The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1907, Image 3
? t i (The Dattp flebraultan vpi",'Vsy5'!?nffrrT:rr"iT: 'Rnu-rSfts trsssr LlS, OLIVER THEATRE I iiiMiMttattttwttwawi MONDAY, MAY 6 BLANCHE WALSH In Clyde Fitch's Success, "THE STRAIGHT ROAD" lttttWMW, ..LYRIC THEATRE.. ;' THE YORK & HERBERT TRIO TRAVILLE-LANDER8 &.CO. TIPPEL & KLIMENT W. J. MILLS MARIE LAURENA JACK WILDE THE LYROSCOPE Ladles' Souvenir Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ELITE xroooooooooo Continuous Shows from. 1:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. HOOLIGANS OF PARIS FLAGS AND FACES SKY SCRAPERS BURGLAR'S CUNNING RUNAWAY SLEIGHBELLS BOB SLEIGHING ILLUSTRATED SONGS "Just Plain Folks" By Miss Revett' "Flaradora" By Leslie Pomeroy 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac th anf flnftrHnHnn mav Anyone Bonding a sltatcta and description may quickly ascertain our opinion froo whothor an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica 1 in om on tions strictjTConnaontiai. HANUUUUft oni-atenu sontfroo, Oldost aponoy foraccurlngpatonU. Patents taken1 through Munn A Co. rooofrc tpteial notice, without ohargo. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any sclontltlo Journal. Terms, $3 a yenr:iour niontus HUNN&Co. reari'iour moiuuB, u ooiaoyau nowsaeaiers. 361 Broadway, Branch Offlco, (05 F St, Washington, I. I Gotrell & Leonard ALBANY, N. Y. Uakirs if CAPS, 60WNS iri HOODS Ti tfci AmtIim hllifM ui Wmllfc. .CLASS WATIMTS A WttULTY Mlkbillllteriato jjjjiTjna Hlj EJ3 T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade ChecksKeyt Lock Smithing, General Machine Works, Moist Makers, Ete. 308 So, llth, LIKCOU 1 !LltbjLjfjLilj 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY X Kvery 1.071 University Student It ' arged to patronise these Nebrs- j X kn advertisers, and to mention jj the paper while doing; so. 1 1 I If BARBER SHOPS Green's Shops, The Richards; The Mogul. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Harry Porter. BAKERY Potry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Wosterfleld, Don Cam eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS Llndsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, The Sterling. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Pol som. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- sheimer, Rudgo & Guenzol. DRUGGISTS Rector, Riggs. ENG RAVERS Cornel . FLORISTS Chapln. Bros. FURNITURE The Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, HerpolBheimer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING Now Century, George Bros., McVey, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice. Crancor. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, RogerB & Per kins, Electric Shoe Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog, Elliott Bros., Dresher. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou. Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. Office of. International Corrospondonco Schools, Room ai, 1205 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Plonso oxnlaln, without further obligation ou my pnrt, now I can qualify for a largor salary and gain advancomont to tho position boforo which I have marked X. Bookkcopor Telephone Engineer Stenographer Eloc-Llghtlng Supt. Advortis'in't Writer Mechanical Engtnoor Show-Cnrd Wrltor Surveyor Window Trimmer Stationary Engineer Mochanical Draftsman Civil Engfnoor Ornamental Dosignor Building Contractor Illuatrator Architectural Draft. Civil Sorvico Architect Chemist Htructural Engineer Toxtilo Mill Supt. Bridge Engineer Electrician Foreman Plumber Electrical Englnoor Mining Engineer Name St. and No City St tE-The Only Up-to-Dato Hall in tho City. The Monarch BILLIARDS AND POOL AUGUST BLAD0, 1134 N STREET Proprietor. Lincoln, Neb. ART ASSOCIATION. ( Continued from page 1.) least three good pictures should bo bought each year. The collection this year Is a most attractive one. Besides tho works of artists like Alexander, Barso, William Chase, Couse, Curran, Eaton, Blrgo Harrison, Bolton Jones, Mora, and Ochtman, names well known to old frequenters of tho gallery, thoro aro many charming canvasos by artists who have novor beforo exhibited in Lincoln. Tho gallery is open from nine In tho morning until fen In tho evening. The correct thing to do is to go to the gallery each day. Tho first day. catalog in hand, make a tour of tho gallery and get orlontlort. After that, take tho pictures two or threo at a time. Sit down beforo them and enjoy them. Somo Will soon stand out from among tho rest and demand closer attention. Give them that attention, golngto them day after day, until tho beauties of composition, of line, of color, of light and shade, of atmosphere are Indelibly stumped on the mind. Those pictures have bocomo a permanent possession and tho devel opment of tho art taste has begun. A number of the Senior and Fresh man girls were noticed wearing Fresh man and Senior hats indiscriminately yesterday morning as. a result of an attempt on the part of the Senior girls to secure a green hat from ono of tho first year young ladies. Tho Fresh man girl was plucky and managed to get threo. Senior hats in exchange for her own, and one of these she wore to her classes during tho day. Dirk P. Do Young leaves tho Uni versity todny preparatory to Bailing for Hamburg, Germany, whore ho Is to represent tho International Har vester Company during tho summer. From there ho will sail to South Amer ica in tho fall. Do Young Is a Senior, and altho he leaves before the closo of tho semester, ho has enough credit to get his diploma and degree. t Soph. Informal. Tho second year students will hold an Informal party in Memorial Hall tills evening. Many tickets have been sold and tho success of tho danco is assured. A number hayo inquired of Mr. Townsend if tho price quoted to Corn huskers would be extended to Senior girls desiring now sittings without cap and gown. The rate is good to July 1, '07. Dean Henry B. Ward will go to Washington, D. C, shortly to take part in tho program at a meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges, to be held there May C. Alma Erlckson, '06, has been elected assistant principal at Oakland, Ne braska. , UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. April. Saturday, 27. Soph ombre Informal. Mem. Hall. Baseball. Nebraska vs. University of Missouri. Art Exhibit opens, Art Hall. May. Saturday, 4. May Morning breakfast, St. Paul's Chruch. Freshman Hop. Fraternity Hall. Engineering Banquet. Lindell. Latin Club Banquet, 6:30 p. m. Friday, 10. Company B Hop, 1 t , .;! ,' , . ' TOMMY sllH'ulBssissH For refreshments and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Mlllor ft Palno's. CCXXXXDOOCOOCOOOOOCOOOOOCO HAVE The Evans Do Your Wanhlng HHUYLERW Ohoc!tM mmi ,' Bon Bn. 11m Bra Cttttar. CXXX3COCOCOCOOOOOCOOOOOOCO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL - $100,000.00 We buy school-books - And wo .end jVe to ujr applicant of 'Book Wanted" Catalogs. otOTW,peo icbool'booki, with the prfe atwuea we acctpt KOond-hOMd- a wU M imw Iwokt. We pay cash For all mukeUble KKootboola, 07 if ' aairta, we cjtuh cwniirnmeni on - c coant, to be pud ty ut In ether tcnoot book, from time to time a tuedtd, HUfDStSOBLI 31-33-33 W. IStb St., New York City. UaitioKthU ad. SAM'S CAFES g gigL S. F. Westerflsld 8 Q r Bell Phone 355 V Q Auto 33BS X H A Specialty In Oysters In Season ? 8 117-19-21 No. 13th St. Q 1 vv w '8 K Wuld Like to bo Your 1 I. Laundrymen. ) YULE BROS. J i. 5 - M OT.'grv.