rtrnnnrt iii. j. I . n p. d b e H a 1 1 flebtaeRan &a if vr f h U 1. i ' i. fyfeepajlElUbrasltan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NzfitusKA. ti. w PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY B"Y THE STUDENT. PUB. BOARD. PobllcatlOB Offict, 126 N. 14th St. Edltor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knodo, 03 ABBOolato Editor Clyde E. Elliott, 01) Managing Editor A. E. Long, 09 AthlotlCB Hugh W. Crnlg, 07 General News Paul O. Burt, '09 HovIowb Gertrude Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadcs, '08 ABBlstant AthlotlCB. Miller S. Boncdlct, 09 ABBt. Oon. Nowa Sidney O. Evans, '09 Departmental.... Earl R. Hunt, '08 II. L. Wllapn, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. a. Bchrolbor. '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman. '07 Business Manager.... Byron E. Yodor, '08 AsBlBtant Manager Gay Hardy,- '08 Circulator II. C. Robortson, '09 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIGHT 2368 and 4472 Editorial and Builncii Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. Jnely funny to have the private wink over. And as for stopping at the hotel on the way from breakfast to class, why that is to be taken as a Very ordinary, every-day affair, of course. But Just the same, the man who does such things, after Having attained a place whore ho should know better, ought to be boosted so hard that It would make his oars tingle and so hard that he would alight entirely out of sight of the University forever. And further,. the name of every man who does such things ought to be past ed In black and white where every student might read it. v SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents per Insertion "for every fifteen words orfraotlon thereof. Faoulty notices and University bulletins Will gladly bo published frco. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ' MELODRAMATIC? Had you been on a certdln down town street one April evening, last year, you would have seen something probably to make youpause a moment. A certain man was making his way along slowly and unsteadily, stumbling frequently and tottering from one side of tho walk to the other. Sometimes it seemed he. would certainly fall, but mumbling incoherently and half Idiot ically ho managed to continue on his way. Ho attracted considerable attention; several passorsby turned and looked after him, a bunch of college men stop ped and watched him, talking among Dr. P. D. Heald, Botanist at the Ex perlmen Station, delivered a lecture before the elementary science classes at tho High School, last Tuesday morn ing, on "Symptons of Disease In PlantB." Tho lecture was illustrated with over sixty lantern slides showing tho natural colors and forms of tho diseased specimens. In his class In Greek 26, a series of illustrated lectures on travel in Greece, Doctor Lees has been using a curtain rod to point out the features of Inter est in tho lantern slide pictures. Some kind student in tho course taking pity on the doctor, hns sent him a nine foot, two. joint bamboo fishing rod, to use nB a pointer. Baseball Practice. A large number of men are geltlng out every afternoon to praotico tho National game. As yet the diamond has not been laid out so that the prac tice Is mostly of the batting and out field order. Captain Rino says the prospects aro very bright for a good team. There aro only a few "old timers," but these together with a lot of new material should make a good team. "Ducky" Holmes lias the bunch In hard 'training at present and Is hopeful of making an exceptionally good team. Spring Apparel For Men Interest Grows in the New T Suit Models Looking, trying on, admiring and buying, now in full blast. Several additional nobby styles in men's and young men's Suits just in; you'll learn something about ready-to-wear clothes you've never known before if you spend a few moments looking at them. It's educational you'll then know what's proper for spring. Suits $15 to $40 If you need a top coat see our $15 ones. Magee & Deemer 00000Q000Q000 O O Q0G0000QffiOQ0 X SHAKESPEARE'S "MACBETH" RECITAL BY PROFESSOR LOSEY MEMORIAL HALL, MARCH 22, 8 P. M. 00000000000 o o Q M It n it it it 11 n it it it m WILL YOU BE ONE? i -1 - ; Our patients are our best advertisements. ''Every pair of glasses fitted by us sells others. We warit to add you to our chain. To fit you is to fit your friends in the future. Who is Ludwlg anyhow? Hallett - Graduate-Optician - 1143 0 m& it it it it it it- it it it it it it it it it it it it themselves, nnd it would have been easy to gather from their concerned expressions that they wore not talk ing lightly. Finally, the man, tho young man, passed a building In front of which an old friend of his was standing. Tho friend hesitated at first sight of tho reeling figure unable, It seemed, to believe his senses; then slowly shaking his head wont out to the street laid his hands on the fel low's arm and looking as if tho tears Were Just about to start to his eyes, led him away home. And why was It all taken so seri ously? It was a college man, a young fellow In tho University. Lately, there have been too many reports, vague, half suppressed rumors regarding the escapades of certain Uni versity men. It seems to be quite the thing among an exclusive class to take a" town at the "rapid pace," to get just a little hilarious once in a while, or. even go so far as to get unsteady. Nothing like having something genu- GYM. PROGRAM. The program for the gymnastic con test which will be held Saturday night is as follows: 1. Maize Running First Year Class. 2. Mass Dumb Bell Drill. Entire first year class under Mr. Haw- thorno 3 Exhibiting Boxing Bouts Direction of Jack Best. 4. Advanced Swedish Gymnastics. Young Woman's class. 5. Apparatus Work Upon Nino Pieces. Entire first year class. 6. Advanced Wand Drill. Second year class. 7. Preliminaries of Inter-classp Re lay Race. Freshmen vs. Sophomores. Juniors vs. Seniors. 8. Advanced Apparatus Work. Second ydar class. 9. Swedish Folk Dances. Young women's' class. 10. Obstacle Race. First and Second Year classes. 11. Contest Figures by Gymnastic Team. 12. Finals of the Relay Race. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Swell spring sample shoes and Ox fords, half price Sanderson's. Tho best place to eat In town Is at Dons Cafe, 114 So. 11th St. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.7 Have you seen the Famous' new store they have their Easter opening this week bo sure and see the" beauti ful display of Hats corner of O and 13th streets. Don't forget when you want your picture framed that tho Lincoln Book Store does good work of this kind and does it at reasonable prices. The No. Is 1126 O St. Tho best place to eat In town Is at Don's. 114So. 11th Street Green's barber shops excel all others In the west. Entirely modern and the best work assured. Miss A. E. Soukup. Special attention given 1136 O St. Auto 4603. Dressmaker, to students. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. A number have inquired of; Mr. Townsend if the price quoted to Corn huBkers would be extended to Senior girls desiring new sittings without cap and gown.' The rate is good Hfo July 1, '07. Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can get a swell spring sampler at one-half price. Sanderson's. There is no time like Harris' time, If your watch Isn't up to date you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St The Girls' Club will glvo a play, en titled "The Burglar," next Saturday afternoon In Memorial Hall at 3:30 o'clock. Pictures and posters for college men's rooms. Samples at 1600 P St., or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Bell A-2165. L. L. Bishop. ' SPECIAL LADIES' MAN TAILOREP SUITS $11.35 to $40.00 JACKETS 7.35 to $21.35 SKIRT8 $4.00 to $18.65 Misses' Suits. .$10.00 to $18.00 Work, goods and fit guaranted.. Also GENTS' TAILORING , R. C. HUBERT, 117 No. 12th 8treet m ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR AFTER THE DANCE OALL W The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company for Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVICE 4LLW1TI MATES AT RECTORS A r. 1 ."hi A 1 I M