The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 22, 1907, Image 1

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Lbe Batl IFlebrasfcan
Vol. VI. No. J02.
Price 5 Cents.
Law Students Insist on Separate De
partment and Myers 8tands Pat
Views of Each 8ide Given.
The Law students demand a separ
ate department in the 1907 Cornhusker
for their "write-ups," "cutB," cartoons
and jokes, and Edltor-in chief Myers
refuses to grant their exaction. That
Is the disagreement which threatens
to cause a general "shake-up" of the
Cqrnhusker plans and the withdrawal
of the Law students' representation
from the book.
The trouble which has led to the
present state of affairs arose about a
week ago between Mr. H. G. Myers,
edilor-ln-chief of the Cornhusker, and
Mr. G. L. DeLacy, managing editor of
the book for the Law students. Mr.
Myers had arranged plans which would
give the Academic, Engineering, and
Law students like representation in
the 1907 annual, but this arrangement,
however, did not meet with the ap
proval of Mr. DeLacy, who asked for a
separate Law department, In which
only Law material should be placed.
The editor-ln-chlef would not accede
to the proposition of the Law editor
and work on the Law college material
was stopped. Each man tried to in
duce the' other to recede from his
stand, but with no avail. Mr. DeLacy
piesented the matter to the upper
classes of the Law college for their
consideration Tuesday and they sup
ported his contention and asked that
either their demand be granted or that
their representation bo withdrawn
from the Cornhusker. Mr. Myers still
refused to allow their contention.
The Law students have not with
drawn their material from the book a
yet, and what their final action will
be is not known. In case the ,Law
students agree to abide by the deci
sion of the Cornhusker staff, which is
composed of representatives from all
the classes In the University, the mat
ter will probably be left to that body
for settlement.
The position and reasons for the
stand of each side are given In the fol
lowing communications, which were
written for the Dally Nebraskan by
Mr. Myers and the Law college edi
tors: From Law College.
"In reference' to the request of the
, editor of the Nebraskan, the Law col
lego wishes to submit the following
reasons for standing so trenuously for
a distinct, separate department in the
"1. It will In no sense destroy or
mar the unity of the present arrange
ment. ' "2. The Law school material is dis
tinctive in its character and. will lose
its effectiveness if taken out of its set
ting. "3. It maintains the identity of the
Law school.
"4. The Law students will not give
their financial support if required to
sift the ontlre volume to find the parts
that are of moBt interest to them.
"5. We have, under the . proposed
plan, a department in form, but not
In substance.
"6. It has always been the under
standing of the Law school staff that
we were to- have, a separate depart-
monk The present controversy has
arisen because it was only found out
within the past ten days that the edi
tor had a different notion, and it was
not originated to embarrass the Corn
husker enterprise.
"7. We came into the book .after the
plans were all laid and after the edi
tor had been selected under an express
promise that we should have practical,
ly a third of the book, with our own
editor and managing editor, and with
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the understanding that we discontinue
the publication of the Law Annual.
From Mr. Myers.
When asked to explain his reasons
for opposing the efforts of the College
of Law to get a separate book In the
1907 Cornhusker, Mr. H. G. Myers,
editor-jn-chlef of the Cornhusker, had
the following to Bay:
"The idea which has been ever with
me in planning the Cornhusker and
arranging the copy is one which I got
last year during the discussion of the
Cornhusker constitution. It was my
impression that the students desired
one large University book, Instead of
simply binding three books together in
one. There has not, to my knowl
edge, been any action taken since that
time by the students to Indicate that
.my Impression was erroneous. It Is
certainly reasonable and evident that
It was my Imperative duty to so plan
and arrange the Cornhusker as to sat
isfy the chief demand of my constitu
ents. This I have done to the best of
my ability.
"The Law college now comes forth
with the demand that I break over thlB
desire of the whole University for a
University book and split up the Corn
husker so as to give them a separate
book bound Into the volume, and give
the 'other fellows' the same.
"The demand of the Law college
seems to me to be in direct violation
of the whole scheme of laBt year for
getting out the CornhUBker, and more
over the demand is not warranted by
any aiguments they have thus far put
"First let me say a word as to the
plan I had worked out for the arrange
ment of Cornhusker copy. I have a
department in the book for each phase
of University life. There will be a
department for pictures, a department
for class histories, one for University
organizations, onp for joshes, one for
copy of a ptrlctly literary nature, etc.,
each department having a full-page
drawing for a title page. Now, I read
ily agreed some time ago to group the
Law copy in each department, and put
their label on it If they desired,
"Next, let mo take up their argu
ments. They argue that It will in no
way mar the unity and symmetry of
the book to bind them iji a separate
volume. Does unity consist of two
separate and distinct parts? Not if
Webster's dictionary is a better au
thority than the gentlemen In the Law
college. Moreover, it is impossible at
this stage In thfc proceedings to have
the Law department up to the proper
(Continued on page 3.)
Seats on Sale at Porter's and Book
Stores. 25 and 35 Cents.
