Gbe EallB ftebr ae ftan P SS P ' I OLIVER THEATRE TONIGHT, 8AT. & 8AT. MAT. THE WORLD8 QREATE8T FUN MAKER8 THE FLINTS NEW HYPNOTIC NOVELTIE8. PROGRAM CHANGES NIGHTLY Eve 50, 35 & 25c. Mat. 25 & 10c Ladles Free Opening Night. Usual Conditions. MONDAY NIGHT, MAR. 18. PAUL GILMORE I : In the Best of All College Plays, AT YALE PRICE8 $"h50, $1.00, 75c & 50c. ; I .LYRIC THEATRE.. StttWattttWiMl GEO, K. 8POOR8 CO. Presents "The Christmas Gift." RAYMOND TEAL FIELD8 & HAN80N 8HANNON & 8TRAW HI GREENWAY JACK WILDE Illustrated 8ong, f'Just Remember That I Love You." LYR08COPE Ladles' Souvenir Matinees Tuesdays and Fridays The BIJOU 3 8HOW8 DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. m. 10o and 15c, Mat., 10c. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM MAXWELL & DUDLEY MILLER & McCAULEY CHEATING JU8TICE On the Blograph AUER & DEONZO ADAM8 BR08. MR. H. R.MANELL "Fare Thee Well, My Old Kentucky" ' THE ELITE ROBT. MACAIR8 & BERTRAND LITTLE LORD MAYOR THE MURDERER WHEN MOTHER 18 VIOLENT FORBIDDEN 8PORT ILLU8TRATED 80NG "We Never 8eemed 8o Far Apart Before." MI88 ETTA GURNEY Continuous 8hows from 1:30 to 8:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. NO 8ETTLEMENT. (Continued from page 1.) term, 'OT-'OS instead of '06-'07. So tho Senior and Junior classes fall to agree In that ono would havo tho measuro go Into effect this term, tho other, not till next term. As tho mattor now stands, nothing final has been accom plished, for there must be an agree ment between tho classes. Several complications havo arisen. Tho Sophomores claim they muBt bo consulted and the Juniors question it. The Medics declare tho Junior claBS had previously passed the resolution adopted by tho Seniors this morning, but tho Juniors reply that said reso lution called also for a conferenco of similar committeo from the two classes, and since this conference has never been hold, the resolutions passed so far with regard to allowing tho Medics what they ask are of no weight. There seems but ono thing to do and that is to start over again. BIG TOURNAMENT. (Continued from page 1.) Seniors doing splendid, hard work. The final score, howevor, was 10 to '5. In favor of tho Sophomores, the latter carrying off tho much coveted cham pionship bannor. WILL GIVE $15,000 to Shurtleff College at Alton, III. Andrew Carnegie's gift of $15,000 to Shurtoff College at Alton, 111., for li brary purposes, haB aroused some in terest because of Mr. Carnegie's for mer refUsal to give any funds to the college on the grounds that It was ed ucating young men to become Baptist ministers without paying tuition, there by pauperizing the school. President Riggs finally satisfied Mr. Carnegie that tho divinity students were work- to receive an endowment of at least lng for their tuition, and now expects $15,000 by June next. ENGINEERING NOTES. A. G. Wessllng, Assistant Engineer of the Bullock Manufacturing com pany gave a talk to tho Engineering students yesterday at 11 o'clock In M. 208. His subject was "Special Appren ticeship" and was given especially to Mechanical and Electrical engineering students, with a view toward getting them Interested In the special ap prenticeship courses offered by tho Bullock Power Machinery company to University Engineering graduates. The New York Botanical Gardens are now publishing a work on North American Flora, to contain a descrip tion of every known species of plant In tho continent. One section will be edited by Jospeh Charles Arthur a stu dent of Dr. C. E. Bessoy 37 years ago, and Professor Alex Rydbeag, also a pupil of Dr. Bessey will contribute largely. Dr. Clements will prepare an entire volume, for which he has been given fifteen years. The work will bo tho most Important treatise of tho sort in existence. Teachers' Licenses, Notice has been posted on the bul letin board in University Hall concern ing the examination for teachers' cer tificates In New York City. Ono group of examinations will be hold April 4 and 5 and another, May 13 and 14. They are to be held in New York City. Mr. C. M. Dunn hnn hint rotiirnnl from a trip to Arkansas,. where he has uou Htuuying cue lumDer maustry. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127' So. 12th. PAUL GILMORE. Twenty-two athletes of the University of Nebraska will be the guests of Mr. Gllmore at the Qllver Theater Monday night, when that celebrated actor appears In the best of all college plays, "At Yale." Women's Gloves For Easter Some New Lines Have Just Arrived in Both Long and Short Lengths A new shipment of Keyser Short Gloves In all colors. Price 75c, $1.00 and ; .'$1.50 12-button Lisle thread, In Black and White, per pair 75c 16-button Lisle thread, In Black and White, per pair $1 .00 16-button Silk, in Black, White, Pink, Blue, Tan and Grey, per nalr $1.50 Embroidered Silk Gloves, 12-button length, in Black and White Per pair '$2.75 Embroidered Silk Gloves, 16-button length, in Black and White, Per P . $300 16-button Glace Kid, in Tan, Brown, Navy, Grey, Black and White, pair $375 12-button Glace Kid, in Black, per pair '. $3.25 12-button Glace Kid, in White per pair ."..!!! .'$3.' 00 8-button Glace Silk, in Black, per pair ; !$2!so 8-button Glace Kid, In colors, per pair $2.00 Now is a good time to buy Miller & Paine H ' '""iiWMilBIMIBMB Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, of course AUTO 1550 DELL 550 A J fc C I :r3r lull I I. I ''' '