tt b e 3S a i i Hebr.aaftan 11 1. i) ti in 1 in mi' 11 , t i 1 .1 jfr I- SAM'S CAFE S. F. Wtsterfleld Proprietor Special Sorvico to PARTIES Dell Phone 300 Auto .. 33S8 A Specialty In Oysters in Season 117.19-21 No. 13th St. WHEN A STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS NO DENYINO THAT HE WANT! IT PrllHTED III . . MODERN STYLE The Jew Century Printers 1211 N STREET ELECTRIC SHOE Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM Tho only up-to-duto plant in tho city. Savos you timo and money 1220 "O" STREET H HUYLER Okooelates Bon Bona. Gttf&JtMWJ irlw ti frtiui fettftr. UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 138 North Elivmth Itll 348. Auto 3881 i FRESH EVERY PAY! Our Oandios and Baked Qooda are Always Freah and Good. Catering our specialty. THE MAXWELL CO. SqUi Phones. 13th and N Its. ww wwmuumwv R U D G E & G U E N Z E L COMPANY '''''-'"'""''''Ty7Vwwywiiy Thi Wednesday & Thttrs- . L --- - -- ' . .. -ti i i-'.;.Sp3 )i day Continues Our ' "IK.HVTif 1 . lb...J H 1 U i SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -j ". rt JL-iii.' 1 iL-Jefa ILLINERY OPENING- We bolieve Lincoln women Will enthuse over the really beautiful' Imported Hats wo are showing for Easter.- These, together with the adaptations from the prevailing models and original conceptions from our own Milliners, present the most comprehensive display we ever attempted, and correctly forecasts the trend of Fashion's mo&t favored Ideal for the coming season. Louis XV Style is Centered in the New Millinery One of the many' Interesting features of thla week's Millinery Open Ing Is a display of these Louis XV. Hats modernized types that are marvels in their rich combination of colors, shapes and designs the graceful drooping tyles with flowing streamers that quickly suggest the pretty Empire effect. A Hat to blend with every possible gown will be found In our display. The favorite Copenhagen and Atlantic Blues figure in large variety in the showing; also all the popular and dressy Bhades of Brown. We cordially Invite you to come and make yourselves at home with us. ' to the other classes to give them equal representation and to put them on the same footing with them. " Out of a total membership of 86 Medics, only 33 had placed their pho tographs in the Cornhuskor, and it was pointed out that this showing made by them did not entitle them to any further consideration at the hands of the Cornhuskor people. A strong sentiment seemed to prevail In the class that thus far the Medics had not earned any further representation than they already possessed. Others thought that thoy should be represent ed In the Cornhuskor, but not until after the present year. The sentiment of the class seemed to bo pretty evenly divided on the question and to put a further stop to debate, tho Medics moved the previ ous question. At this point, the Anti medics moved to adjourn, to meet again on Thursday to continue the discussion, and the motion prevailed. President Brown announces that he will moke an effort to have a meeting called on Thursday, If possible, and at that time the mater may again bo taken up and settled. Sub-station Improvement. Mr. Chowlns, of tho Grounds and Buildings Department, has been mak ing plans for some new buildings for the Experiment Sub-station at North Platto, Nebraska. Tho plans Include a combination granary, seed room, and soil laboratory to cost about $2,000, a large barn costing about $2,200, and two laborers' cottages, costing about $1,600 apiece. Tho plans are being prepared In order that as soon as money is appropriated for tho sub-station, the contracts for the buildings may be let. The station at North Platte was es tablished some timo ago to assist in the experiment work at the Farm prop er, and particularly for tho Investiga tion of arid land cultivation. Y. W. C. A. Vesper Service. Dr. Tuttle, of tho First Congrega tional Church, will address the girls of tho Y. W. C. A. at the Thursday Vesper Service which will bo held as usual from 5 to 6 In TJ 106. His sub ject will bo "JesuB's Message con cerning Himself." Miru qtvi n . 1 I Im V V W 1 L "BARKER COLLAR" WARRANTED LINEN ASK YOUR DEALER , WILLIAM BARKER CO. MAKERS OF COLLARS & CUFFS The vacation trip for Field Geology la being planned. About eighteen or 1 twenty men and assistants will go to spend the full vacation time working geological sections bbtween Ashland and Plattsmouth. J, M. Rohrbaugh, C. E., '98, will speak at the meeting of the Engineer- gOOOOCOCQOSOOOSO0( Harvard University The following graduate and professional schools in Harvard Uni versity are open to holders of a bachelor's degree. THE LAW 8CH00L A three years' course leads to the degree of LL.B. Residence for three years Is required, but residence at another throe years' school may bo accepted as a substitute for one of tho years of residence at this school. Three annual examinations are required. Inquiries may be addrossod to H. A. Fischer, 20 Austin Hall. Cambridge. Mass. ' THE MEDICAL SCHOOL A four years course leads to the M. D. degree. Tho School offers graduate courses open to holders of the M. D. degreo, and in its new laboratories offers greatly extended facilities for research. For catalogues,, for graduate and summer courses, for research and special courses, addreBs Charles M. Green, M. D., 104 Administra tion Building, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. THE DIVINITY SCHOOL This is an undenominational school of theology offering" instruct 0 non appropriate to tho calling of the ministry and leading to tho degree of Bachelor of Divinity. Students havo also tho privllego O of attending courses given under tho Faculty of Arte nnd -r.!bhooi Inquiries may bo addressed to R. 8. Morlson, 5 Divinity Library! Cambridge, Mass. ' THE GRADUATE 8CH00L OF ARTS AND 3CIENCE8. Instruction 1b offered leading to tho Masters' and tho Doctors' de grees in tho following fields: Philology (Ancient and Modern Lan Languagos and Literature), History, Political Science, Economics, Philosophy, Flno Arts, Music, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, and Anthropology. Inquiries may be addressed to G. W. Robinson, 11 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. THE GRADUATE 8CHOOL OF APPLIED 8CIENCE Instruction leading to professional degrees Is offered in the follow ing subjects: Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mining Metallurgy, Architecture, 'Landscape Architecture, Forestry, Ap plied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Applied Zoology, and Applied Geology. Inquiries may be adressed to W. C. Sabine, 17 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. 000000000000 O O i o c You are wearing better clothes than formerly. YES, and for less money. Dresher, The Tailor 143 South 12th, Lincoln, makes my clothes now. BREAD, PIES THE f I N E CANDIES , fjai cam We have a delicious AND f AKFC vlJ,Jv assortment of candles COME IN of our own make. 5! V o o I Ing Society tonight. ' i