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Nebraska-Wesleyan Contest
The Nebraska basket-ball flvo will
meet the team from Wesloyan In the
Armory Monday night In the final con
test of the. Cornhusker season. The
Methodists have strengthened their
five recently by thp addition of two
fast forwards who are said to bo as
fast as any goal tossers in tlvp Btate,
and expect to play the Cornhuskors to
a standstill.
The price of admission for the game
Is 25 cents. Play will begin at 8:15
p. m.
Professor Louise Pound at Convoca
tion Yesterday Morning.
Professor Louise Pound gave an In
teresting Illustrated lecture on "Early
English Books and Manuscripts" yes
terday morning at Convocation. Some
of these manuscripts dated back to the
ninth and tenth centuries, being curl
ously ornamented In colors and the
letters carefully and symmetrically
drawn by the monks. Several pic
tures were shown from the old mys
tery plays and title pages from tho
first printed books of Caxton's time In
England, giving the mixtures of types.
Professor Losey will Give Reading of
Professor Logoy will read Shakes
peare's famous tradgey, "Macbeth," in
Memorial Hall at 8 p. m. this evening,
under the auspices of the University
Debating Board.
Mr. Losey's ability as a reader and
impersonator has attracted much at
tention since he came to this univer
sity a few months ago, and has led
many students and citizens of Lincoln
to purchase tickets for his two hour
reading of "Macbeth" tonight.
The Avon Shakespeare Club of this
city has postponed a meeting, which
,was to have been held tonight, and will
attend the recital en masse.
In order that Mr. Losey may not
be interrupted In his recital, tho man
agement requests that everybody
make an attempt to be in their seats
by 8 o'clock.
Professor Paul H. Grumman will
speak on "Some Aspects of American
Education" at 5 p.'nv. in Aft Hall to
day. Ludwig Is the only Real and only
College Tailor See Him Now.
Requirements for Eligibility and Basis
of Election to the Society
Prominent Members.
The names of tho Seniors oloctod to
membership In tho Society of Phi Dota
Kappa will bo announced by Socrotary
Clements at Convocation next Tuos
day morning.
Tho Society of Phi Beta Kappn, of
which tho Alpha Chaptor at Nebraska
Is a coordinate branch, Is a national
fraternity for tho promotion of scholar
ship and friendship among students
and graduates of American colleges.
Its members are annually elected from
tho best scholars of tho Senior classes
and from tho graduates of tho collogos,
whoso work after graduation ontltlea
them to such honor.
Two important requirements for eli
gibility to election as printed In tho
By-laws of tho Alpha Chaptor aro as
1. "Seniors In general culture
courses not of a strictly tochnlcal char
actor, aro eligible to membership, pro
vided they have taken, by tho time of
graduation at least fifteen full courses
(75 hours) in tho University of Nebras
ka. 2. Seniors who meet the above re
quirements aro eligible for election to
Phi Beta Kappa, provided thoy have
completed, by tho time of graduation,
7 of tho 8 preliminary lines of work re
quired In tho College of Literature,
Sclonco and tho Arts. Members of tho
Class of 1907, however, nro required to
complete but bIx of these eight linos."
Boglnnlng with the class of 1907,
the election of Seniors to membership
In Nebraska Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa
will bo based upon the grades obtalnod
directly from the registrar's office,
and not upon the recordB furnished by
tho teaching staff of the University,
as has been done heretofore.
"Although no fixed limit has been
set for the elections, the minimum
grade usually falls between 80 per
cent and 90 per cent. A senior that
had made a grade of E (90 per cent)
in every hour of his course would bo
practically certain of election. To
reach this minimum grade, it is clear
that grades below E (90 per cent)
must bo offset by grades of E plus (90
per cent). For example, 12 hours of
E plus (90 per cent) offsets 12 hours
of G plus (85 per cent), but they com
pensate for but 6 hours of G (80 per
cent), 3 hours of M (70 per cent), or
2 hours of P (60 per cent).
"Tho number of Seniors chosen
from each class Is determined by the
faculty council of the society. The
number cannot exceed one sixth of
the graduates in non-technical courses
nor fall below one-tenth. The usuage
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Among the members of tho Alpha
chaptor of Phi Beta Kappa are: Dean
Roscoo Pound, M. M. Fogg, D. Ford,
Alice Ensign, A. W. Field, Dean C. E.(
Besaey, Benton Dales, and Frederic
Leave for the Kansas City Indoor
Track Meet
A squad of ton Nebraska track men
left for Kansas City at 1:30 yesterday
afternoon, to take part In tho Indoor
handicap track meet which will tie
held in Convention Hall tonight.
The men who went and the events
they will enter aro:
G. B. McDonald (pole vault),' J. C.
Knodo (high Jump), Kroger (shot put,
fifty yard dash), Dunlap (fifty yard
dash, fifty yard hurdles), Mulr (fifty
yard dash, fifty yard hurdles), D. F.
McDonald, (fifty yard dash, fifty yard
hurdles), Coe (fifty yard dash), Bene
dict (half mile), Alden (one mile). .