The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1907, Image 2
"T "' ''" ""' " "" '''' rs ' I Qbc S) a 1 1 p flebraaftnn 'i"l n)l l.riilif.ii, .i,t.i.y. T tf ',1 'I ftbe Balls mefrragftan ' THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkmubka. f UBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. Editor-in-chief J. Carroll Knodo. 08 ABflOoluto Editor.... r.Clydo E. Elliott, 0U Manning Editor ..A. E. Lonp, 09 AtlllOtlCB UURI1 vv . iuih, vi aonoml Nows Paul Q. Burt, 00 RovIowh Gertrude Mooro, 0i Convocation Laura Rhoados, 08 ABBlstnnt AthlotlcB.Mlllpr S. Benedict, 09 ABBt. Gen. Nowa Sidney ; Q. Evans,, '00 Dopartmorttl....Earl It. Hunt, '08 II. L. Wllflon, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 Aloxandor J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman. '07 BuslncBB Managor.... Byron E. Yodor, 08 ABBlBtant Managor........ Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robortuon, '09 TELEPHONE8: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 236B and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Sl.nfllo Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rato of 10 conts por Inaortlon for ovory flftoon worda or fraction thorcof. Faculty notlcos and UnlvorBlty bullotlnu will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho p'oatomco at Lincoln, Nobraaka, as aocond-claaa mall matter undor tho Act of Congross of March 3, 1879. spectlng mon do not care to be asso ciated with it. This 1b a University, not a place for tho congregation of men bent on having nn hilarious, "speedy" time, bent on a courso of life that develops low-lived criminals. From all ap pearances, this T. N. E. organization right hero in this school deserves the samo fate as that suffered by the or der in Kansas. Therefore, be it moved, Mr. Chair man, that tho what-you-may-cnll-lt known as Theta Nu Epsilon be made to betake Itself henco out of this school, to vanish, -to make Itself scarce quick! NEW Pins Fobs Belt Buckles Hat Pins Spoons O O 000$0000Q000 U. of N. I ALSO U. of N. School of Music U. of N. Dramatic Club U. of N. Chemical Club U. of N. Engineering Socioty U. of N. Palladian Socioty U. of N, Pershing Rifles U. of N. College of Law TWENTY-THREE. It will bo noticed that at tho Uni versity of Kansas tho organization, tho fraternity, tho what-ls-it known as Theta Nu Epsilon, has been disbanded, tabooed at tho instance of the presi dents of tho various fraternities. It was felt that for tho gopd of tho Uni vorslty the affair ought to go. Now there Is a similar organization In this University. It is seldom hoard of except as "manipulating" cortaln functions or "having a hand" in cer tain movements. Yes, thero is an other way it makes itself hoard once in a while, too, and that Is by a faint, An outline for a courso in Journal ism Is printed bolow, copied from tho Indiana Dally Student: "Indiana University has established a department of Journalism. Tho first two years of tho courso will bo devoted to English history, languages and mathemetlcs. In the third year tho major work will bo devoted to journalistic subjects, history and the theory of newspaper making. The fourth year will bo given to practical experience. Courses of lectures by prominent newspaper men will bo given thruout tho courso." Wo muko to ordor "Frat" Pins of all kinds, wator color drawings of any design froo. Wo furnish cstimatos and HALLETT, JEWELER, 1143 O 000000000000OC Dr. Haggard, 212-213 ItichardB Blk. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So, 12th. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. The best place to eat In town is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street. Whv not tako your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Fratornity mon -at Minnesota It is said, have not identified themselves with tho Y. M. C. A. work ns closely as the character of tho association work has merited. Their attitude in the past has been ono of almost total Indifference. Green's Barber Shops: The Rich ards, The Mogul. All modern. Best workmanship. Why did tho Glee Club decorate with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Store? Havo you made your spring decora tions uso ono of our pannants. The University Book Store. Track Men, Attention! All truck men are requested to meet on, the athletic field Monday afternoon promptly at 4, o'clock. The track squad will be photographed at that tlmo. Tho Geology class at Wisconsin Uni versity will. start on May 3 for a ton days' trip thru tho Lake Superior min ing region. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt R E S U L TS TELL If you havo dance programs, tickets or posters to bo printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. Students wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 Windsor tills week. Miss A. E. Soukup. Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 113G O St. Auto 4G03. WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON If Mo Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street Wo claim to be tho best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to provo it Our methods and machinery are the VERY LATEST and our workmen tho best that money can sooure. We clean the finest drosses and robos without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to injuro them in any way. We also elean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and deliv ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. Phone Bell 147 1820 N street " Phone Auto 1891 Gall or write for price Hot Lincoln, Nob. J. C. Wood & Company toeoocooeooooooooooooooooooo mysterious, vaguely-formed rumor of certain "bjg tlmo" carried on by tho aggregation. For tho most part it Is darkly shrouded In a silence- altogether Impenetrable. And this Very tendency of the organ ization to concealment, to lurking around In dark corners, to slipping down tho back alloys, as it wore, Is a feature of it most open to criticism. If tho fraternity is open and square and above board, why does It not come out and stand squarely before tho public like other fraternities? When a thing wants to hide all tho tlmo, there Is just ono conclusion: it does not like the broad daylight. It Is understood that' some of tho local fraternities , do not allow their men to enter the order. That speaks badly for it, too. Why don't they? The organization Is immoral and Im moral to such a degree that self-re- There is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up-to date you bet tor see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St. Why not got your spring Oxfords now while you can got a swell spring sampler at ono-half price. Sanderson's. Students make big money selling tho Scarborough late maps of Nebraska. Exclusive territory nnd froo Instruc tions given. Call for particulars on J. R. Carrothers, 1815 South St. HH EHuiw; ,iw. UKCOiH 2432 AND Of S71TO 96 !0MlM 'TONE MS ffg 'Key m Graduation Recital. Miss Mabel Lockstone, of tho Uni versity School of Music, pupil of Mr. Stevens, will give a recital for gradua-1 tlon next Tuesday evening, April 30, In Memorial Hall. Tho public is cor dially Invited. Tho following Is tho program : Beethoven Sonata, Op. 31, No. 3 Allegro Allegretto vlvaco Mlnuotto Presto con fucco Bach : . . Sarabando Passepled In Rondo Form Allegretto vlvaco Glgue Allegro Schumann Novelletto, Op. 21 Aussorst rasch . 'Etwns langsamor MacDowell . Schattentanz, Op. 39, No. ?. Chopin. ...Fantaslo-Impromptu, Op. GG Godard Concerto, Op. 31 Andante Allegro vlvaco Allegretto non troppo Andante quasi adagio Vlvaco ma non troppo (Orchestral parts on second piano) L. J. HERZOO I! lira The University Man's Tallir . ' THE FINEST WORK DONE AND PRICES HWT 15530 O & rREET SIMMONS The Printer 317 South Twelfth St. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. UlfOffll CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS C m I &2&U