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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
9 I XEbe Bail? IFlebraefcan Vol. VI. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, J907. Price 5 Cents. ART ASSOCIATION Q0000000Q0000000000000$0000$ HOME TRACK MEET 4- n ' k ANNUAL EXHIBITION OPENS TO NIGHT IN ART HALL. Purpose of the Organization Univer sity In Circuit Great Paint ings in the Collection. The annual exhibition of tho Nebras ka Art Association, held hitherto In January, opens tonight In tho Art Hall of tho Library building and will re main open for thre'e weeks. The alms of the association and the excellent character of the exhibitions are well known to the older students of tho University; those who are hero for the first time this year, have yet to make trie acquaintance of one of the most Important of tho younger insti tutions of Nebraska. The association came Into existence some twenty years ago. It was con ceived by a littlo group of enthusi astic people who realized what art may mean for lite and how great a misfortune It Is that tho young people of t Nebraska, and especially tho hun dreds of University students from all parts of the state, who hardly know what a really good painting looks llko, should not have sbmo opportunity to begin their art education by making the acquaintance of tho best work of distinguished American artists. This, tho founders believed, could be done In two ways; first, by bringing here each year and placing on exhibition, a choice collection of paintings; sec ond, by forming a permanent collec tion that soma day might be placed In a beautiful art building and bo opened to the public. In tho face of great difficulties, tho association lias struggled on; holding Its annual exhi bition and ridding oach year one or two good pictures to its collection. This year a circuit has been formed with Kansas City and the University of Kansas and the pictures .now on ex hibition hero have already been ex hibited' there. Tho work of the' association should appeal strongly to tho students of tho University both for the personal" ben efit that can bo derived from the study of tho pictures and for tho good that can be done by tho establishment of a permanent art gallery. Tho as sociation cannpt continue Its work successfully unless It receives more hearty support than it has recolyod in the pfTst. Last year, less than two hundred and fifty students, out of the three thousand registered, entered the rArt Hall during the exhibition. Tho . season tickets have been placed very low (fifty cents for students) and It ought to be possible to sell this year double the number sold last yea'r. The actual expenses of handling tho pic tures has always been largo and has oaten up all but .three or four hundred dollars, about the, price of, a small picture. An additional two hundred and fifty tickets taken by the Uni- vorsity students would mean one hun dred and-twenty-five dollars more, or half the price of a picture. The num ber of tickets sold should be nearer one thousand than flVe, hundred. At .(Continued on. page 3.) JKJtJX 1U1 1 IVl V Saturday, April 27th MEMORIAL HALL EVERYBODY INVITED 00000000000 O O T. N. E. TABOOED. Organization Disbanded at University of Kansas. Tho following is an account as given In tho Kansan of the recbnt disbanding of thd'T. N. E. fraternity at Kansas: At a meeting of tho Board of Re gents Thursday night whore tho presi dents of all tho fraternities wero present, It developed that tho regular Greek lettor organizations had severed their relations with tho Thota Nu Epsi Ion and that tho present members cease to bo active members of that organization. In tho course of tho mooting In talk ing over matters affecting tho good name and best Interests of the 'Uni versity, It was found that tho fra ternity leaders wore unanimous against certain dissipations which are always serious problems In thq student life of a university. Tho Board of Re gents folt that tho general result of tho meeting was momentous ..for tho future of tho university and especially of tho fraternity life of the University of Kansas. Professor Ross Here. All University students will bo in terested In the return of Professor Ross to tho city for tho purposo of glvjng a lecturo at tho Ollvor this evening. He will deliver an address on tho "Referendum" and students rfro Invited to attend. Admission Is free. Professor Ross loft the University of Nobraska last year to accept a po sition at Wisconsin. Ho Is at present rated as one of tho foremost sociolo gists of tho world. P. B. K. Initiation. Tho twenty-nine people elected to Phi Beta Kappa wore duly Initiated Into that august and dignified body last .Thursday evening at tho homo of Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. Dean Davis as the president made the address of welcome and the response came from Mr. Albert Aaron. All seemed to have survived tho ordeal with tho rotontlon of mental and bodily vigor. 