The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1907, Image 2
asjiun iBiiMimniapiawMa WKa.iafl ,ii?TilMrtllir li gay- 'imMwai :Pir'-r"m "T r .- ' r ftf VM & b c D art is c b r a .ft a n ."-. i J 141 qSbe;BftHs ifteluaajtan J '' A N EW 'boo kt:' " 'v Recent Additions to the University Li brary. i-."- -. t - t V a . k t, ; ; t Al-i THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkmurka. Bacon. B. W. The Genesis of Gene- J . ftf" AJS. I II ii 1 Bi I :' " T & If. V- r "Mi - PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUMDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publicity Office, 126 N. 14th St. Editor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, '08 1AB80cfntQ-Edlt6ri.,.l.Clydo"E. Elliott, 'Otf Mun)itlnK Editor... '.A'.. A. E.. Lohp, "00 Athlotlcs.., HurIi W. Craig, '07 Onnorul Nowb Paul O. Burt. '00 Hovicws Gortrudo Mooro, '07 ' Convocation Laura Rhoados, '08 Asnlntant Atlilotlcs. Miller 8. Benedict, '09 Aflflt. Qon. Nowb Sidney O. Evans, '00 Dopartmorul....Earl R. Hunt, '08 II. L. 'Wilson, '00 Guy Montgomery. '09 A. O. Schrolber, '07 Aloxnndor J, Dunlop, '09 ' C, C. Hickman. '07 Business Mnnngor. . . .Byrorf JD. Yoder. '08 Assistant Manager any Hardy, '08 Circulator II. C. Robortson, '00 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1B28. NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 92.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advancs 8lngle Copies, 0 Cents Each. " "I ! ! I II INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entorcd nt the postomco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-olass mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The Laws occupy some space In the Nebraskan today. What Is published nppearH, it is understood, at the gen eral request of the Law School. It is hoped everybody will read it for it in structs in more than one way. On the whole, it is regrettable that such things have been given and are to be given so much prominence, but it )s only fair that all sides bo given equal room to argue. It is admitted that it was unfair to allow one Bide a chance to look over the arguments of the other before an swering the other and to give the one side more space 'than the other. All B ft Bacon, B. W. The Triple Tradition of Exodus. Bardcen, C. W. False ' Entry ' and" Other Stbrles. Bryan, E. B. Bnsis of, Practical Teaching. Budde, Karl. Religion of Israel to the Exile. Cairns, W. B. Forms of Discourse. " Freer, W. B. Philippine Experi encencos of an American Teacher. Johnson, Catherine F. Progressive Lessons in Needlework. Cloth, Kurz, Edgar Gedichto. Lee, Sidney Shakespeare and the Modern Stage. Lubbock, Sir John On Municipal and National Trading". Luce, Morton Handbook to Shakes peare's Works. Lukens, H. T. Fifth School Year. MsCarthy, James Newspaper Work er. Patton, Frances Home and School Sowing. , x itavenhlll, Alice School Training for the Homo Duties of Women Teaching' of Domestic Science in the United Stntes. Raymond, T. Principles .of Educa tion. Stephens, Thomas Child and Re ligion. Wilklns, A. S. Roman Education. Wilson, .Richard Lingua Materna; Chapters on the. School Teaching of English. Sophomore-Freshman Game. The class teams of the freshmen and sophomoreB will meet in a game of basket-ball this afternpon in the Armory at 3 o'clock. The lineup fol lows: Freshmen. Sophomores. Hagensick F Klewltt Mitchell F Ste"vensori SUIT or OVERCOAT TO ORDER $15 No More, No Less. The Scotch Woolen Mills Company. World's Greatest Tailors ' 145 So. 13th St. bVOKbBBBHsbCZiIbW nJB9sVK?rVB aaan A LviW r The Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. With the completion of the new buildings, which were dedicated. Septem ber 25th, ip06, this school now has facilities and equipment for teaching and research in the various b'rnnches of medicine probably unsurpassed in this country. Of the five buildings, four are ' devoted ' entirely- to laboratory teaching and research. The numerous hospitals-.of Boston afford abundant' opportunities for clinical instruction in medicine and surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M, D." ' A four years' course, open to bachelors' of art', lltorntu're, philosophy or science, and to persons of equivalent' standing,' leads totho degree of M, D. The Btudiqs of the fourth year are wholly elective; they include laboratory subjects, general medicine, general surgery and the special clinical, branches. Tho next school year extends from. September 26, 1907, .to June 29, 1908. Send for illustrated catalogue; address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boton, Mass. