The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 12, 1907, Image 1
, , tittM T ' " " " ""iHfT IFlebraefean Vol. VI. No. JJ2. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL J2, J907. Price 5 Cents. beDafh V-v r fe LAW BOOK CERTAIN LEGAL MEN AT MA88 MEETING DETERMINE ON SOUVENIR. Efforts to CorHprornlsc the ..i .H manor Smothered 8lze of Book 1B0 Subscriptions Taken. A mass meeting of the Law depart ment was held at 11 o'clock yesterday to consider the Cornhusker situation. All three classes wore present in full jnu'mbers. Harry KoyBer presided, with Edward Affoltor as secretary. G. L. De Lacy was the first speaker. He laid the situation before the meet Ing itr o very clear manner, 'reviewing the difficulty from the beginning. He declared the contract provided that the department of Law should have one hundred pages in the Cornhusker; that precedent and tho intention of the parties being followed, there should be one. hundred consecutive pages; that such pages had not been allowed; that aftor fruitless efforts at compromise the Seniors had re plevied their cuts and materials; that Juniors and FreBhmen had with drawn, with ,the Seniors from the Corn-i husker undertaking, and that the pur-, this is to bo provided by Abbott's sov nose of the meeting was to consider ! en-piece orchestra. The committee the proper and reasonable course to boj from the class of '07 which has charge followed under the unfortunate cir cumstances. B. C. Enyart then moved that tho Law department put out a book as soon as possible. He said ho made the motion because in his estimation tho difficulty had gone beyond imme diate compromise. Ho deplored the unfortunate.' Situation, but advised that since the trouble had come tho Law department should stand to gether. He recommended that a book worthy the school bo put out and one containing nq advertisements. C. C. McWhlnney here attempted to interpose a substitute motion providj ing that a committee be appointed to arbitrate. .This motion-was tabled and tho original motion carried almost unanimously. Tho book to be .published was then discussed. It will contain one hun dred pages. In order that it should contain no advertisements, orders were taken at once and within fifteen minutes 180 copies were subscribed for, thus assuring tho financial stand ing of the publication. There was practically no division oh the course outlined and the'moet- ing Bhowed the unanimity of the Law , department in the situation. BIG ADDRE88ES. Doctors Bicknell and Schalek to 8peak ' Before Medics. r The MedlcalSoclety will hold ' nu open meeting Saturday' evening at 'S o'clock in M. 301. Dr. G. H. Bicknell 'of the Omaha faculty will deliver an address on ''Pasteur and Modern Medio cine." Dr. Alfred Schalek, also of the fac ulty, will demonstrate the spirochete pallida which was discovered last year to be tie.' cause of Byphllis. Physl- .clans, students and the general public are- coraiauy lnvuea to auenu. Ad mission is free. 0alK00OO0iWHO)OO0003WOJK000OO0OO ENGINEERS, , , , 1 1 i )i It u It It W. R Snow, of Boston, sponka on "Tho t)oveIopment fl of a Manufacturing it It it u H Jf it it it it t Monday, April 15, II Engineers excused from 11 o'cIocK classes. The Public cordially invited. i lKiW0ifK)KOOOOO00 q SENIOR PROM. Big Social Event at Lincoln Hotel' This Even Tho Senior Prom which is schedulod, ,at,theLincoln-Hot'el this evening 'bids' fair to be the social event of tho year, In University circles. The committee announces that the expense of time and monoy has not been spared In providing an evening of unusual pleas ure. Several new features are on tho program, as, for Instance, the "spot light" dance which has been arranged by several pf tho Ingenious electricians on the committee. The punch and ice will be a patriotic .representation of the University colors. Tho music needs no words of commendation, as of all arrangements is represented by C. D. Slaughter, chairman, and C. L. Meyer, master of ceremonies. QEIL AT MEN'8 MEETING. Noted Explorer and Lecturer to Ap- pear at Oliver Sunday. Tho last lecture of the Moil's Mass j Meetings at the Oliver, will bo given J next Sunday afternoon by Mr. W. E. j Goll, one of the noted explorers of Afrlcu, on the subject "Canlbnls Be- fore and Aftor." This last lecture of tho season is expected to bo aa un usual treat us "The Giant," as Mr. Geil is characterized, Is said to have made great "hits" by IUb lectures thruout the country. It was thru the efforts of Doari Ward that an appointment was se secured with the explorer. Mr. Geil re cently gave a lecture before several thousand men at Omaha where he made a considerable stir, and It wns then thut Dr. Ward arranged to have him stop off at Lincoln for this meet ing. Observatory Open. Tho