The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1907, Image 3
ttb e Bails Webrnslian Vs .- ' s OLIVER THEATRE ttKmttiMwttww TA P A V MATINEE, 2:30 I V-ZaLM I TONIGHT, 8:15 The 8how You Know Coming Al G. Field Minstrels 50 Headed 'by Press Eldridge 50 MAT. 50 & 25c. NIGHT $1 to 25c. FRI.f SAT. 4 8AT. MAT. APRIL 12-13 Benefit Y. W. C. A. Building Fund ALICE IN WONDERLAND 250 PEOPLE 250 Night, 75, 50; 35 & 25c. Mat., 25 & 10c Free Candy to Every Matinee Patron WttttWWWWWHMi ..LYRIC THEATRE.. I iiaawiMwiS JOSEPHINE GAS8MAN CLARK & TEMPLE ALLEN SHAW BILLY BEARD JACK WILDE Illustrated Song "If the JVIan in the Moon Were a Coon." LYRD8COPE Ladies' 8ouvenir Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays. THE ELITE ooooooocxxxxxxxxoooooooooo Continuous Shows from 1:30 to S:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. ESMERALDO (By Victor Hugo) THE MOONSHINER'S HOME"" MURPHY'S WAKE COSMOPOLITAN DANCE FLIRTING ON THE SANDS MY SERVANT IS A JEWEL ILLUSTRATED SONGS The Old Oak Gate Sung by Miss Etta Gurney Pawnee Sung by Leslie Pomeroy rTtOSaMW, 30MPLETE DEBATES Our foreign policy, the currency, the tariff, Im migration, high license, woman suffrage, penny postage, transportation, trusts.departmcnt stores, municipal ownership of franchises, government control ot telegraph. Both sides oj the above and ivUuty i' eifirr' guts? atticompletelydebated. Directions for organizing aiid conducting a debat ing society, wfth by-laws and parliamentary rules, Price, A1.50 Postpaid. Clotn 469 Pages. &NDS & NOBLE 3133-35 West 10th Street, N. Y. CKy ' SckoelbeekstfalljublUktriatoHtstor 3 NEW STYLE "BARKER COLLAR" WARRANTED LINEN ASK,YOUR DEALER , WILLIAM BARKER CO. ' MAKERS.0F COLLARS & CUFFS BUSINESS DIRECTORY IS II Kverjr Loyal UalTeraUj Student Is urged to patronize theae Nebraa- j( kn drertlaeM, and to mention j the paper vrhajs dolar i i T. i 1 BARBER SHOPS Green's Shops, The Richards; The Mogul. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book . Storo, Unl. Book Stow, Harry Portor. BAKERY Potrv Bakorv Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAPE Sam Wosterflold, Don Cam eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. CIGARS LIndsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma geo & Deemer, The Sterling. COAL Gregory, Whitebroast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwo'U, The Fol Bom. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol shelmer, Rudge & Guonzol. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE The Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Herpolshelmer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. v Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. .PRINTING Now Century, Georgp Bros., McVoy, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Crancor. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Par kins, Electric Shoe Co. ' SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Hprzog, Elliott Bros., Dresner. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, Bijou. Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's Cafe. . A number have inquired of Mr. Townsend if the price quoted to Corn huskors would be extended to Senior girls desiring new sittings without cap and gown. The rate Is good to July 1, '07. mmmmmmmmBmmmmmmm L. J. HERZQG Tbe University Man's Taller THE FINEST W8M SOKE AID PfUCES UMT 1230 O STREET rsjsjMsjHiHBjBBHMaWaaaaWBBaVHH HHUYLER'B Chocolates mm4 Bon Bans. Tfc ra Cutter. '' THE KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAR The most comprehensive farm pa-per-t-AII the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly' what you want in mar ket reports. ONE YEAR 25 CENTS. Address Tlit Wsekly Star Kansas City, Mo. Jiii THE AFTERMATH. ( Continued from pago 1.) dered the visitors, and tho next morn ing at tho Delta Upsllon house Mr. B. F. RobhiEon, tho only member of Phi Alpha Tail from Wisconsin, formally Installed the initiates of that -organization just established here. Nebraska-Illinois. At Illinois there occurred anolhor dlf flculy over Judges, one falling o arrive at tho last moment. Tho third Juclgo agreed upon was Professor A. E. Rogers of Maine who Is teaching for tho year at Illinois. 