- T' r ilm wirttwiiiwiHMHWST. wiyflMiiwtfiwiAlWiw mil iimiimi mii.iii.iiniiii i ttbe Dailp Tlebrasnan 5 t . i i i t , vtf $ - SAM'S CAFE i V s, f. wisttriitid 'Proprietor Special Sorvico to PARTIES Bell Phone 305 A0 33S0 A Specialty In Oysters In Season 117-19-21 No. 13th St popopppooooooc BASE BALL GOODS .ft BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sole Agents for D.- & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. We also carry the Spalding line. Special prices to clubs on bats, balls, mitts and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1324 O St. Only bicycle and sporting goods house on O street Have You Seen Those Swell Spring Novelties Those Latest Eastern College Styles Made to Order $20.00 and .Higher. jc Every Loyal Cnlvotylty Student Jo turfed to patronise theto Nebrao- Z k'an advertisers, and to mention m tbo paper while doing so. t I I BARBER SHOPS Green's Palace. BATHE Chris', Grand Central. BOOKS & STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Stor, Harry Porter. BAKERY Potry Bakery Co. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. CAFE Sam Wosterfleld, Don Cam eron, Windsor. CATERER "Tommy,"- at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS Lindsey, Ed. Young. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, The Sterling. COAL Gregory, Whitebreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol som. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimer, Rudge & Guenzel. DRUGGISTS Rector, Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell . FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE The Benway Company, Hardy. HABERDASHERY S2.50 Hat Store. HAIRDRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallett, F. B. Harris, Herpolsheimer. LAUNDRY Yule Bros. Evans. LIVERY Ensign, Forbes, Mellck, LOCKSMITH T. J. Thorpe. PRINTING New Century, Georgo Bros., McVey, Simmons, The Ivy Press. MUSIC Curtice, Crancer. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe, Cam eron's. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins, Electric Shoe Co. SUITORIUM J. C. Wood. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig, Herzog, Elliott Bros., Dresher. THEATERS Oliver, Lyric, BIJou, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. WAFFLES Mrs. Day, Sam's. Cafe. HAVE The Evans Do Your Washing AT Elliott Bros., TAILORS Both Phones. 1210 O St g Wuld Like to be Your ! & Laundrymen, , I YULE BROS, jl flctry Bakery Ci. BaMajr Orders Filled Promptly mt Rice Brcii Ovr Socially. Mom u asixour Order wui e11 ire lrooat Attention. SIMMONS The lriiitei tit Salrtli Twilttfc St. A BRIEF REVIEW. (Continued from page 1.) melody in the scoro of "Mme. Buttor fly." The music is mellifluous, quaint, at times passionato and glowing with emotion, at times glorious in its dra matic climaxes. In a word it is cap tivating, and contains every promise of outliving the generation that hoars Its first performances. To tho melodic characteristics mani fested in "La Toscn" and "La Bohomo" Puccini has introduced an olement of local color that Is decidely interesting. One is almost accustomed to the Indis criminate use of crashing cymbals and booming tympanl that characterizes tho averago Japaneso comic opera of recent years. These superficial devices have been overworked, and it is gratifying tb note that tho Italian composor does not depend upon them to make his music breathe with the spirit of tho Orient. The real value of tho Puccini scoro lies In Its natural Japaneso flavor Its peculiar, quaint turns of Eastern melody, Its poetic, rhythmic charm. The occasional Interpolation of tho Introductory bars to our own "Star Spangled Banner," Is done in a grateful, effective vein. Mr. Savage has spared neither ef fort nor cost in providing a stage sot ting that is entirely In 'keeping with the standards established by composor and librettist. From curtain's rlso to curtain's fall, tho eye Is facinatod by a series of pictures that glow with ex otic charm. Every detail is carried out in a manner that faithfully repre sents the spirit and characteristics of the Orient. Tho charm that surrounds tho quaint cottage of Mme. Butterfly, the view through the garden with tho great mass of wistaria falling to tho path" way are represoted with so nlco a taste, that one is fairly conscious of a radiating perfume. Soft lights, high lights, gleams of color all are employed artistically, effectively. Even In these days of superior stagecraft, such scenes as are presented In this Savage produc tion, aro a rarity. THE NEW WINDSOR HOTEL makes specialty of Ban- o Sj quets. We have the $ finest banquet room in g the city. Special rates made to Fraternities. Call and get our prices. A. D. CALKINS, Prep. WM1MIIM1HI1I1IK1I1I111I 1 UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS . 136 North Eleventh Bill 348. Aula 3881 WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON SPECIAL EXCUR8ION. Will Be 8ophomore Made by the Medics. Tho Sophomore Medics wilL make their annual excursion to Omaha Fri day and remain in the metropolis until Saturday night. The medical depart ment at Omaha has arranged for spec ial clinics and the school will be In spected by tho students going from Lincoln. Dean Ward will excuse all "medics" who whsh to Join the excursion. g .... Repairing Factory! 8 GOODYEAR SYSTEM O Tho only up-to-dato plant in tho b O city. Savos you timo nnd monov 0 8 1220 "O" STREET 8 UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN j; C, A. TUCKER, Jewe)pr, :. BR. S, S, SHEAN, Qptlclll jjj 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT I ! YOUR PATR0NA6E SOLICITED, 8 BEST 16 CENT MEAL IN O K THE CITY. 8 0 D. K. CAMPBELL. W MA88 MEETING. CX)CXXXOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO HIGH CLASS PHOTOS CUT IIATKS TO STUDENTS ONLY Blaztk's Studlf. I2I&0 Strut 4aw " I 9 Mr BW tto TroubUs Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 112 O trt Held for Glee Club at Chapel Yester day Noon. A mass meeting was held in Memor lal Hall yesterday noon to arouse en thusiasm for theeGlee' Club concerts to be given In tho afternoon and even ing. Dr. Bolton spoke of tho merit of tho club's work and of Its ability to give full valuo for tho money charged. Mr. GlUIsple spoke with enthusiasm of the matinee and of the evening per formance, and particularly of the op orota with its thirty actors, eighteen of whom are girls. Tho G.lee Club sang tho -rousing college song, "Scarlet and Cream," followed by "Annie Laurie" and "Nut-Brown Maiden." fcoclaUs and TIm fa tttttar. If you want all the news of tho wprld read the Kansas City Star. Thirteen papers (morning, evening, and Sunday) a week for 10 cents. Read the Kansas City Star, the lead ing newspaper of the west. Thirteen papers (morning, evening, and Sun day) a 'week for 10 cents. " LU COAT-'SHIRT ON AND PFf LIKE A COAT. THE MOP- ERN HRT WHITE Oft COLOR- FAT FWJtC. $1.60 ANp MORE CLurrr, fKAoav A CO). HAHKM f CUICTT AN' rnmnv yvMrvy . P " . t --. i , . , .ft.. fr.fi, 1. -