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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
u Uhe S)ailp IPlebraefean Vol. VI. No. J22. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, J907. Price 5 Cents TRYOUTS TODAY 000Q0OffiO0QQ000 O O 0Q000000 000 BUILTA AND ALDEN PRELIMINARIES FOR PURPOSE OF SELECTING TRACK TEAM. To Be Held on Athletic Field at Three O'clock List of Events and of Entries Squad Leaders. This afternoon on the athletic field at 3 o'clock will occur the regular an nual homo meet for the track team. Owing to the Inclemency of the weather the work of the team has been considerably hindered.but It Is thought that .'several good record's will, nevertheless, bo made. This will be the only nppearance of the Unlvrslty athletes at home and this fact should bo conducive to loyal support of the performance. ' A large number of men have entered the various events. These are distributed-as follows: 100 yard dash Burruss, Coe, Dun lap, Hughes, Yates, Hog, Kroger. 220 yard dash Burruss, McDonald, Perry, Coe, Hughes, Yates, Burk, Craig. 120-yard hurdles McDonald, Dun lap, Mulr, Rathbone. 220-yard hurdles McDonald, 'Dun lap, Mulr, Rathbone. Pole vault McDonald; McMaster. Half mile Benedict, Wohlenburg, Morgan, Davis, Thesln, Minor. 440-yard dash Benedict, Perry, Craig, Barneby, Wolenburg, Burke, Mulr. High jump Burruss, .Hamel, Hum mel, Rathbone, Knodo.' Discuss Chaloupka, Collins, Pat ten, Moser, Krager. One mile run Benedict, Alden, Campbell, F. Smith, Morgan, Learner, Hummell, Davis, Thelsen. Two mile run Alden, Baumann, Price, Guldinger, Learner, Davis, Thel sen, White, Fletcher.' Broad jump Burruss, Perry, Craig, Pq0, Dunlap, Hughes. Shot put Chaloupka, Collins, Pat ten, Weller, Krager. Hammer throw Collins, Patten, Weller, Cornell. For the purpose of faclllating the work of the team, a man from each event, or associated group of events, has been selected to be responsible for the work done In that department, to get out men and direct the work to a certain extent. These squad leaders are as follows: Sprints , Burruss Polo vault: "McDonald High -jump ' KnodQ Broad jump Coe Hurdles .: Dunlap Quarter mile Craig Half mile Benedict Mile Morgan Two mile . Alden Shot-put: .....". Chaloupka Hammer throw Collins Discuss ..." Moser Sigma' Alpha EpBllon defeated Alpha Tau Omega yesterday by the score of 5 to 0. The winners proved them selves the better hatters. Batteries: Burruss And Schmidt; Howard and Reynolds. ' Tomorrow the Beta's will play the Phi Psi's and the Phi Gam's -the Phi Delta's. Saturday, MEMORIAL HALL EVERYBODY INVITED O0000000000 o o MORE "DOING8." For the Third Time Classes Clash Over Headgear. "To wear, or not to wear (hats)" Is still a perplexing problem to the Fresh men as was shown In another dis turbance caused by the appearance of a Freshman hat on the campus at 11 o'clock yesterday. The combat did not continue as long as the one a week ago, but this was due to the fact that never after the beginning of the melee did any sophomore know where to look for the offending hat, it being safely stowed away In the boot of some first-year man. The skirmish was practically over when. Dean E. W. Davis appeared oil the field and endeavored to stop what was still going on, thus making him' self at. once the center of attraction. As the excited crowd gathered about him, eagerly clamoring for a speech, ho made several attempts to admonish the crowd, but failing to make him self heard, withdrew, after which the combatants dispersed of their own ac cord. Y. W. Expedition. All glrlB expecting to go with the party to Mrs. W. J. Byan's home to morrow afternoon are urged to be at the XJnlverslty campus promptly at 2 o'clock, and looking their prettiest. There will be no costuming except by those who may have especial part in the program. Nevertheless, there will be plenty of fun, tho genuine article. Any one inclined to question the veracity of this statement need only attend the function and "find out." Tho University Medical Society will bo entertained by tho State Medical Society Saturday evening at 8 p. m. at Fraternity Hall. A lecture will bo delivered on "Society and Health" by Dr. J. M. MacCormack. All Medics aro invited. . G. M. Peters, '03, a graduate of the Harvard Law School '06, has located In Chicago. 0000000000000 Track Preliminaries ; - Today at .3:00 P.M. ATHLETIC FIELD L. O April 27th 1 ADMISSION 50 CENTS SEVERE ACCIDENT. Explosion In Chemistry Laboratory Injures Three. Yesterday afternoon whilo dissolv ing some solid potassium hydrate in tho laboratory of tho Analytic Chem istry department, G. b. Pitchford and those about him at tho time lie was working tho experiment narrowly es caped serious injury as a result of an explosion. Several people's oyos woro filled with the chemical and it was feared for a time that some might have suffered the loss of sight. Others suffering were Luther Knight, H. D. Young and Miss FosBlor, tho instruc tor. The attention of those Working in the laboratory at tho time was at tracted by a Jet of white liquid rising to the ceiling from the vial over which Mr. Pitchford was working, and the next moment a rather violent explosion occurred, scattering tho hydrate over tho whole north end of tho room. The faces of those near tho bursting flask were covered with tho material and considerable of it got into their eyes, Miss Fossler and Mr. Pitchford suf fering particularly in this respect. Mr. Knight suffered from tho bit of glass that lodged in his eye, while Mr. Young, having the presence of mind to throw his face forward, mere ly had his hair filled with the chem ical. Oil was applied to the burnt faces of those Injured at the direction of Dr. Avery, who had come In at hearing the commotion, and a doctor was summoned. The sufferers were soon relieved. At last report it was stated that none would realize any serious effects of tho experience, slnco tho hydrate did not burn deeply Into their eyes. Miss Fossler suffered the most severely in this respect. Tho cause of the explosion was not duo to tho nature of the chemical, but to tho fact that not sufficient outlet was allowed for tho . escape of tho steam inside the flask. The contents of the. vial became superheated and burst out simply for this reason. O O 00000000000 O 00000OOpOOOOO THESE 8TUDENT8 SECURE CORN HU8KER P08ITION8. Bullta Will Be a Managing Editor and Alden Will Be Assistant Busi ness Manager of 1008 Book. F. C. Bullta and C. L. Alden woro elected to the positions of managing editor and assistant business managor, respectively of tho 1008 Cornhuskor )00Q000000000 o 4 4 4 I 1 1 I o o A. Jorgensen O00OO0OOO00O( by tho Junior class in Memorial Hall yesterday morning. Tho election pas- 0000000000000' a , 00000000000 o sed off quietly. Two named F. C, Bull ta and B, K. Yoder woro placed in, 000000000000 ' v C. L, Xlden 0 m 000000000000 nomination for managing editor by President Shaw soon after tho moot- (Contlnued on page 3.) A ?r?5SS!9K9BS3MEB9IH O " " " &' ?. C. Bullta S5 o a H, OP'