The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1907, Image 3
Sbe Bails tfUbraahan . ,-. .. IT IS AN ART TO BE WELL DRESSED TV" A ManMar Have ai His Disposal all theJSlothing and Furnishings S? Covntry 1 Well Dressed A rightly H'esst'l man is the mini who knows how to combine liis uttiiv in such -a way tlmt Hal, Suit, Vest, Shirt, Tic, etc., .lmrnionizttjiiid pr.o-. cluco tho most stylish of feet. "The Sterling Clothiers" have made a study of the art of dressing and a look at their line of Furnishings will convince you of their unsurpassed taste in selecting the conventional , , array for the right man. ' Just now. the big men's store is at its best. All the new things! in Neckwear; a great display of the famous Man hattan Shirts and all the spring shapes in the Dunlap and Stetson Hats : i ' : : : :' : A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes S The New In Men's Wear ZmCQLN TTEB. TOMMY For refreshments and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Miller & Palno's. ELECTRIC SHOE - - . TT-; Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM The only np-to-dnto plant in tho' city. Saves yon timo and money 1220 "0" STREET OCXXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HUYLER'S ' Chocolates Bon Bens. S M&dtHjms Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. i Ludwig is the only Real and only College Tailor Soo Him Now. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts:? PR0FE8S0R SEARS 8PEAKS. Green's Barber Shops: The Rich ardB, The Mogul. All modern. .Best workmanship. Why did tho Gleo Club decorate with our nennnnts from tho Univer sity Book Store? Have you made your spring docora t'lons use one of our pannants. The University Book 'Store. Miss A. B. Soukup. Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St. Auto 4603. If you have dance programs, tickets or Dosters to bo printed, go to Mc- Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can got a swell spring sampler at one-half price. Sander son's. . There Is no time like Harris time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bel ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1187 O St. Pictures and posters for college men's rooms. Samples at 1600 P St., or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Boll A-2165. L. L. Bishop. Don't forgot when you want your picture framed that tho Lincoln Book Store does good work of, this kind and does It at reasonable prIceB. Tho No. is 1126 O St. H. 6. Strayer, '03, is commercial in structor in the Methopolltan Business college of Chicago,- and also is a. mem ber of thek Junior Law class of the Illinois College .of. Law. ' ' Gives Talk to Engineering Society. Resolutions by 8ociety. At tho regular meeting of the En gineering Society Wednesday night Professoi Sears gave a very .interest ing iecture, describing tho new work that is being dono by tho Burlington railroad, between Lincoln and Seward. His talk wos Illustrated by several ex cellent lantern slides, showing pic tures or the work Jn progress, bridges steam-shovels and work trains, and the now concrete round-house. After the completion of Mr. Sear's talk, the, society adopted the follow ing resolution: For the past two weeks the whole University has been agitated with cor cern lest the engineering department should be refused, at the hands of the legislature, tho new building which the further efficiency of that depart ment demanded. Every friend of the University has sympathized with tho Institution Ip this struggle; but from the very nature of the task, the victual presentation of, the University's side before the legislature has fallen on n few men. At tho last, these men wore successful, because they held on and worked when weaker men would have quit. When the building seemed lost, and other friends of the University w'ore expressing their disappointment In their different ways, one man In par tlcular stayed with the game and final ly won. lis this contest for his school, Charles R. Richards displayed those qualities which have won for him the admiration and respect of every stu dent of the .University that has comft. In contact with him'. As engineers who have no prospect of attending classes in the new build ing, we are filled with a realization of Ss k. i i SS?ft &FV sr r If you want to be graceful and have your feet happy, get Into a pair of Sanderson's Dress Shoes or Slippers. They have a swell lot. of them; all",', shades uml styles. SON'S $w& i2B:0 SWEET. Jfr I UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 Mrjh Eltvinth ' Bill 348. Auti388l wnMrinmrnrMr iH t -riwrimmim ' 4 ' to :$ J Tfe.ftnu Ctur. . , 'x WhW . V . , A ' U.i-J H t 1. .. lij U.JU M MflSrffafi. , 4 .; J; ..& Au!iJa&, i'a jhZZiJ&LLjL t !Hv,.,-:&dt&.rt.A Y sd. a 4.