The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 18, 1907, Image 2
jmvmsaamxaaasg23s$ dbc alls flebraf ftan A r y be pa 1 1 t TR e b rasha n THE PIIOPERTY OP THM UNIVBR8ITY OF NBBHASKA. , . Lincoln, Nkdiubxa. PUILISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONOAY BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. PolllcitloR Office, 128 N. 14th St. 08 nu Edltor-la-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, Annnnlntn Editor .ClVdlJ E. Elliott. Mnnnrrlncr Rilltnr A. E. Long. '09 .......... -- J I" .- Athlotlcn HUgn w. uraig, u Gohcral Nows Paul a Burt, 09 .WovIowb dortrudo Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadcs, '08 Aunlstant Athlotlcfl.Mlllor S. Benedict, '09 Asflt. Don. Nowb Bldnoy O. Evanu, '09 Dopartmornl Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. WllBon, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 . Aloxandor J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 Business Manager.... Byron E. Yodor, '08 AsBlBtnnt Manager Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robortaon, '09 back to him, thinks ho is giving others an uplift, whllo In truth, did ho but know It, his conduct has just exactly tho opposite effect. If there is any thing to insplro a really natural man to go hang his harp on tho iron fence and proceed forthwith to make tho air blue, bo blue it will not clear up for an hour, It Is the sight and presence of one of these animated fence posts. W. A. Leonard, '03, is commercial instructor, in tho Trier Township High Schaal at Kenitworth, 111. Notice. Seniors order Invitations this week on first floor of Administration Hall. Orders must bo in this week. A de posit of ono-half is required. TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2305 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Pyblt In Advnc Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. ' INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 contn por insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notlccB and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nobraska, as necond-cliiBB mall matter under tho Act of Congrc8B of March 3, 1879. NATURALNE88. At tho ontranco of one cortaln stu dent into ono certain class room last Bemestor, ho was Invariably referred to In whispers, if not aloud, as "der Predlgor" and dubbed afresh each morning. Ho was ono of these per sonalities that make ordinary, natural, normal peoplo'H blood run cold, ono of theso nice, preciBO, affected wooden porsons who never make errors In grammar, whoso vocal modulations and inflections fall with something of tho lugubrlouB regularity of a hammer tap on a coflln nail, say, and who really are quite horrified at a bit of slang. Somo time ago tho following ap peared In the Nobraskan: "Tho An thonaoum, tho paper published at West Virginia University, gives a column in a recent issue to tho discussion by a noted Btock oxport of laws of hered ity among tho Horfords and so on, thon heads it all, 'LawB of Inheri tance.' " Now, in reply tho Anthonaeum comes back with UiIb defense: "Tho Daily Nobraskan criticises tho Antho naoum for giving a column to an ac count of a discourse dollvored by a noted lecturer. To this criticism the Nobraskan gives ono-elovonth of tho spaco dovotod to original matter In that Ibsuo. Tho Athenaeum's account of tho lecturo was in amount less than one-fifteonth that given to original matter in that number. If compari sons were not odious, and cutting crit icisms evidence of bad taste, wo would indulge in a few remarks on tho In consistencies of our contemporary." Gcntlomcn of WeBt Virginia, let us for this onco and all tlmo call your attention to tho fact that there Is a distinction, presumably, between tho terms heredity and inheritance. What do we care how much space you devote to agriculture? Found Copy Murray's "Inflnltesmal Calculus." Owner may havo samo by calling at Nobraskan office and pay ing for this advertisement. