The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1907, Image 2
Gbe 3D n 1 1 flebraefcan - ... ' THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OFsttBBRA.6KA. Lincoln. NkdjUbka. 'PIILISHED EttRYDAY EXCEPT 'fldBAY'AHO MOMDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Mllcattoi Office, 126 N. 14tk St. Edltor-in-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, AsBOclato Editor Clydo E. Elliott, Mann'Rlng Editor A. E. .Lonpr, Athlotlcn Hugh W. Craig, Gonornl Nowb Paul O. Burt, Hoviown dortrudo Mooro, Convocation Laura Rhoadoa, ABBlstant Athlotlcfl. Mlllor S. Benedict, AflBt. Con. Nowb Sidney Q. Evans, Departmental.... Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. WJlson, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. a. Schrolbor, '07 Aloxnndor J. Dunlnp, C. C. Hickman. '07 BufllncflB Manager.... Byron E. Yodor, AflBlBtant Managor Gay Hardy, Circulator H. C. Robertson, 08 09 09 07 09 07 08 09 09 '09 08 '08 09 TELEPHONE8J DAY Auto 1B28. NIGHT 2385 and 4472 Editorial and Builneii Office! BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Pottofflco, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 92.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, B Centa Each. INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES yvljl bo chargod for at tho rato of 10 conta per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraotlon thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published freo. Entered at tho postonlco at Lincoln, Nobrnska, as second-class mall matter undor thu Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. So tho University has lost again at tho hands of tho Legislature! A hundrod. thousand dollars has boon taken away from tho Engineering de partment and has been turned ovor to tho Farm that Is about what it amounts to. Thoro has boon a repeti tion of what usually takos place when tho Farm and tho University come up at tho Bamo tlmo; tho former gets tho preference. Nobody would object to tho build ing up of tho Agricultural School, of course, woro It notvthat tho blggor, broader, and oldor institution 1b be ing hamporod and crippled In ordor to testation of college tfp'lrlt in support of the dobato this evening. But it does not seem called or. Every stu dent realizes without being told that University debate needs support, and tho way to support-It is to get out and "root" I Medic Notes. Tho graduating qlass of tho Omaha Medical School this spring contains soventecn students, over half of whom have tho bachelor's degree. This Is an lncreaso of nlno students ovor the class of last year. Tho olght Btudents who graduated last year woro tho first class after tho afllllatlon with tho University, and also tho first to come undor tho radl-' cal entrance requirements. Of tho class of '06, no member fell below tho grade of 80 In the examination boforo tho State Board, while two men made tho grades of 92 and 94 respectively. Out of a total of forty-nine men who took this flato examination these woro tho only two to roach such marks. Miss Gortrudo H. Gardner of Kear ney Normal, spent yesterday In visit ing Miss Hunter's classes and In con sultation with her In regard to tho latin section of tho State Teachers' Association of which Miss Hunter is president and Miss Gardner secre tary. A thorough campaign was out lined by them for tho work of the section, which will culminate In tho program at tho state convention In tho holidays. Miss Gardner will address tho Southeastern TeachorB Associa tion this morning at Beatrice and will spoak for tho interests of the sec Pennant Collection Growing. In honor of the six P. B. K.'b In tho Union Literary Society, a friend of tho organization has presented to tho Y. M. C. A. a neat union pennant that is a now departure In Its make up. It Is really a double pennant combin ing the colors and letters In an artis- n it it HATS WITH SNAP $2.50 Budd don't bluff. The Hats speak for themselves. They look $5.00 worth, they wear $3.50 worth and sell for $2.50. Why pay more? BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O S n it it it it a t &$ do It. Tho State Farm is undoubtedly a good thing, but thoro are also other good things. Indeed, it might be pos sible, barely possible, :tbat thoro aro other institutions that mean even more to the "American youth"than tho agricultural schools. But without con sidering final benefits at all, tho Uni versity industrial departments certain ly have a right to stand on equal foot ing with tho industrial Farm. It Is a piain case of partiality, that 1b all. Tho Legislature is composed largely of farmers, men who leave "Jim" and "Tim" at homo to "shuck" out tho corn while thoy occupy tho leather-seated chairs about tho capl tol on a flvo-dollar-a-day Job making laws about education! It is to bo hoped that as many as possible pf their, successors to-bo will got to tho Farm. This might bo considered a good time to urge at great length a manl- tic manner. The six unions who took Phi Beta Kappa honors are, ' Misses Margaret Hannah, Scena Hanson, Mabol Pepoon, Vesta Shlvely, and Messrs. Albert Aaron and Dell Gib son. A Delta Tau Delta pennant present ed by that organization was also ad dod to tho collection today. To date tho Alphl Theta Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsllon, Kappa Sigma, Delta Tau Delta, and Alpha Omricon PI chapters have presented pennants to tho Y. M. C. A. It is tho purposo of tho rooms' committee to secure pennants for the rooms from all local chapters. Ivy Day Songs. The-Senior committee on songs re quests that all selections for tho Ivy Day program be submitted by May 1. The songs may bo handed to Alice Davis, Lucllo Long, or Nellie Ensor. All Seniors aro urged to enter the contest i f i LADIES' i ) Is' PHONOGRAPHS .WAITING J ..ffim,. AND room ikMtfrMMW lkk QRAPH0PH0NE located JKy -iJLlkiJBrfaBgffCTBMg records ON BALCONY i . J lijgflnJTfir 25 CENT8 Dainty New Waists We have Just received a shipment of White Lawn Waists in 5 dainty styles. Solid embroidery fronts with assorted sizes of tucks, lace embroidery with tucked frdnts collars and cuffs trimmed to match. Short sleeves, button back or button front; a good quality of Lawn values .up to $1.60; j your choice for plUU 8EE WINDOW DI8PLAY. New Laces Point Vonlso All-Ovor Laces, new and exclusive designs in ecru and natural color j tho trimmings for Voiles; at, per yard, $6.50 and .". . . . . $7.50 Vonlso Bands and Edges to match All-Overs at, per yard, $1.00 ' to .... . $1 .75 Wo aro showing a full lino of All-Ovor Laces and Nets for Waists, at, per yard, 60c to $2.50 16-Button Silk Gloves A now shipment of two of the best values wo have had this seasou, M f?n j (jg oft at, per pair 3I.5U and $I.Oy BELL PHONE 593 AUTO PHONE 3281 &ty)Ujkemrt(v HALF BLOCK TWELFTH AND N 8TREET K0OWD03W)K503lD3 Register Today 11 to 12, main hall Baseball Saturday, Antelope Park, University vs. Lincoln 0K3KK)KODOOK Kensington Clothes For College Men Why? Because they fit as no other clothes do and possess every other re quirement of the most exacting men. Tho styles and fabrics aro admirable, and the tailoring as nearly perfect as painstaking workmen can turn out. Wo aro so confident of their high character' that wo can only speak' of thom in an enthusiastic way. A care-, ful examination and comparison and y uowlll endorse our statements, $J5 to $40 Magee & Deemer Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, o! course AUTO 1550 DELL 550 c K.. &M WfSA i ,i2 V? tw M ,.rwi ,Y m