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Stpro. The best place to eat In town Js at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street $& i it it it it it it it it it it it it it WILL YQU BE ONE? Our pationts arc our best advertisements. ' Every pair of glasses fitted by us sells others. Wo want to add you to our chain. To fit you is to fit your friends in tho future. Hallett - Graduate-Optician - 1143 0 feKO5Ho oe"te it it it it it a a a a m a n it a a it it it The best place to eat in town Is at Dona Care, 114 So. 11th St. Ludwlg is tho only Real and only College Tailor See Him Now. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Stfl.?' Why did tho Glee Club decorate with our pennants from tho Univer sity Book Store? Green's harbor shops excel all others In the west. EnUrely modern and the best work assured. the staff was not responsible for what was done, but no one member Will he involved, that is out of the question.' Now that vacation is here, it were well that tho whole affair wero dropped. Neither side has convinced the other. Mr. Meyers stands exactly where ho did at starting, the Laws ro taln their same position, and, for all, tho Nebraskan IbVoI attached to the belief that to have the Law material in a separate department Is to mar the unity and effectiveness of thd Corn husker. What ohBtinancy! ' Another very effoctlvo poster an nouncing an officers "hop has appeared in University Hall, Since it' is the work of ano.ther engineer, .Mr. Slaugh ter, It Is of especial Interest. Any thing of this sort among engineering students ought to be encouraged to tho utmost: The men in that depart, ment where mechanical drawing, Is taught, have a special advantage. Why should not more put It to a use of this sort? , ' Anthes C. Harvey Schmidt, H G. . Carroll Sage G.' ..'". ...Chappoll Gay Hardy had a very narrow es cape yesterday while working in the engine room.- His sleeve caught in tho governor of tho engine and had ho not been able to jerk himself loose, tho 'consequences might have .been very serious. Attention is called to the fact that In tho eligibility rule for inter-fratern Ifcy haBeball as printed recently, the phrase, "Easter baseball trip" should be changed to "eastern baseball trip." (May Music Festival. The second 'annual May music festi val will he held In Lincoln on May 22 and 23. As a year ago, the famous Theodore Thomas Orchestra has-been secured" for this, the greatest muslo festival held fh Nebraska. Two short choral works will be given, viz., "Fair Ellen" by Max Bruch, and "Wedding Feast" by Coleridge Taylor. The fes tival chorus will commence work at once. Have you made your spring decora tions use one of our pannnnts. The University Book Store. Miss A. E. Soukup. Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 113G O St. Auto 4603. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to bo printed, go to Mc Vey's, 126 No. 12th St There is no Ume like, Harris' time.' If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137. O St THE KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAR The most comprehensive farm pa per All the news intelligently told Farm questions answered by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly what -yoji want In mar ket reports. ONE YEAR 2B CENTS. Address The Wtekly Sfar Kahsas City, Mo. SIMMONS The Printer 317 South Twelfth St, L. JU HERZOG TirUfiltersltr Man's Tailor THE RNEST W8RK DINE M PRICES HW 1230 O STREET Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can get' a swell spring sampler at ono-Tialf price. Sanderson's. Pictures and postors for college men's rooms. Samples at '1600 P St., or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Bell A-21G5.- L. L. Bishop. Havo you soon the Famous' now store they have their Easter, opening this week be sure and see the beauti ful display of Hats corner of O and 13th streets. A numbor have inquired of Mr. Townsend If tho price quoted to C6rn, huskers would bo extended to Senior girls desiring new sittings without cap and gown. The rate Is good to July 1, '07. , - HIGH CLASS PHOTOS OUT RATES TO STUDENTS ONLY llaztk's Sfudlt. . 1216 0 Strut DEL PRADO I4th o SwelUit Lunch Car hi ' IN West. 1 urn better .quality than any lunch; car in tho oity. W,P.Kmp. Caterer -to Swell spring sample shoes and Ox fords, half price. Bduderson-'s. 4UEW III CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS ii I i ' ) : 'i ., -a I J I 5 V II v' ' - ,' v 'r ;"j jet J- ts