The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1907, Image 4
Ittre DailU UtTrraaftaii . -. ff" U frint t p - -, , SUIT ESSENTIALS THAT MAKE " "THE STERLING QUALITY." There are many essential points in a well made suit and one can not select his clothing to the best ad vantage unless he knows the points that make the value. I Suits of the newest cut in vogue; Fabric that is durable in new designs; Tailored by the best skilled workmen; are the essentials considered in selecting the Sterling line of Clothing. $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $25.00 up to $35.00. yr .. J 1 r)i ;w (Formerly Paine Clothing Company J ( A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes UNCQLNNEB. ) TOMMY For rofreshmontB and light catering work see "TOMMY" at Miller & Palno's. Board. Good board may bo secured at 1C33 Q street. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. ': HtU UHC?W 2432 II: WOA AND WTtf tf NlH, TONE LI'S VST April. Thursday 4. Mass meeting for debate, 11:00 a. m. Friday 5. Convocation r:00 p. m. Dean Roscoe Pound "Executive Justice." Saturday, 6. Mathematics Seminar mcotB, 7:30 p. m., M. 203. ChemlBtry Club meets, 8:00 p. m., Client. .Laboratory. Open meeting of Forest Club, 8:00 p. m. Dr. Condra gives discus sion. Students' Debating Club, 8:00 p. m. Debate on, "Resolved, That the present policy of Increasing the navy Bhould be continued." Saturday, 13. Senior Party, 8:30 p. m., Armory. Saturday, 20. Jnulor-Senlor reception, 8:00 p. m., Atom. Hall. Tuesday 9. Juniors meot, 11:30. Mom. Hall. Latin Club mepts, 8:00 p. m., at homo of Miss Melqulst, 93G South 14th. Friday 12. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Notice. All track men are requested to be out botween 4 and 5 p. m. Lost. An eight-Inch slide rule In Library, Wednesday afternoon. Find er please loavo at Registrar's office. Chancellor Andrews returned yes terday morning after an absence of over two weoks In the East. Miss Mabel Mulr, '05, teaching at Friend, spent Saturday and Sunday at her homo hero. Fred KoHoy, a graduate of '02, spent a few hours with friends here yesterday while on hlB way to Load, S. D., where ho is teaching. Mr. F. J. Prltchard, who graduated In 1904, is now the assistant profes sor of botany In the North Dakota Agricultural college. Many New and Beautiful Em broideries In Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries our stock Is constantly being added to. And wo are sure you will enjoy a visit to this section if you have any need for these dainty lacy Embroideries. Wo show: Cambric Embroideries at from 5c to $1.00 per yard. Nainsook Embroideries in neat small designs, ranging in price from 5c to 75c per yard. Swiss Embroideries, in matched sets, for dresses, from $3.00 per yard down. Wide Bands, in Baby Irish and Swiss Embroidery, from 50c to $2.00 per yard. Insertion for Waists In all widths from yz inch to 4 Inches wide, 10c per yard and upwards. All Over Embroideries for Waists, 50c to $4.00 per yard. Fancy Fronts for Shirt Waists, in a variety of pretty designs, from 90c to $2.25 each. Embroidered Patterns for baby dresses, put together with lace and em broidered insertion, with ruffle.; a time saver for the busy mother; 27 to 45 Inches wide; price $1.50 to $3.00. Pattern Corset Covers, VA yards long, $1.50 each. Corset Cover Embroidery, 30c to $2.25 per yard. NEW BELTS Elastic Belt Special Fine Black Elastic Belt, with steel back plecoand buckle; exceptionally good quality of ftA Black elastic; a real $1.60 value; special pl.UU Fine French Kid Belts In the latest styles; a special number in Black, Brown, Tan, Green, Grey and Navy; also French Kid, studded with steel points, front and back; an CI Iff unusual value at .....'... piiZ) Another lot of Fine 'French Kid; a perfoct fitting belt with beautiful finished back, in Brown,l Tan and Black, li At at, each ; JZ.UU Steel' Studded Elastic Belts that have Just been opened up; Black (M iff and colors; $6.00 down to ipl.Zj) Spring Veilings Wo aro showing sbmo very novel ideas In Fancy Not; alBo Plain Nets in small, large and cluster dots; colore are Brown, Navy, Grey and Black and White; per yard, $1.00, 90c, 85c, 75c, 65c, 60c, 50c, iff 40c, 35c, 30c and Z0C MILLER & PAINE Gregory's Washed Goal $6.50 i .