0CChKOCh00OH Baseball MISSOURI UNIVERSITY TODAY Tr UNI. CAMPUS, 3:30 $K O XI XX.KJL 1 1 JLCU. $ ADMISSION 50 CENTS $ &0000000000000 CONVENTION OPEN8. Nebraska Students' Volunteer Band Met Last Night. Tho convention of tho Students' Vol unteer Band, of this slato oponed last night with a two-hour program lasting, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Dole gates from tho various branches of the Student Voluntoer Band turnout tho state wero present, and all wore well entertained. Rov. W. T. Davis pf New York spolto In a vory encouraging manner of tho work of tho Volunteer Band' and of its possibilities In tho future. Tho Wesleyan Quartette sang sev eral selections In their engaging man ner, while Miss VIbbard was vory pleasing In her solo. Tho convention lasts until noon to day. Tho meeting this morning will bo held In U. 10G. Verge of Disruption. A prominent member of tho Chi cago University faculty, who has been one of tho foremost mqn In managing tho athletics of tho institution, says tho "Big Nino" Is on tho vergo of disruption. ' "Tho formation of tho 'Big Threo,' " ho declares, "will bo ono ontorlng wodgo In tho dissolving process. Every college In tho organization will profit by tills break, as each can then seek Its own lovol and athletic con tests will bo closer nnd moro Inter esting. Tho 'Big Nino' has served its purpose, and will soon pass away." Nebraskans Honored. Threo Nobraska students have just been appointed to tho following fel lowships at tho University of Chicago: John Jacob Putnam, B. Sc, chemistry; Florence Ella Richardson, A. B., psy chology; Clara Jano Woldensall, A. B psychology. Baseball Today. Nebraska and Missouri will meet on tho diamond this afternoon in the Initial college gamo of the local sea son. Tho contest will begin at 3:30 P. m.' ADMISSION 35 CENTS $K O KOTfOOvOKOiKyifOKO'lfCHO'l FAIR RECORDS MADE BY UNIVER. 8ITY ATHLETE8 YESTERDAY. Poor Weather and Poor Track Two Weight Records Broken Team to Meet Ames 8oon to Be picked. Tho annual homo meet of tho Unl vorsity track toam camo off yester day afternoon with a fair, sot of rec ords made. Tho aftornoon, tho much hotter than might havo boon antici pated twenty-four hours bofoNb, waa too cold for fast work and this, to gother with tho high wind tended to . cut down the tlmo In tho runs. On tho whole tho performances proved vory satisfactory and' some vory promising material camo to light. Tho 100-yard dash proved to bo an exciting event since Coo and Burruss ran close; Coo led off on the start, but was later ovortakon by Burruss. Tho time would havo boon bettor on a bettor track. MacDonald broko hla old record In tho polo vault by clearing tho bur at 10 feet, 7 .inches. An other vory closo raco was tho half mllo in which Morgan and Benedict woro tho stlffost kind of competitors up to tho very tape. Morgan won by a fow yards. Two University records wero brokon and both of thcso by tho samo man, Collins. Ho throw tho hammor 141 feet and tho discus 111 foot, 10 Inches. It Is 'a matter of much regret that ho will not bo ollglblo In tho moots tills Bprlng because having on torod school only tills semester. How ovor, the team Is not lacking In tho weight ovonts so much as in cortaln others. Following Is tho st of events to gether with tho wlnnors'Of each: 100-yard dash Burruss, first; Coej second. Tlmo, 10 3-5 seconds. Polo vault MacDonald, first; Mac Master, second. Hoight, 10 feet, 7 Inches. Shot put Chaloupka, Jlrst; Patton, second. Dlstanco, 37 feet, C Inches. Half-mile run Morgan, first; Bene dict, second. Tlmo, 20 3-5 seconds. 440-yard dash Burke, first;, Bene dict, second. Tlmo 57 seconds. High jump Knodo, first; Burruss, second. Height, 5 feet, G Inches. 120-yard hurdles MacDonald, flst; Dunlap, second. Tlmo, 17 1-5 seconds. Hammor throw Collins, first; Pat ten, second. Distance, 141' feet. 220-yard dash Coo, first;" Rughos, second. Time, 23 2-5 seconds. Ono-milo run Morgan, first; Aldon; second, Time, 4 minutes, 47 1-5 sec-' onds. Broad Jump Crajg, first; Coo, sec ond. Dlstanco, 20 feet 6 Indies. ! ' Discus Collins, first; Patten, sec ond. Distance, 114 feet, 10 lnchos. 220-yard hurdles Dunlap, first; MacDonald, second. Time, 27 1-5, sec onds.' , , Two-mile run Alden, first; White, second. Time, 11 minutes, 24 J-5 sec onds. During, the coming week some time tho team to go against .Ames College next Saturday will be picked. It is' , not yet known Just how largo a team will be taken along. ' ' - V-. H ( t 4..;V .' ' A' . , " hi" Hlt iliii. . 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