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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1907)
jErtcry-" ' 'y&yt't' " y .ff b e D a i l ft e b r e ti a;n s --,a -. - a u; ODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RESULTS TELL SAM'S CAFE Seen ., J-VJ 7 .it Those Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest ' Eastern. i Made to Order $29100 ' and' Higher. EUiotfL-Bros;, .-, TAILORS., .k Both Phones. . .1210 O St f . i-j ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM The only up-to-date plant In the city. Saves you time, and, money 'i , , 1220 "O" STREET tmmmfmr UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 1.36 Ntrtk Elivtnth ' ltH34l. AhMIII m ,, l tfi p(nr V. -J Ij "N $ BEST 15 CENT' MEAL IN O 8 yl'-. -TJhE qiTY. f; '" 8 8 D.K. CAM P.BELL. CSS S'- MMIT.'SUQJFX JJX '- ; Cm STORE:: "1 5 W.M.SAKTJDBlMAMtPniyHtalr O 5 i3ae.KUTtkst.-Krfaii . ;o II "" 7 . -. lftiifL sW UnitotHNtB- ; T ' ri ' I IT j 'I I IIS:S T- -n- ' 'r" 'a Wo claim, to be tho boat 0LEANER3 'and DYERS In Lincoln and are hero to prove It Our methods and maohlnory are, tho VERY LATEST and our workmen tho boat that money can secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to lnjuro thorn In any way. We also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods callod or and!lolIv orod. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altorlng. and ropairlng. Phone Sell 147 ' 1320 N street Phone Auto 1292 Call or write for price list ' Lincoln, Nab. J. C. Wood OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO DK. CHAS. YUNGBLUT, .- DKNTI8T r i-Rooma 18. And 10 -Burr Block. Auto '" Phono" ililft. XkiM ftfifl. ""! IiINO JjTt, - NEDDASKA. ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON M AFTER THE DANCE" ' ; - mil w Th Ensign Omnibus and transfer Company For ,Oooc, UVEIY SERVICE Pctry Bakery Cc. Bakiiif Orders Filled Promptly. fkc Rkc Bread Our Specialty. rfceee oa and Your Order Will Beeelve Prompt Attention. Srf5 vr;'o', -V.,lii-.'' WHIN "WALKOVERS . if OO ON " '; t f ho TrouWts Co Off. RogiTi A PtTftinf ijlMVE . J jj The Evans Do Your WMhlnc ! We J , j LaundryracH, , X 8 J . . - YUL.E BROS. -vS 0HKCX5?3PftOQOOOK)000000. ")7&$ :' 'ra" & Company THE LAW8 SPEAK.' (Continued from pago 1.) as anything of the kind could vJify well be. Had It boen known that the editor-in-chief of tho present Cornhusker or any other would nsumo himself tho ab solute power of disposing of all ques tions affecting the book without ref erence to the wishes of tho rest of tile staff the scheme for amalgamating the Law School book with it would have failed at tho time It was proposed Tho continuance of it is doubtful, to say tho least, if tho position assumed is persisted 'In: Tho Law, SchoolJs am ply able nnjl. capable-to got oijt and maintain a 'good publication of Its own and we are assured of tho hearty support of Dean Pound nnd-some of tho taculty In the enterprise. One of the most potent forces in bringing about (he consolidation of the Univer sity publications was tho fact that tne merchnrits of the city were going to re fuse to support publications were almost Invariably tainted with graft. None of the Law publications have been open to this cliargo, but the publications by the Academic de partment have scarcely oyer been free from It. No one has endeavored, when oc casion arose, moro than wo have to bring about a harmonious feeling be .tween tho departmens in such matters as this, but such 'articles as have been allowed to appear in the Nobraskan of tho past fow days will nullify any efforts in that respect and create a sentiment' which will eventually cause a withdrawal of tho Law School from tho various student activities which tho Academic department have gener ally controlled, and without them tho latter would certainly be in poor plight to make a good uhowing; eL g. dobato. Since "Tho Rag" and Mf. Meyers seem to htvo formed .a combino" I Want to put a query to you based on his statement that it would bo to the financial advantage to have the Law School withdraw from tho Cornhuskor at this time if they doslro. If two men go into partnership and build up a trado which is reasonably prosper ous, will it be to the advantage, of the ondJ to have tho other withdraw before tho profits are divided? He tried .to Impose on the cqmmon sense of the readers of the Nobraskan In the statement on Friday last by saying what it .would actually cost to pay for one-third of tho book, Cwhen tho amount of space Is not in Issue) without stating that under his own fig ures wo sould bo entitled to one-third of the value of tht advertising secured and what has been spent for cuts by the students. There aro no "prospects of the La.w students going down in their pockets" any more to aid In an enterprise under the conditions such as Mr. Meyers now seeks to impose. ' EDWARD AFFOLTER. March 2Q, 1UU7. UNIVERSITY iULLETIN. March Wednesday 27. Basket-ball, Sophomores vs. Fresh men, 3:00 p. m. in Armory. April, Wednesday. 3. Vacation ends, 8:00 a. m. Thursday, 4. . Concert by University Schoql of Music Orchestra, 8:00 p. m., in' Mem, Hall. Board, Good hoard may be secured at 1633 Q street. S. F, WesterfleH Proprietor Special Sorvlco to PARTIES Bell Phone 305 Auto ...'. 3388 A Specially Injystefs in Season '117-f9-21tNo. 13th 81. I J and 10c in cagh entitles o Q O you to a Is OfV 25c Meal jatLtfce CXXXXXXXXXXXXX50Q000000000O T.J.TH0RPfcCO.: Rubber Stamps, Stencilf, 6alt, Tratfe Checks, Keys Leek .Imlthini. General .MmMi Works, MetfeJ Makfn,,Ete. 301 Si. Hti, LINCOLN OtidolUs Mi MWJ Te ne 'Ci'tur. fli HI, ' 'J I ! clOpcco shrunk UARTCR SIZE COLLAR ftgmr. ,wcoy A'c. Hkttot ClacU m4 orcb Skirt. ixtiis'mD! v. . i 'jp-.' -.- ..t f,v.1 1.. -O ,4t4& x -TThm ( is Ai M K O bEW WINDSOR" p- '3.;: ;WdniJU 'st, I . D. CUKIMS, Prop. $ X CAPITAL?... !'.,!. . .... $1(A),000.00 X Q Srplna nnd Frellte..,. 100,000.00 O 0 DEPOSITS i:.,.,..3,O)tO,O0O.0Oi Q. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln, Nebraska . i y g CAPITAL - $100,000.00 X "T"' CI Z3 H LTUUM MTMWJ irpi X ANTOYl" ;'V' r I :. v . ii I ' i 4 ' , St , t J, j '?'' I.. ii H" " 4 -i m j! K- -"'fy -&! -Jt ,1? ft v w