WF"Uf"-W V WIH.W .,-. .y, " " " "' ' nwiH'imtni'ijui i I iitmimiwuiiiiiinii iW WWWIIHUrtU.lMMiittlH ttbe alls BebraeRan MHMtWiW DEVERIDGE LEE. I' ! 1 i l ) j I i - I i O OLIVER THEATRE , FRI.. SAT. & 8AT. MAT., APRIL 19-20 25TH SEMI-ANNUAL TOUR - LYMAN H. HOWE MOVING PICTURES Tho Crowning Triumph of Realism Perils of Whaling, Olympic Games at Athens, and Many Others. THE WORLD REVEALED. Night 60, 35 & 26c. Mat. 26 & 15c. ..LYRVC THEATRE..' , 8CHEPP'8 FAMOU8 DOQ AND PONY 8H0W . CONNELLY & KLEIN R08AIRE'8 REFINED NOVELTY ARTI8T8, GEO. DEVOY & DAYTON 8I8TER8 HARRY WEBB JACK WILDE In an Illustrated 8ong,."Face In the Firelight." THE LYR08COPE Ladles' 8ouvenlr Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ELITE Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 8:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. 8peaks at Convocation on Ideals and Alms. Dr. J. Boveridgo Leo spoke in a very pleasing way at Convocation yostorday mnrnlnir on our ideals and aims. Tho greatost competition that ono has in llfo, ho said, is one's self and that competition is often a mean ono. Every man should learn the lesson that succoss in llfo does not moan to got ahead of tho other follow. Our idealB need to bo rocolored and enlarged. By way of illustration, ho told of a skull ho had found in Jerusalom and had takon back to; Milwaukee with him, whore a phrenologist had ex amined it. From thlB old piece of bono ho had been able to tell that tho man when living had possessed neither faith nor hope. If man can thus read us, what is tho use to play tho hypo crit with God? Do not minimize the valuo of spiritual gualltlos. It is bet ter to have much faith and little ambi tion rathor than the opposite; faith, rst of all, in yourself. Hope, also, is a valuable asset: It is Indeed a dreary prospect when an aged man has no bright future to look forward to; has little in tho present, and can not enjoy or live in the past. Tho Mohammedans in tholr sorvice constantly repeat tho word "Allah," using tho name of our God, altho In a different sense. If we are to bo Mo hammedans, wo should bo tho best possible, but as we are all considered Christians to all tho Orlont, we should live up to tho light that wo havo and bo tho best Christians poBslblo, living up to tho great example of Jesus Christ. LIFE OF M08E8 (COLORED) TRIP UP THE RIVER 8PREE TRAINED PARROT8 GREAT 8TEEPLECHA8E RACE THE PA8TRY COOK'8 JOKE NEGRO KING (COLORED) ILLU8TRATED 80NG8 My Lollo Loo By .Miss Allen Laura By Leslie Pomeroy Cadet Officers. All former cadet officers who ex pect to graduate at tho coming com mencement are requested to report to tho Commandant before May 16. Joseph Zavodsky, '07, spent a few days about the campus on his return from Chicago whore ho has boon since tho mid-winter commencement Miss Jessie Pamsworth, '06, will teach In tho high school at Wakefield next year. 1 ; jtfjk S. F. WesterfliM jj ! VMfliB Special Service to v V r Bell Phone 355 8 X . Auto 3355 Q i j I, ' -.. J ijjl A Specialty in Oysters lit Season ft X 117-19-21 No. 13lh St. Q Tho Seniors at Purdue havo chal lenged tho faculty to a track meet. Twenty-three academic students re ceived diplomas, and 175 industrial students wore certified as finishing tho course at tho Carllslo Indian school a few days ago. Tho Blnglng of native songs by the Hopl Northern Cheyenne Indians was an event of special interest. The GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOP ft :: CIGAR STORE :: W.H.BARTIIBL.MAN, Proprietor 1M . BleTCBtfe it. Bai SliU Walter A. Rohm, chairman of tho Wisconsin 08 junior promenade com mittee, was suspended from collego for violating tho faculty regulation against charging for checking coats, Chicago Is going to send her relay team to Pennsylvania, as well ob Rus sell in tho shot put, Steffen in two hurdles, Williamson in tho hammer throw, Schomme In the high jump and hidings in tho polo vault. O C You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln. makes my clothes now. T.J.TH0RP&C0. RUBtaTstamBS, Stencils, Seals, Traes Chscks, Ksy Lock Smithing, Qantral MicrIrb Werki, Meetl Maktrs, Els, 30oSl,IUI, LIKCOLI Tho Harvard'athlotlc council has ap pointed Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., sec ond assistant manager of the crow. By throwing tho twelve-pound Bhot fifty-five feet, W. W. Cook of Michigan broko tho amateur athletic revra. Y?Myy SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS ALWAYS PA88 BECAUSE THEY Alt! KEPT UP TO THI MARK AND NEVER FALL BELOW THE OFFICIAL STANDARD, Recognized Universally as Best for Athletes. BEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CMNTi PBR COPT No. 288. Group XVI Muscle Building;. By Dr. L. If. dalle, Director of Physical Training, N. T. Public Sohdols. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. O. Murphy, tke well known Athlotlo Trainer, now with Ualr. of Pen. No. 246., Group XII Athletic Training for Schoolboy. By Geo. W. Orton of tho Unlr. of Penn. and a famous athlete, himself. A .copy of our complete catalogue of athletic, goods will be mallet mpe , request. MAIL ORDER DEPT. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 121 Nassau St, NEW YORK. 141 Wabash Ave., CHIOAQO. Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, ot course AUTO 1550 DELL 550 OOOf R E S U L TS TELL We claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to prove It Our methods and machinery are the VERT LATEST and our workmen the best that money can secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger ef fading er shrinking and guarantee not to Injure them in any way. We also elean gentlemen's olothlng of all kinds. Goods called for end deliv ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. Phone Bell 147 1820 N street Phone Auto 1211 Call or write for price list Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Wood & Company 0000000000000006000000000004 The IVY PRESS te PRINTING Why Not L them D It Now? mnr looawok-o b. is. BOTH PHONES i aajk i union COLLEGE 1 tailors KttJr. L9 31 Ftr First Class Tallin In at Liw Mms . . . Auti, 48 Ctllixt Vlsw ft " 2, A negro student won the Rhodes scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania. Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 1 4 ,1 MMMNMWMWNWN