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 LT'ifcl mmm km. Wl 9 I C ?l 31, , .. I J i ' - v' i-r J