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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
lEbe Bails IFlebrashan Vol. VI. No. J24. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, J907. Price 5 Cents. t A J MISSOURI BASEBALL TEAM THE PREY OF CORNHU8KER3. Nebraska Wins Fast Game by Score of 6 to 2 Baseball Sweaters Here the Alumni Game Tomorrow. Tho Cornhusker baseball team play ed in old-time style last Saturday, trim ming the Mlssourlans to the tune of 6-2. Tho game was a very pleasant aurpriso to tho supporters of the Scarlet and Cream for the team played much better than It has at any time this season. It showed an ability to come up to the scratch' in the tight places of tho game that argues well for the fortunes of the team as a win ning combination. . Tho game was interesting thruout. Missouri took the lead at tho second and third innings, but in tho last half of the third the Cornhuskers started a batting Tally which landed them in the lead and' they maintained this for the rest of the game. Dudgeon was the first man up and with two strikes against him hit a single to right Ward was hit by the pitcher and Sleutor made first on a slow grounder to third. TJeltzor followed with a nice single which scored Dudgeon and Ward and a moment later Sleuter crossed the plate on Salisbury's wild pitch. In the seventh the Cornhuskers re peated the performanpe, making three more runs, this placing the score 0-2 in their favor.. No more scoring was done during the game. Ward pitched a good game altho he was a1 little wild at times. Salisbury, the Missouri pitcher, was very effective at first but weakened at critical times and failed to hold his opponents. The fielding on both sides was good, Ne braska being charged with two and Missouri with only one error. Nebras ka evidenced unexpected strength in hatting, Sleuter and Rine each getting three hits,. Beltzer two, and Carroll, and Dudgeon each one. Beltzer had his ankle badly twisted In an attempted slide to 'the home plate. It is hoped that ho will be .able to accompany the team on their trip, as his absence would seriously weaken the chances for a good record. The baseball sweaters for this year's team have arrive'd and tvIH soon be distributed. They are of the same style as the football sweaters of last fall and in color are cream with scarlet trimmings. Manager Eager is to be commended for his enterprise in se curing the sweaters before the team starts on Its trip. It will put up a much better appearance as a team and the men will get much more satisfac tion out of their "trimmings." Tomorrow tho team will play a game on Nebraska field with an al umni team composed of some of Ne braska's old-time stars. The time of the game will be 3:30 p. m., admis sion twenty-five cents, ladies free. The line-up of the team will be: Belt zer,' pitcher; . Hyde, catcher; "Ike" Raymond first base; "Dude" Hammel, second; Clarence Moore, shortstop; Earl Gaddls, third; Mickle, right (Continued on page ,3.) THEY ARE 'SHOWN 03K3lKiKKKl3WK Baseball ALUMNI vs. NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY UNI. CAMPUS, 3:30 CHMDK5lKJlKOJK0OJlKK0 O HIGHLY ENTERTAINED. Phi Alpha TauB Are Given a Dinner by J. H. Miller., Tho Phi Alpha Taus were enter tained at dinner by Mr. John H. Mil ler at his home on C street last Sat urday evening. Nearly all of those in vited were present In addition to tho active members, Dr. Pound, ProfeBsor Fogg and Professor Caldwell were in vited, tho first two of whom wore pres ent and favored the company with brisk, witty speeches. After the sumptuous dinner was served, five very appropriate toasts were given In the following order: "What Wo Didn't and Why," by Alva C. Hough; "What Wo Did and How," by Albert M. Levy; "What They Did and Where," by Byron E. Yoder; "What We'll Do and When," by Wil liam R. Forney; "Why, How, Where, and When," by John O. Wentworth. A, goodly amount of wit, humor and common sense characterized all of these toasts and the company showed their appreciation by repeated ap plause. All those who were present speak very highly of the admirable manner in which they wore entertained thru out the entire evening. Off for Falrvlew. About three hundred University girls, in their various unnameable con veyances, made the trip to Mrs. Bryan's home last Saturday afternoon. The alignment of vehicles that formed at tho starting consisted of first-class carriages, grass mowers, and every knowp conveyance that lies between these extremes. Tho amusement at tho Bryan home consisted of singing, speech-making and general "cutting up." The young ladles returned to Lincoln after' 6 o'clock p. m. and report the greatest afternoon's outing they have, ever known. Mrs. Ida Pace Purdue, national grand president of Chi Omega is visiting the local chapter this week. coodooooooooooooeooooooooo Order Now Out-of-Town Orders for CORNHUSKER , Must Be In at Once $1.75 NOW $.175 L ... . . 