The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1907, Image 1
I Ibe 3)ail IFlebraefcan Vol. VI. No. 107. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1907. Price 5 Cents. TO LOSE BUILDING THE NEBRASKA DEBATING TEAM WHICH MEET8 WI8CON8IN IN MEMORIAL HALL TONIGHT. BIG DEBATE RALLY UNIVERSITY ENGINEERS WILL GET NO NEW QUARTERS. Money Goes to State Farm Instead $150,000 Appropriated for Agri cultural Structures. l The Senate spent yesterday after noon in debating how to expend tho , one mill levy for the University. The bill is H. R. No. 76, and provides for the distribution of the proceeds of this fund. ' As originally drawn the bill pro vides for an appropriation of $100,-1 000 for an Engineering building at the University. The finance committee struck this out, and substituted $100,-' 000 for new buildings at tho State ' Farm. This morning the senate voted out of the general fund $50,000 for new PROFES80RS, 8TUDENT8 BAND AT MEETING. AND Wisconsin Team Arrived Yesterday Morning 8wenson Will Probably Debate Phi Alpha Tau. Morton L. Corey. Clyde C. McWhlnney (Alternate). Joseph M. Swenson. Samuel M. Rinaker. Yesterday morning in chapel wan hold a moss meeting in tho intorcst of tho debate coming off tonight. It was tho biggest event of the sort that has over occurred at Nebraska. A "full Iioubo" greeted the speakers, tho band playo'd loud and strong. Genuine debating enthusiasm was aroused. I'rofossor Fogg in speaking charac terized very effectively several of tho men on present and past teams. Doan Pound described methods that used to be pursued in the days when a "big splash" counted for a great deal, nnd Professor Losey got off a good Btory Cl000000 O O 000000000000 000000000000 O O 000000000000 HBBBBBBf t9BBBBBBHBHKi o o - 'V- -t':BBftlBi E. R. Robinson. E. J. Marshall. xAliUllSxLslHIH 0 O wtJiHIH o o R. B. Frost. OOOOfeO3lKe00OOO o o oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o o ooooooooooo THE WISCONSIN DEBATERS oooooooooooo o o oooooooooooooooo buildings at the Farm, and when the special bill came up this afternoon McKesson moved to reinstate the $100,000 for the Engineering building and cut out that sum for tho Farm buildings. After a long debate tho motion mis defeated, 11 to 16, and there will bo no Engineering building, but tho State Farm will get a total of $150,00 for new structures. Although the senate did not make a direct oppropriatlon for a Univer sity Engineering building there is a possibility that money will bo secured from the mill levy for such a structure. The fact the $150,000 goes to the State Farm may all own enough money to be saved from the regular levy for tho Engineering building. Senators McKesson, Burns and Sackett were active In trying to se cure an appropriation for tho -University building yesterday but their ef forts were in vain against the in fluence of Senators Aldrlch and Pat rick who opposed the bill. THE NEBRASKA TEAM WHICH MEET8 ILLINOIS URBANA TONIGHT. I IN DEBATE AT Byron E. Yoder. Frank C. Builta (Alternate). George M. Tunlson. William R. King. as a further stimulus to excitement. Tho two speakers from tho student body wore C. C. McWilllams, loader of tho rooting squad, and M. L. Corey, a member of the team to dobato against Wisconsin. -The Wisconsin men, accompanied by Professor Ly man, arrived just a few minutes too Inte to bo present at tho meeting as had been planned. Tho membors of the Wisconsin team aro Eugene J. Marshall, Raymond B. "Frost and Ed gar E. Robinson. The first is a color od student. Joseph Swenson, one of tho best de baters on Nebraska's team, has been suffering for the past week from an at tack of the -mumps and much concern has been felt lest hp be unablo to en ter the contest. At tho latest, word last night, ho expressed, himself as feeling that he would bo present; tho doctor in attendance also 1b hopeful. Practically all arrangements have bepn made for tho event tonight and from ' present indications it Is to bo supported In the most loyal fashion. (Continued on pago 3.)