81ncc there was a split decision between tho other two, E. R. Stephens and Professor W. V. Cook, both of Wisconsin, It may bo said cast the deciding vote. Professor Cook while voting for Illinois said it was very close and was none too posi tive as to the way It should go. Pro fossor Caldwell In commenting upon tho debate thought tho main weakness of the Nobraska team wuh In rebuttal, tho other side getting In smoother work along this line. Ho declares tho reception accorded them was moBt cordkil. All members of tho team have gone "visiting" before returning. A chango has been made In the time of year during which tho League debates will occnr hereaftor. Tho next- contest will fall on the Friday night before Christmas vacation, December 13. At that time Nebraska will meet Iowa here and Minnesota at Minne apolis. It will be tho first time No braska and Minnesota have clashed 011 the forensic field, and the second tlmo she has met Iowa. Tho latter team waB mot and defeated by a unanimous decision two years ago on tho ques tion of the Fourteenth Amendment. David Starr Jordan. President .Jordan of Leland Stan ford, Jr., University visits the Univer sity today as the guest or Doctor Ward. This evening ho gives an ad diesK In the high school auditorium under the auspices of the Teachers' Guild of the city. The meeting of the Zoological Club which was to have been held this evening has been post poned In order to give the member a chance to attend the lecture to which the student body Is cordially In vited. Convocation Programs. Following aro the programs for Con vocation as arranged for the next two months: April. Tuesday, 9 Miss Charlotte Temple ton, Secretary State Library Com mission, "Library Extension Work." Friday, 12, G p. in. Professor Daniel Ford. "Daniel Webster." Tuesday, 1G J. Heverldgo Lee. Friday, 19, 5 p. m. J. Iioverldge Lee. Tuesday, 23 Hon. J. L. McHrien, Statu Superintendent Public Instruction. Friday, 20, 5 p. m. Professor H. W. Caldwell, "Calhoun." Tuesday, 510 Professor W. F. Dann, '"Art Exhibit." May. Friday, 3, 5 p. in. Senior Program. Friday, t0,'f p. m. Junior Program. Friday, 17, 5 p. m. Deah L. A. Sher man, "Turgenoff." , Friday, 24, 5 p. m. Professor Gcorgo D. Aycrs, "Charles Sumner." Friday, 31, 5 p. m. Hon. Albert Wat kins, "Lincoln and Douglas." , Silver Serpent Elections. The following girls have been elect ed to Silver Serpent: Mario Kestqrson, Ednn Scott, Lois Fossler, Alice Batty, Camllle Evans, Xlabel Snyder, Clara Hermanson, Anna Watt, Vera Fink, Winifred Waters, Norma Richardson. O Auto J38B X 8 A Specialty In Oysters Is Seasen 8 117-18-21 No. 13th SI. 8 UmVEftSITY & OPTICIAN C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, DR. S. S. SHEAN, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER THE DANCE BALL IH Thfl Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company For Good, Prortipt LIVERY SERVICE UNQERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 136 North Elovanth Bill 348. Auto 3881 Cotrell & Leonard ALIAKY, N. Y. Haktrt if CAPS, 60WNS ill HOODS Ta ftta iaajrlaaa taUaa'aa ui HitMiileaii IV W MaTfllWI VIlWIjPJ 4VPB VnSI rV VMaWf CUSS CMTMCTS A SffCULTY liVftMt Mlaaflaal kMaaaiai 9a CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR IBC CACp, a FOR 28C CLUETT, PCABODY &. CO. Maker ot Clutt nj Moiiirch flhlrta j 6oooooooooooaooooooob6ooo jjj HAVE jj The Evans Do Your Washing jjj jsjjnzHEZzzscaar 1 ANTOY 'Jr Jw ao '"p9mEum bt& h3 -zmzm P'aBrt 1vV?-"-7tS S0m v. v - ?-, r