Observatory will bo open to visitors Friday, April 12, from 8:00 to 10:00 p. m. for a view of Jupiter. , The Associated Barbs will meet In U. 208 this afternoon at 5 o'clock. ooooooooooeooo v APRIL SENIOR PROM n 4 "' UftCOLN NINE O'CLOCK. " t QQ&5QQQOQO0Q&&3QQQOQQQOQOQQ0G' ATTENTION! i i - r i i . i i i . i K (Plant." Illustratod. a. m., at Mem. Hall O iW0KiKiW)W3iK00000 VAR8ITY L08E8. Cornhusker Nine Again Defeated by Lincoln. The University and Lincoln League, baseball teams met in the second k:mio of this flouson yoHterday and the Cornhuskors wore wholloped by tho score of 20 to".vll. The Leaguors Haed "horse" with tho 'Varsity men and seemed to score with ease. Dort, long heralded as a wonder, wont Into tro box for Nebraska In tho fourth inning and did Bom i renl poor pitch ing. He was so vlld that he gave 'eight men free passaso to first In tills fining. Plake and Stephenson also twirled the Bphoro for the CornhuBkora. Tho former did better work thun nny other man the 'Varsity has had in the box 5U". season. His support was poor, l'nwever, and Ducky's men made bcv- ornl runs while lie did the throwing. Another game will be .played bo I ween the samo teams Saturday. SENIOR PARTY. The Last Indoor 8oclal Event for 1907 People. The committee in charge of thy fifth Senior class .party to bo given In tho Chapel and Gymnasium Satur day night, promise a lively time for all present. The efforts of the committee to ar range a progrum of entertainment for those who do not dance will result in some varied and lively "stunts." This program will be given In the Gymna sium, separate and distinct from the dancing in Memorial Hall. One of the committee hus called tho event a "Get-acqualnted Party." t As this is the last indoor party to be given by the class, it is expected that there will bo a largo attendance 8ophomore Informal. The Sophomoro class will hold uu Informal party In Memorial Hall Sat urday, April 27. Tho second year stu dents expect to make this tho best dance of the- school year. Tickets I cost GO cents and are being sold very fast. o o oooffiOooooeooo TWELVE HOTEL TICKETS $?.50. 6 ARE GETTING BUSY ASSOCIATED PART BARB8 MAY TAKE IN EJECTION. yr "Non-Frat Men" Will Meet Today to Consider Putting up Candidates for Athletic Board. A meeting of tho Associated Barbs will bo hold at G o'clock this afternoon in U. 208 to considor tho advisability of placing candidates in tho flold for tho coming Athletic Board election. Many of tho non-frat mon aro mak ing a strong demand for a Barb Ath letic Board ticket, and If 1(thoy havo their way candidates will bo nomin ated 'this afternoon and a "slush" fund raised at once to support tho ticket. Tho mon who aro agitating tho naming of nen-frnt candidates, claim that they can put u ticket in the field which will dofeat nny list of fraternity men the "frats' may Boloct. The fact that tho registration foe for voting In tho Athletic Board elec tion will bo returned this year In tho form of a rebate on tickets to athletic contests has led the, "barbs" tQ be lieve that several hundred of their as sociation will registor and vote. The roturn of tho fee they say will enable them to raise a big "sljiBh" fund, for those, who In the past havo been re luctant to give up twonty-flvo cents, will not hosltnto to lot "loose" of their monoy, now, knowing that they will re ceive full valuo for it. Registration for tho .election has boon going on for four days from 11 to 12 o'clock In University Hnll und In tho Library, and will bo 'oiHluiiort to morrow und Monday. Up to thi? time about three hundred students hnvo registered, 'among whom are many "barbs." Tho "frat" nominees have not boon announced as yet but tholr names will probably be glvon out early next week The olection will bo hold during the first week In May. The Athletic Board at present W, composed of five faculty members und tho following students: Welton, F. Schmidt, C. B. Duer, M. Donslow, and A. L. Lott. At the coming olection men will be elected to succeed tho stu dent members. THAT RECEPTION. Information Concerning the Junior 8enior Reception April 20. Tho Junior-Senior Reception takes place Saturday. evening, April 20, 'at 8:00 p. m. in Memorial Hall and ovary member of these two classes is cor-, dlally invited to bo present., . The boyB may bring either Junior or Senior, girls as they desire, but no, girl should stay, away for, lack. of-an oscoi-L All Juniors and Seniors should make an. effort to come, fdr a good Informal time is assured. Every Senior and Junior welcome! Committee. GJee Club,. , ' At a meeting of tho Glee Club, hold last evening in U. 102, Ed. Johnston wap elected temppfary manager, arid a committee on nominations wob ap pointed, to report Tuesday .f evening, April. 16.' ' i (SlfekalU ju.MMif'-L