Gbe H)aUs flebraeftan FROM PROFE880R LUCKEY. TIIH PROPERTY OP THK UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkmuhka. bushed every day except Sunday and Monday DY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 N. 14th St. Editor-in-chief J. Carroll Knodo, 'OS ABflboUto Editor Clyde E. Elliott, 09 Itffitmfelng Editor A. E. Lonp, 09 XthloTlcfl. Hugh W. Crafif. '07 General Nowh Paul O. Burt, '00 HovIowb Gertrude Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadoa, '08 A8l8tnnt Athletics. Miller B. Bencdlot, '09 AsBt. Oon. Nowb Sidney G. Evanu, '09 Departmental Earl R. Hunt, '08 II. L. WIlHon. '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A CI Olirnllinr 'fl7 Alexander J. Dunlap, C. C. Hickman. '07 BuBlneas ManaRpr.... Byron E. Yodor, ABBlBtaht Managor Gay Hardy, Circulator II. C. RobortBon, 09 08 '08 09 TELEPHONE8S DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2308 and 4472 Editorial and Builnpfi Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION PLDQ. postofflce, 8tatlon A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Pybl In Advnct Single Goploi, 8 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged tqr at tho rate of 10 cents por Insortlon for every flftoon words or fraotloh thoroof. Faculty notices and University bullotlns will gladly bo published frco. Entered, at tho poatotTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, THE MEDIC TROUBLE. Probably not ono porBon In fifty has any understanding whatever of the difficulty now agitating the two uppor classes, and what is more, it 1b not likely that many more will understand it, when they got thru reading today's Nebraskan. It may, however, help matters a little If tho nature of tho resolution first presented to tho classes by tho Medics be explained somewhat. ThiB resolution declared it to bo the opinion' of tho class that a managing Writes Interestingly of Visit to Har vard University. I hn,vo spent two days with profit and IntorcHt in visiting Harvard Uni versity. It is more conservative than our Western institutions, but I could seo many changes that had occurred since my last visit. The lectures as a rule show moro finish and scholarly attainment, but net tho naivo strength and energy of many of thoBo at Ne braska. President Eliot romombored me and received mo most cordially. Ho is holding hiB own quite well, and is moro conservative in his ideas con corning education.. Still he is a great man and a porpotual inspiration to those who know him. I mot a num ber of tho profoBBors, several of whom I had known before. It seemed that tho majority had acquaintances in tho University of Nebraska, so I felt much at home. Professor JameB has boon retired and his great service is no doubt neafing a close, but his works will live after him. ProfeBBor P. H. Hanus, after nearly fifteen years of effort, has had tho department of Edu cation made a soparato. co-ordinate department of tho University. He has equivalent toachlng staff to that In tho University of Nebraska, though tho department is not as largo. There is a growing tendency everywhere to establish schools of education, or teachers' colleges, for tho training of secondary teacherB, but unless these are wisely directed they will do more harm than good. They must have tho confidence of teachers, and in no way lower tho present high academic standard required for the degree I took dinner today with Prof. A. O. Norton of tho department of Educa tion at tho Harvard Union, a social club with a beautiful building on the campus, where students board who are willing to pay ton dollars por week for table board. It is also the place LADIES' WAITING ROOM COMFORTABLY LOCATED ON BALCONY PH0N0GRAPH8 AND QRAPHOPHONE GOLD MOUNTED RECORD8 25 CENTS Gloves for Easter Our Glove department should be of interest to you for we have made special preparations for a good Spring trade. Our ordors were placed early and wo have marked our Qloves at prices that aro sure to win your favor. Kayiser Silk Gloves, 2-clasp, black, white and colors, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 .00 Kayiser Silk Gloves, 16-button, double tips, black, brown, modes and gray, at per pair $1 .00 Real Kid Black Glace Gloves, lG-button, special value, at per pair .' $3.75 White Glaco Gloves, 16-button, white, brown and prays, at per pair $3.75 Black Glaco Gloves, 12-button, at per pair ' $3.50 We have a new line of two-clasp Gloves In all the Easter shades. BELL PHONE 593 AUTO PHONE 3281 jJw6o(bkemA& HALF BLOCK TWELFTH AND N 8TREET Q00' iO000000000 o o II H H n n n H HATS WITH SNAP $2.50 Budd don't bluff . The Hats speak for themselves. i t l hev look atb.uu worth, tnev wear ao.ou worm ana sell for $2.50. Why pay more? BUPD n n it n $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O iKO0 se $ a it it a it a it it a a i( it it a it it it it it a it a MARCH SIXTEEN NON-COM. HOP 1 1 OLD FRATERNITY HALL g PRICE $1.25 g O0000000000 o o TOMMY editor should bo appointed this year from tho Medical School and then in a second clauso provided fpr tho ap pointment of a committee to confer with a similar committee, from tho other class, Junior or Senior a tho case ihight be. Tho Juniors passed this resolution some tlmo ago and ap pointed Its committee, but tho Seniors did not pass tho resolutions until yes terday morning and so thoro has been no conference committees as stipu lated. Now what has muddled things is that, the Junior committee, at tho Junior mooting yesterday, presented a resolution without conference with a Senior committee and the class took up this and amended it, as elsewhere described. Tho thing to do, it seoms, provided this version of tho tangle is correct, is to have the joint meeting of these two, committees called for in tho reso lutions and then lot the classes act 'on thp report of this joint committee. where students and professors enter tain their guests. We need such a place In Lincoln. Tomorrow I will visit Clark Univer sity at Worcester, and on Monday 1 shall go to Yale. Sincerely, G. W. A. LUCKEY. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. March. Friday, 15. Association of Collegiate Alumni meet with Miss Louise Pound, 1632 L street, 4:00 p. m. Convocation, 5:00 p. m. Professor E. L. Hlnman, "Science and Ideal Ism," in Art Hall. Senior St. Patrick's Party, 9:00 p. m. In Mem. Hall. Saturday, 16. Foresby Club, 8:00 p. m. Professor Miller, "Forestry Work." Non Com Hop, 8:30 p. m. Fraternity Hall. Tuesday, 19. Convocation, 11:00 a. m. .Professor Louise Pound, "Early English Books and Manuscripts." HPHuE&T V Jot HPB V $ i t '-far wNiTnf flJffrtEiM ococococococococoocoocooco ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM The only up-to-date plant in the city. Saves you time and money 1220 "O" STREET OOCOCXCOCOCOOCXXXXXXXXXX) Fpr refreshments and light catering work seo "TOMMY" at Miller & Palne's. HIGH CLASS PHOTOS GUT HATES TO STUDENTS ONLY Blank's Studio. 1216 0 Strut The best place to eat in town Is at Don's, 114 So. -11th Street. Pi lllVlsg'TONE (M A V r' I'lllH I'llWI M JIJ llMl II I ' ' ' 1 I . I i . -1 , BlllWl"