6oooeoooooooooooooeoooooooodo LADIES FREE O KJKHK3KJK5JK)IK0JK0) BOARD ELECTION MAY 8. Candidates for Athletic Board Will Post Petitions at Once. The Athletic Board election will take place May 8, a week from tomorrow. According to the constitution of tho board all candidates must file a peti tion before May 1 announcing their desire to be candidates and intention to be inschool the followingr year. This petition must be signed by twenty stu dents. Duplicates of this petition must be posted in tho hall of the Main building and In tho Gymnasium. All candidates should attend to this at once. TARGET PRACTICE. Cadets Make Good Marks With the Winchester. During the past six weeks the Uni versity cadets have been given an abundance of target practice in the basement of the Aomory with a 22 calibre Winchester musket. The range is fifty feet, and the number of pos sible points to be made 1b twenty-five. Each man Is allowed but five shots, making five bulls-eyes necessary in order to attain a record of twenty-five points. Tho not one has, so far reached the twenty-five record, a great many remarkably good marks have been made. .Some of. the best records were those of A. G. McNeel, 24; C. J. Frank forter, 24; D. A. Keubler, 23; O. L. Phillips, 23; R. L. Williams, 23. Thi3 target practice is a feature that was not Introduced last year, and is greatly appreciated by the men. Those drilling last year were greatly disap pointed at not being given any target practice during the year, es pecially at camp, where they had ex pected gun practice at ldng range. The men will soon be given blank cat ridges for firing practice with the new guns, and will probably be given some further target work at camp. J. A. Clark, Law '06, was a cam pus visitor yesterday, he was also do ing some work at the state library . -.- PRICE REDUCED C08T OF 1907 CORNHU8KER $1.75 IN8TEAD OF $2.00. Book Will Be Placed on 8ale May 13 Orders Being Taken Now Prize Contests Tho prlco of tho 1007 Cornhusker has been roducod from $2.00 to $1.75 and orders for the book are now boing takon at tho latter price. Tho reduc tion of tho price of tho annual will bo continued until tho book is placed on sale May 13, when the price will be rulsod to $2.00 again. Everybody who buys a Cornhusker after that date will pay $2.00 for the book. Many students are "signing up'' for this yoar's Cornhusker and tho ad vance sale of tho book promises to bo a record breaker. Over 500 orders for tho book had boon received at the editorial rooms before yesterday noon and sovoral wore added during the afternoon so that tho total number of books ordered up to tho prosont time Is nearly COO. A "Prize Contest" ,'haa A Cornhusker End Piece. been inaguarated among the Senior and Junior members of the Cornhusker staff in order to sell out the entire edition of the book boforo It leaves tho printers on May 13. Tho class repre sentatives who win the "rlze Contest" will each receive an extra copy of the 1907 Cornhusker. Editor Meyers annuonced yesterday morning that the printers will have the Cornhusker ready May 13 and ,that books will be given to subscribers on that date. The Cornhusker will be printed by Saturday of this week and will then bo taken to the bindery where the last work on this year's an nual will be lono. Acacia 8moker. Professor Geo. D. Ayers entertained the members of the Acacia fraternity , and the Masonic students at his homo, 116 Twenty-ninth, Saturday evening. The house was nicely decorated for the o'ccaslon and light refreshments were served. The" following members responded to toasts: Professors Chat- burfn Barbour, Maxey and John Westo yerD. I.1 Pope and Earl E. White. " I