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at Tho University Book Store. There Is- no tlmo like Harris' time. If your watch isn't up to dato you bot tor see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St OOOOOCXX)COOCOOC)9000000CXXX THEjTAR jESTjUtiANT BEST 15 CENT MEAL IN THE CITY. D. K. CAMPBELL. Lost A string of ambor beads. Finder please return to Mrs. W. A. Barkley and receive reward. Students wanting profltablo employ ment during summer vacation call at 24 r Windsor this week. The best place to eat In town Is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Why not got your spring Oxfords now whllo you can get a swell spring samplor at one-half price. Sanderson's. If you have dance programs, tickets or postors to be printed, go to Mc Voy's, 125 No. 12th St. Miss A. E. Soukup. Special attention givon 1136 O St. Auto 4G03. Dressmaker, to studonts. TALK WITH Abofit Your Clothes LUDWIG L. J, HERZOQ The Unlierslty Man's Tilltr THE FINEST WORK DOME AID PUCES HINT 123Q O 3 rREET WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON ff The Alpha Taus defeated the Delta Tau Deltas yesterday by a scoro of 5 to 1. Howard allowed but ono hit, a three-bagger by Wilson, who came homo on a fly out. Howard and Rey nolds for Alpha Tau Omega and Drain and Harnloy for Delta Tau Delta did the battery work. Tho Delta U's will play the Betas Friday. Have you mado your spring decora tions use ono of our pannants. The University Book Store. Why did the Glee Club decorate with our pennants from tho Univer sity Book Store? Green's Barber Shops: Tho Rich ards, The Mogul. All modern, pest workmanship. Why not take your batha at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Ihoi Troubles Go Off. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O StreL iQQ000Q0QQ0QQOQQ0QO0OQQQQ0Q& Improving Sight- Relieving Eye Strain 8 That is what our glasses aro doing. If you havo reason to boliovo there is anything tho mattor with your oyes at all, you should havo them examined at onco. No charge for tests. Small charge' for proper glasses. Hallett - Graduate-Optician - 1143 0 s 3 o 0000OtX0000000000000000 They sigh, cogitate and contemplate the stars, but that Is about all. Such oneB think this conduct neces sary a probably, to their being good; It 1b natural to be bad, so they wljl bo unnatural, but good. Philosophy on thjs order Is a sad blunder. It Is cer tainly always the natural personality that exerts Influence In tho world. Tho great men of tho past who Influenced pthora acted and reacted naturally. This Is truo in all respects. Whether a man purposes, for Instance, being either a preacher or a lawyor, going to either ono extrome or the other, that Is, ho will win out in the truest senso only as ho learns to meet and mix with men. And in this connection it might bo said that tho fellow In a profession makes himself uncomfort ably abnormal by allowing his profes sion to dominate his life till it seems to show in his face and to run off his vry finger tips. That "good" Individual, to como Chancellor James It. Day of Syracuse Unlvorslty has discovered a new way of aiding students in their withdrawal from tho University. Tho method Is a simple one. , Any student seen going into a cafe is supposed to have re signed from college. ThlB saves tho trouble of a personal Interview with tho Chancellor. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO! The Summer Quarter, 1907 I lint Y 1111. June IS July ai S.oml Irriu. July as Aiil'hM ti riMlilc Htuilrnt'a tn riryln work with in it n.iltiu fur the Autumn 1.) i.irtrr ami fiilbnli tecial .u.ttlnn opportunities fur tculirx. Divinity 'icluol , Law School, S IiimiI n tHduiatlon. Until MimIUjI College Ulhll jt ill, (Inulunte School of Arn and t.ltcratiirr, Oittlcn li'ir.vlu itel SchooIolSklence; Senior .tin) Junior Cillrtcii of Art. I.Itrrature. I'lillc. ojihv, ami Science l'nr Information uililrest THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAR The most comprehensive farm pa per All the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly what you want In mar ket reports. ONE YEAR 25 CENT8. ' Address The Weekly' Star Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. RuBsell Sago has given $150,000 to the Northflold Seminary for Young LadleB, It Is stipulated that ttils sum bo dovotod to tho building of a chapel and a music hall. Tho Pi Phi sorority at Kansas Uni versity is building a now chapter house. Tho specifications call for a house 30x40 feet with two stories and an attic. The Climax Rettaurant 1204 P St. First Class Mttls Strvfd. cococococoocooooococococoo COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 Tho Universities of Kansas and Mis souri are playing a series of baseball games. So far each school has won a game. FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see the i WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. UlNtiTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS r-T ! g: u ijp I ) Mttanu