The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1907, Image 2
ttbe BnilEflcbrnertan - Abe Balls TElebragftan THI3 PROPERTY OF f THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lmcoi.x, NKDtUflKA. PIILISHED EVERY DAT EXCEPT SIHDAT AND HBNDAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PBblicattoi Office, 126 H. 14th St. Edltor-ln-chlcf J. Carroll Knodo, '08 AbhocIiUo Editor Clyde E. Elliott, OS) Managing Editor A. E. Lonjr. '09 Atnioticii iitiKn w. umg, u Gcnurnl Nowb Paul Q. Burt, '09 Hovlawu Gortmdo Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadoa, '08 AflalBtnnt Athlotlcn. Miller S. Boncdlot, '09 Anat. aont Nowa SIdnoy O. EvanB, '09 Dcpartmval....Earl R. Hunt, '08 11. L. WIlHon, '09 Quy Montgomery, '09 A. O. Bchrolbor, '07 Aloxandor J. Dunlap, '09 . C. C. Hickman, '07 BuBlncsa Managor.... Byron E. Yodor, '08 ABBlatant Manager Gay Hardy, '08 Circulator H. C. Robortson, '09 j lj: TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. . NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflco, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, S2.00 PER YEAR Pjrblt In Advance Single Copies, 5 Centa Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rata of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen worda or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postoffico at Lincoln, NobrnsUn, an socond-clftBB mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. It Is hinted by thonc well Informed thut there is u possibility of a com promlso In the controversy ovor the Laws-Cornhuskor matter at a meeting 'today. Vorlly thlB 1b a consummation devoutly to bo wlBhod.and furthermore It 1b the thing which in the due courso of affairs ought to take place. Thut 1h, it is only proper that Biich action be taken. When qffalrs in a Unlvoralty "difference" get td such a stage that they can not be Bottled amiably, quietly and calmly, a bad reflection 1b cast on tho institution and what it Htands for, presumably. If a settlement Ib reached, both sides H Good Vision it it it it it it it it it H n it n it it it it Is much to bedesired by us all. To get the best and retain it; it is important that you should see .... Hallett - Graduate - $ a are to bo congratulated heartily; If settlement Ib not reached, well both sides have failed to loarn tho "groat, grand and glorious" spirit of modern times. One of these days maybe it will be considered chfldlsh to let some real ly important movement suffer because of petty differences. Tho men at the head ot affalrB now are showing the proper spirit in attempting to get to gether and overybody except those with violent prejudices and Bmall "reach" is behind them. Tho other day a professor :allod a his desk. "What Ib UiIb word?" ho asked, pointing to a paper on which wero some lottors spelling "desmul." The studont fatummored conslt'orubl but declared it stood for something. Being furthor pushed, ho decided that what he hud in mind should not bo spelled thus, but "dlsmul." The pro fessor did not object particularly to this spelling, but thought the other might' take another try if ho were so inclined. Accordihglly tho student, now very red in tho face ;ind perspir ing freely, made one last valiant ef fort and declared thut what he wanted to spell was "dlBmnl." This might have been very appro priate, but in reality it wub a mathem raatical BUbJect of which ho had tried to write and the word attempted was "decimal." Form Is not everything by a long way as some arc inclined to make it, but form must have become a "dismal" affair. UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. Curront Issue Contains Timely Contrl , buttons. The University Journel for April contains tho usual front page article by Chancellor Andrews, who writes this time, not on "Cribbing" but on "Crutching," a term ho applies to tho practice of getting aid from a sourco without glvjng 6no credit to that source. Professor Grummann, writing on tho Summer Session, describes the modol High School being planned. "Arrangements, he says, aro being made for a model high school upon tho campus. In all cases the instructors will be experienced high school teach ers of approved troinlng. The teach ers of this model school will observe ofllce hours once a week for consulta tion with visiting teachers. The model school will bo open only to students of high school ago, in order that repre sentative high school work may bo. done. Students will be limltod to one subjoct, except In unusual cases when they maj take two subjects if es pecially recommended by their formor touchers." Dean Pound contributes an article on "Propaartlon for tho Study of Law." In It this vory slgniflcent