X $& c H n3'i ?? Pfre D x a 0 a n w t 'gH ? o ., 77" l THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Njcbiubka. rUBLISHED VERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PabllciIlM Btflci, 126 N. 1411 St. EMoMn-ch(of.....J. CnrrdU, Knodo, '08 ABBoclato Editor. ...... Clydo B.' Elliott 00 Mnnaglng Editor A. E. Long, '00 AthlctlCH HuKh W. Cralsr, '07 Gcneml News Paul a. Burt, '03 HcvlewB Qortrudo Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadcs, '08 ABBlstant Athletics. Miller S. Benedict, '09 AflBt. Gon. Newo Sidney O. Evans, '00 Depart mental.... Earl R. Hunt, '08 J. C. Eldor, 07 Guy Montgomery, '09 W. E. Btandoven, '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 Business Monaster.... Byron E. Yodor, '08 APBlstant Manager Gay Hardy, '08 Circulator i.H. C. Robertson, '09 telephones: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2363 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, J2.00 PER YEAR PybU in Advance Slnale Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for nt the rato of 10 cents por Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlno will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho poBtofflco at Lincoln, ffcbroskn as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Nebraska at the present time takes rather a prominent position in determ ining the future action of several big institutions In athletic maUerb. Upon her depends, It would sem, the final consummation of a Missouri Valley League and the schedules of several ol the "Big Nine" schools will be af fected by the decision of our Athletic Board regarding the "three-year rule." A good deal of Interest Is centering about the matter of the representa tion of the Omaha Medical Collego ou the Cornhusker stuff. In this ques tion, just as In any other,, there are it ' -' $2.50 " Budd don't bluff. The Hats speak for themselves. II it it They look $5.00 worth, they wear $3.50 worth and j it A11 fy. $9 Kft Wkv nair mvo? it BUDD. $2.50 0HK& two sides. Prom the standpoint of numbers, the school, it would seem, has ample representation as it is, but as a separate and distinct section of the University, thero Is room for a claim to a representation similar to that of other sections. It Is n matter upon which It is easy to take a proju- diced view. At last the University has a museum of a size suitable for the exhibits that have been in its possession for a num ber of years. Professor Barbour is to be congratulated upon securing such ample quarters and In equipping them so admirably. To be sure, the build ing looks from the. Outside as if it had been built to perpetuate the mem ory of some company llko tho -Nye, Schneider Fowler concern, but some tlmps it Is well to take what can be gotten, and one of these days, lot us hope we shall have more substantial edifices like the Temple and tho Phy sics building. EVENTS OF.'FORMER YARSf- " 'Ylappeningd of other days asre corded in tho' Nobraskan: Five Years Ago Today. Company TTHop hoTd afWfiltnTHnU, with tarjje and woil satisfied crowd. Four Years Ago Today. Victory of Nebraska girls basket ball team over the Haskell Indian girls by a BCoro of 42 to 8 in a hard, fast game played here. Second team vic torious over Baker; score, 22 to 1. "MEA8URING MEN." R. L. Mctcalf of Omaha, Rfttds Fine' Paper at Convocation. "Measuring Men" was the subject (f a instructive and carefully written paper read by Mr. R. L. Metcalf ol Omaha, at Convocation yesterday morning. When wo measure people, he said, we are too apt to bo unjust and narrow forgetting that there are two sides to every question. The army spy who is caught Is put to death by the one'sldo and idealized by the other. It Is far easier to underestimate men than to overestimate men, and we cannot always judge correctly thru the historian. When asked to name a traitor, the average Bchool boy promptly replies "Benedict Arnold," yot Arnold gave valuable service to his country at first. George Washington was subject to fits of anger, Thomas Jefferson yield ed to tempaations, and Alexander Hnmilton, altho much revered was not nearly so admirable In some respects as Aaron Burr. After all, In consider ing the doctrine of tho brotherhood of man, was Aaron Burr measured carefully? Certainly no more beauti ful letters were ever written than those he sent to his children. Two of the big men in history are Abraham Lincoln .and Stephen A. Douglas unliko in many ways. Doug las in his polished mannor preached to the heads of the people, but Lincoln leached their hearts altho crude and awkward. They were rivals in love as a it it it ' it it Hatter. 1141 O j well as In politics. Theodore R'oose- volt criticises former presidents rather severely, calling Thomas Jofforson tho father of nullification and therefore of secession. Thus are men measured, both falsely and correctly, regardless of the statement which Emerson makes that, "Every man is a divinity in disguise." Y. M. C. A. Election. Immediately "after the mid-week meeting tonight, in tho Y. M. C. A! ijooms, will occur the election of of ficers for the association for 1907-08. All members of tho organization are urged to be present. Hawkeye Club. All members of the Hawkqyb Club are requested to bo present ata busi ness meeting' to be held tomorrow morning at 11 o clock in U. 109. Senior Class Meeting. The Senior Class will meet tomor row morning inU. 208 at 11 a. m. OLIVER THEATRE, LI NCOLN THE MOST IMPORTANT MUSI0AL EVENT IH THE HISTORY OF LINCOLN Monday Night, March VrrX2ffSSSKMr Grand English Opera Co. satian oiM.mo pucchd maudlfl DUTTOrfly Th. iam gtatCast, Chorus and Orchutr. as during Its r.cent N.w York Triumph. Prlcis $2.50 to $1.00. Mall Orders Promptly filled.. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 8. 12. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards BIk. - - Why not take yoiir baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Swell spring sample shoes and Ox fords, half price. Sanderson's. You will bo satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Tho best place to eat in town is at Don's Cafe, 114 So., 11th St. Tho best place to cat in town is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street. Lost Between Palladlan Hall and 1500 R street, hand-painted china me dallion. Return to 1500 R. If you have danco programs, tickets or posters to bo printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. There Is no time like Harris' time. If your watch isn't up to date you bet tor Beo HarrlB, tho watch doctor, 1137 O St Pictures and posters for college men's rooms. Samples at 1600 P St., or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Bell A-2165. L. L. Bishop. Found Ladles' Initial pin. Owner roay have same by identifying it at the Nebraskan office and paying the charge of this insortion. Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can get a swell spring sampler at' one-half price. Sander son's. A number have inquired of Mr. Townsond If tho price quoted to Corn huskers would be extended to Senior girls desiring new sittings without cap and gown. Tho rate Is good to July 1, '07. Don't forget when you want your picture framed that the Lincoln Book Store does good work of this kind and does it at reasonable prices. The No. is 1126 O St. Where Can I Get a HacK? At the Forbes Stables, ol course AUTO 1550 BELL 550 ; UNION COLLEGE U TAILORS ftVffi Gregory's Washed Coal $6,50 ALLKRETT! CHOCOLATES AT RE GOBS A PPm?s OLIVER Theatre! Monday Night, Mch. 18 JlHESMVRSr PRESENTS PAUL ILMORE -IN ' SPECIAL FEATURES: The Real Boat Race between a Yale and Harvard Crew. Famous Yale Glee Club Octette of Male Voices. MUSICAL NUMBERS: "Yow.'' "Love's Young Dream." "Love Me and the World Is Mine.'' SEAT SALE FRIDAY, 9:00 A. M. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. For First Class Tailor ing at Low Prlow . . Auto, 48 Colltg. Vliw LH lVSxKf mtmt ""TH """""b AJ3 J! """" HAVE .jjj jj The Evans jjj Do Your Washing jjj oi :w a m t -. v ;