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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
imwamana .-T Tgr tfbe H)atlg tebrnefifln mamAmhmpm MWtti OLIVER THEATRE ; jiFRI., 8AT. A 8AT. MAT., APRIL 19-20 2TH SEMI-ANNUAL TOUR 1YMAN H. HOWE MOVING PICTURES , The. Crowning Triumph of Realism .Perils of Whaling, Olymplo Games at -Athens, and Many Others. THE WORLD REVEALED. Nlght 50, 35 & 25c. Mat. 25 & 16c. tmmw-r'it ..LYRIC THEATRE.. j; 4 1 MrfHwi SCHEPP'8 FAMOU8 DOQ AND PONY 8H0W CONNELLY & KLEIN R08AIRE8 REFINED NOVELTY ARTI8T8, G.EO. DEVOY & DAYTON 8I8TER8 HARRY WEBB JACK WILDE In an Illustrated 8ong, "Face In the Firelight." THE LYR08COPE lliadles' Souvenir Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ELITE coooooooooo Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. LIFE OF M08E8 (COLORED) TRIP UP THE RIVER SPREE TRAINED PARROT8 GREAT 8TEEPLECHA8E RACE THE PASTRY COOK'8 JOKE NEGRO KING (COLORED) ILLU8TRATED 80NQ8 My Lollo Loo By Miss Allen Laura By Leslie Pomeroy S. F. Westerfleld jj Spoclal Service to Q PARTIES O Bell Phone JSS X A Auto 3355 X X. A Specialty In Oysters in Season 8 O. 117-19-21 No. 13th St. O : inRiiKAriu ixraiKAL o :; BARBER SHOP k fi :: CIGAR STORE :: 8 1 5 . W.H.ARTIIBIiMAW, Proprietor Q i J lMSo.mieYutthgt. KftaiSld Q LETTER. FROM GERMANY. ' ( Continued from pago 1.) choice of a university is therefore secondary, and he may change fre quently from ono university to an other. Students from other lands ad here even moro rigidly to this princi ple. Hence ono finds American stu dents scattered all thru'Qermany, hear ing famous men and not attending fa mous univorsltles. In former years I found myself at Strassburg, Leipzig, and Berlin. But If I Bhould wish to convoy an Idea to the Germans of the work I had pursued I should havo men tioned the names of three men rather than of three places. The students from around tho globo In the Gottlngen Physical Laboratory represent to the professor an Interest in his achieve ments and not tho renown of King-George-August University. Tho work of American scientists gets little recognition hero unless it is vory Important. Consequently, few Americans are known. I have heard but three Amorlcan physicists men tioned in lectures, ono- from. Canada, anothor from Chicago, and the third and moBt frequently mentioned was our lato Professor Brace. When it was whispered around that I was a col league of Professor Braco, I found myBolf rated as no mediocre phyclclst It is pretty hard to shine by reflected light and usually burdensome, but for tunately generally of short duration. It shows, however, a phaso of the Gorman spirit. Had it been reported that I was a professor in a great east ern institution, tho German mind would havo beon bewildered If any one had asked him to point out the sig nificance or Importance of tho fact. Germans like our men (professors). But I can't discover that they have moro than a vaguo idea of our insti tutions. I dare say most German pro fessors regard tho American univer sity as an' academy. My opinion is that the "Fox" (Fresh man) of the German unlvorslty could just about make tho Senior class at Nebraska. Hypothetlcally, the Gor man Is thereforo a man of culture be fore ho enters either the unlvorslty or tho technical school. At elthor in stitution ho begins at once his prepar ation as a specialist. A few days since I inquired .more fully into this, in conversation with a professor who had been fifteen yearB In a technical Bchool. He questioned me evon moro thoroly upon technical students' preparation and courses of Btudy in America. Finally ho re marked that, in Germany, persons without culture woro not regarded as fit inemberH of society and much less ju. competent to hold positions of trust and Importance. Ib that a severe criticism of our technical Instruction? B. E. MOORE. oooa)ooooii BUDD WILL RAISE $4,000 Fraternity men at tho University of Minnesota are organizing a fraternity council in the interest of scholarship. Laxity of scholarship among first-year men will bo prevented by the reforms tobe Instituted in pledging and rush ing. ECbbS T.J.TIIORP&CO. RuBbsr Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trie's Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, General Machine Works, Model Makers, Ete. 308 SO. llll, LIKCOLI The Dally Orange, tho student pa per at Syracuse, Is to erect a publish ing plant of Its own this summer. Tho authorized capital stock of tho concern will be Increased from $3,000 to $10, 000 and now shareB placed before the market at once. AND OTHER THINGS D OUGHT out iny partner in tho $2,50 Hpt Storo. Want to got" thb - m noy out of my stock to pay him. For the first, and1 Inst time in this storo's history, I will soil $2.50 Hats at loss than $2.50, to help raise tho 84,000.00. V $2 for Hats, 1-4 off on Furnishings IT MAKES ME WEEPi BUDD-S2.50 HATTER 1141 0 CH0Cl03ro Two hundred subscriptions of $500 each are being solicited from alumni for further Improvement of the athletic field at Cornell. SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PA88 BECAUSE THEY ARE KEPT UP TO THB MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD. Recognized Universally as Best for Athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOWTEN CENTS PER COPT No. 238. Group XVI Muscle Building. By Dr. L. H. Gullck, Director ' x ujrotuui xituuiug, n. z. i-uuiio Bonoois. Group XH College Athletics. By M. C. Murphy, the well- known Athletic Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. Group XII Athletic Training for BchoolborM. Dv nn xe Orton of the Univ. of Penn. and a famous athlete himself. A copy of our comploto oatalogue of athletlo goods will be milled upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. No. ,27. No. 246. 126 Nassau 8L, NEW YORK. 149 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. Where Can I Get a IiacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1SSO BELL 550 opoooooooooooooooooooooooooo R E S U L TiS TELL We claim to be the beat CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are here to prove it Our methods and machinery are the VERY LATEST and our workmen tho best that money can secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to injure them in any way. W also elean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and deliv ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering, and repairing. Phone Bell 147 1820 N street Phone Auto ISM Call or write for price list Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Wood & Company OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl IVY "- yoS PRINTING BOTH PHONES a K UNION COLLEGE TAILORS KMTK For First Class Tailor Ing at Low Priest . . . Autt, 48 Collate- View or- jj 11. m Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 X; I. A v-i ' r o o a. !0 n i - rjtnrtiKMr