paragraph occurs : It seems to bo generally understood thai English and History are to be studied tljoroly by the student pro- Optician - 1143 0 paring for law. But emphasis ought to be put upon writing good clear English. Unless the student can do this, he ought to stay -away from Law School, whore he will be called upon continually to put his case on imper. If he does not know how to do this, tho Law School can do nothing for him. Museum Cases. Two car-loads of cases for the Museum have been received. A num ber of cases have been installed in tho Museum. They are handsome In de sign, being of heavy oak, and con structed so as to . afford tho greatest amount of variety for placing and mounting tho exhibits. Some larger casos more especially designed for ex hibition purposes will be put In place Immediately. These' coses are very massive, made of one and a -half Inch oak, and are fitted and finished in ac cordance with the best approved meth ods of the cabinet-makers. The Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. With tho completion ot the new buildings, which wore dedicated .Septem ber 25th, 190G, this scjiool now has facilities and equipment for teaching' and research In the various branches of medicine probably unsurpassed in this country. Of tho flvo buildings, four are devoted entirely to laboratory teaching and rosearch. Tho numerous hospitals of Boston afford abundant opportunities for clinical Instruction in medicine and surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of art, literature, philosophy qr science, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the degree of M. D. The studies of tho fourth year aro wholly elective; they Includo laboratory subjects, general medicine, general surgery and the special clinical branches. Tho next school year oxtonds from September 26, 1907, to June 29, 1908'. Sond for-illustrated catalogue; address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. selling them tickets and receive ono for every ten tickets sold. Tickets, 35 cents. Board. Good board may bo secured at 1C33 Q street. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard,' 212-213 Richards Blk. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. . Tho best placo to oat in town is at Don's. 114 So. 11th Street. Tho best place to eat in town is at Dons Cafo, 114 So. 11th St. Swell spring sample shoes and Ox fords, half price. Sanderson's. Ludwig is the only Real and only College Tailor Seo Him Now. Miss L. Loomls, Delta Delta Delta, haa withdrawn from tho University. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Orebn's Barbor aids, Tho. Mogul, workmanship. Shops: The All modern. Rich Best Why did the Gloo Club decornto with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Storb? Huvo you mado your spring decora- tlons use one of our pannants. University Book Store. Tho If you have danco programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. Lost. An eight-Inch si Ida rule In Library, Wednesday afternoon. Find er please loave at Registrar's ofllce. Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can got a swell spring sampler at one-half price. Sander son's. There is no tlmo Uke Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St. Lost Gold pin, triangular-shaped, with word "Oread" carved in Greek letters. Finder return to Nebraska! ofllce. Thomas Fleming, 1904, and Fred S wool j'. 1905, visited at the Alpha Thetu Chi fraternity house Saturday and Sunday. Pictures and posters for college men's rooms. Samples at 1600 P St, or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Bell A-2165. L. L. Bishop. Don't forget when you want your picture framed that thjj Lincoln Book Store does, good work of this kind and does it at reasonable prices. The No. is 1126 O St. We Would Like to bo Your Laundrymen. YULE, BROS. )00000090000000aOO?03C AtLEGREITI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL 9400,000.00 Surplus and Profits.... 100,000.00 DEPOSITS 3,030,000.00 OOOOOOCOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXDOOO OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJCOCOOCOOOO T.J.THORP&CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, Genera) Machine Wsrks, Mstfet Makers, Els. 308 Si. Ml, LIXCOU WHEN "WALKOVERS" GO ON Shoo Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street. Miss A. B. Soukup. Special attention given 1136 O St. Auto 4603. Dressmaker. 10 studonts. 8 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK 5 OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA g g CAPITAL - $100,000.00 8 KLbWbM WES Vv'SSu c ffRlBTraNp1 rf i w I "JWJI.i WJiu" a&fcjctSBufc:... JjiitiAiahsfl:!: 3K lyw." 1