hS. fcbe H)all? "RebraBhan OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXDO THE STAR RESTAURANT -r vs-r - f BEST 15 CENT MEAL IN THE CITY. D. K. CAMPBELL. OOOOOOCXXXXXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOO Have You Seen Those Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and Higher. 133 DOLLARS. This Sum Comes Out of Univer sity for Famine Relief Fund. LaBt evening the time limit for giv ing toward tho China famine relief fund having been reached, final ac counts wero nrranged, the last contri bution added, and the whole sum given for tho "cause" was found to be $133. The last amounts added were as fol lows; Cash, $2; Doano College $8.50; Viola Barnes, $1; Jessie Thompson, 1. O C FKT Elliott Bros., TAILORS Both Phones. 1210 O St. DASE BALL GOODS Illy t3ztjPm MfTM Graduation Recitals. Tho graduation recital of Miss Mabel Lockstone, of! tho University School of Music, will take place In Memorial Hall tills evoning. Miss Louise Zumwlnkel, pupil of Mrs. Jones, will give a recital for graduation next Thursday evening in the same hall. The public is cordially Invited to both performances. Tho following Is tho program for Miss Zumwlnkel's recital: Beethoven Sonata.Op. 53 Allegro con brie Molto adagio Allegretto moderate MacDowell Sernade, Op. 1G Chopin . . Scherzo, C sharp minor, Op. 39 Grieg Ich Hebe dlch Dyorak Goblin Dance Paganlnl-LlBzt Etude, E Major Schelllng . . Au Chateau do Wlllgrad Night, divine night The forest full of mystery The foliage glistening in moonlight Soft ripples on tho water What calm What charm Liszt Etude, F minor Schumann Concerto, A minor Intermezzo Allegro vivace (Orchestral parts on Second Piano) You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. Sole Agents for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. Wo also carry the Spalding line. Special prices to clubs on bats, balls, mitts and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1324 O St. Only bicycle and sporting goods house on O street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL 8 ICO ,000.00 Surplus null Profits.... 100,000.00 DEPOSITS 3,0)16,000.00 ooooooocxxxxdooooooo Notice of Examination. The examination of Elda Roma Walker for tho degree of Doctor of Philosophy will bo held on Tuesday, April 30. at 2:00 p. m. In Nebraska Hall 104. Subjocts: Botany, Z6ology. Tho examiners are Professor Bessoy and Clements in Botany and Professor Ward In Zoology. SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAY8 PA88 BECAUSE THEY ARC KEPT UP TO TH1 MARK AND NEVER FALL BILOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as Bttt for Athlttea. SEND FOR THHBE BOOKS NOWTEN OBNTg PBR COFT No. 288. Group XVI Muscle Building. By Dr. L. H. Oolitic, Director of Physical Training, N. Y. Public Schools. No. 27., Group XII College Athletics. By M. 0. Murphy, Um well known Athlotlo Trainer, now with Univ. of Pens. No. 246. Group XII Athletic Training for Schoolboys. By Geo. W. Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a femoas athlete htmeelL A copy of our comploto catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed uoa request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. 6. SPALDING & BR08. 126 Nassau St., NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHIOAQO. Announcement. I, Hugh W. Craig, hereby declare that I Intend to be In school next year and announce myself as a candidate for student-member of the Athletic Board for tho year 1907-'08. May Morning Breakfast May 4 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH aif r'&ftrf,(f&f&f( rwt rt rkyf r &. " ate f SPECIAL LADIE8' MAN TAILORED SUITS $11.35 -to $40.00 JACKET8 7.35 to $21.35 8KIRT8 $4.00 to $18.65 Misses' 8ults.. $10,00 to $18.00 Work, goods and fit guaranted.. Also GENTS' TAILORING JR. C. HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street Emory Buckner, '04, was recently elected toastmaster to preside at the banquet ot the 1907 Harvard Law class. The banquet will be given May 4. n v: UNION COLLEGE TAII I1DC Main Collit BUILDING For First Class Tailor M at low Prloas ... jaj Auto, 48 Collaga Vlaw aw iaJ SHIRTS IN WHITE OR FAST COLORS. THE BEST VALUE OBTAIN ABLE AT SI .00 OR $1.25. CLUCTT, PEJIBODY A. CO. MAKERS OF OLUKTT AND ARROW COLLAR wmmmmam"" Recent visitors at the Alpha -Phi house were Ruth Thompson, Harriet Mold, Mayono Thompson, Marjorlo Ilenson, and Ruby Prazier. Virginia Zimmer, of the class of '08, has been appointed assistant instruc tor of Mathematics at the University Farm. Miss Zlmmor will continue her regular studios at the same time. Miss Hoacock of Falls City, Mrs. Gould of Omaha and Miss Mamo KU lkin of Wahoo are visiting at the PI Beta Phi house. The IVY PRESS "- te PRINTING Why Not Let Th Do It Now? mnr looactow-mi b. BOTH PHONES S Iouls Gregory, Law 1910,' of St. Josepli, Missouri and John D. Taylor, 1909, of Lincoln, aro pledged to the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Mrs.England's book on "Church Gov ernment and Control," the subject of her doctor's thesis, Is almost completed. O0000OCXX50O0O000O0O0O0O0O00000O0000000000O0000O0000O I PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS0 Gregory's Washed Goal $6.50 r. i ' m