Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
JnJSK ttbe B)aili TUbraeftan i if n cxxxxx)booooooocxxxxxx)oooqp THE STAR RESTAURANT " ! r BEST 16 CENT MEAL IN THE CITY. D. K. CAMPBELL. HaVe You Seen Those Swell 3pring Novelties Those Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and Higher. (fSSiSSI W MWwfMtm&m Bniilii 2ji W Willi! II H fT. May Music Festival. Tho second annual May music festi val will bo held In Lincoln on May 22 and 23. As a year ago, tho famous Theodore ThomaB Orchestra has been secured for this, tho greatest music festival hold In Nebraska. Two short choral works will bo given, viz., "Fair Ellon" by Max Druch, and "Wedding Feast" by Coleridge Taylor. The fes tival chorus will commenco work at once. meet Satur- Chemical Club. Tho Chelcnl Club will day evening May 4. A Journal pro gram has been arranged as follows: Borlchto Mr. Schneider Journal American Chemical Society Mr. Young American Chemical Journal Mr. Glesker May Morning Menu. Strawberries nnd cream! Hot blBcuIt and maple syrup! Cereal, meat balls and potatoes! Coffee and cream! Radishes! Served by Unl. girls at St. Paul's church, May 4, 1907, from 7 to 9: HO. Y. W. C. A. May Morning Breakfast. Twenty-five cents. Tell someone about It. Come. Elliott Bros., TAILORS Both Phones. 1210 O St. BASE BALL GOODS tr St I J'f V Last Chance. The last opportunity to get in on tho famine relief fund will bo given Monday. No contributions will bo re ceived after 6 o'clock Monday evening. It Is felt that more than the amount already given ought to come out of this University for this cause. Now is the time to get busy. New Bulletin. Another bulletin written by Profes sor Emerson of the department of Hor ticulture has been Issued by tho Agri cultural Experiment Station. Tho title of it is "Spraying Demonstrations in Nebraska Apple Orchards.". Solo Agonts for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. Wo also carry the Spalding lino. Special prices to clubs on bats, balls, mitts and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1324 O St. Only blcyclo and sporting goods house on O street. Cadet Officers. All former cadet officers who ox poet to graduate at the coming com mencement are requested to report to tho Commandant before May 15. In Society. Tho Alpha Phi sorority held their annual party at tho Lincoln Hotel last night. ' , Q CAPITAL 8100,000.00 X O Hui' nnd Pronta.... 100,000.00 Q Q deposits 3,oao,opo.oo O Pi Beta Phi sorority will give Its an nual party at Walsh Hall tonight.' Chi Omega will glvo a party at the homo of Miss Aileen Gannet, 1228 R, this evening. SPECIAL LADIES' MAN TAILORED SUITS $11.35 to $40.00 JACKET8 7.35 to $21.35 SKIRTS $4.00 to $18.65 Misses' Suits.. $10.00 to $18.00 Work, goods and fit guarantee.. Also GENTS' TAILORING R. O. HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street Tho Alpha Theta Chi fraternity held a party at Walsh Hall last night and will give a banquet at tho Llndoll Hotel this ovonlng. Miss Lulu Walker Burns, of Kansas City, Music, 1901, is visiting her so rority sisters at tho Delta Delta Delta house. li rpfal I I ICOJWSHIRT V-!- 1 ON AND OFF LIKE A COAT. THE MOD- LB ERN SHIRT IDEA. . WHITE OR COLOR- FAST FABRICS. $1.50 AND MORE I M CLUtTT, PCABODV & CO. I H MAKERS OP 61UCTT AND II HHHVHl ARROW II A. B. C.rablll, Law 190G, and R. A. Van Orsdol, 1906, nre visiting at the Alpha Theta Chi house. 1910. Of all green words Of tongue or pen, The greenest are these Nineteen and ten. Ex. A fresh old fisher named Fisher, Fished fish from the edge of , flsure; A cod with a grin, Pulled old Fisher in, Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher. Ex. Tho University Glee Club gave a concert at Fairmont last night and this evening will give one at Hastings. O C You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln. makes my clothes now. OCrv , XbhaTVa X X. "" J M SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAY8 PA88 BECAUSE THEY ARE KEPT UP TO TH1 MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Unlvorsally as Beit for Athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOWTEN CHNTB PHR COPT No. 238. Group XVI Muscle Building. By Dr. L. H. Gullek, Director of Physical Training, N. T. Public Schools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. 0. Murphy, the wejl- known Athlotlo Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. No. 246. Group XII Athletic Training for Bchoqlboys. By Geo. "W. Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a famous athlete himself. A copy of pur comploto oatalogue of athletlo goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. Sl BROS. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. A. G. 126 Nassau St., NEW YORK. I UNION COLLEGE i TAILORS s. Main College BUILDING For First Class Tailor Ing at Low Prloes . Sfl Auto, 48 College View 31, Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1SS0 DELL 550 The IVY PRESS "- te PRINTING Why Not Lot Thorn Do It Now? WW LOOJ4TIOMHNI g. lMfc. BOTH PHONES oooc luotJooooaoHOQuacjoucxjc OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO : PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW 00000000000000OffiO0000090003 Gregory's Washed Coal $6.50 i ecru - r-r-Ti-T -