tfBe H) a ll flebraefcan 4 t- . ' THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkdiuhka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 128 N.M4U1 St. Editor-ln-chtof J. Carroll Knodo, 'OS AsHOdnto Editor...... Clydo E. Elliott, Ott MYiAnnlnir PMItnr.! A. E. TJonK. '09 AthlotlcB TIURh W. Crniff, 07 General Nowh Paul a. Burt, '09 HcvIowb Qortrudo Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura Rhoadcs, '08 Bnlstnnt AthlotlcB. Miller S. Benedict, '09 ABBt. Oon. Nowb Sldnoy O. Evans, '09 Departmental.... Earl R. Hunt, '03 J. C- Eldor, 07 Guy Montgomery, '09 W. E. Standovon, '07 Aloxandor J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 Business ManaRor. ...Byron E. Yodor, '08 AsBlstant Manager Gay Hardy, '08 Circulator H. C. Robortson, '09 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT- 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR PybU in Advance Slnflle Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo olmrpod for at the rato of 10 contB po Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and UnlvorBlty bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofneo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870, Seriously. Thero Is undoubtedly, a stato of mind, not too religious, for that is im possible, but too full of a certain mor bid spirit which puts on a fuce of gloomy raptness, knowB anything bet ter than It knows tho world and men, and which starts a cold chill wherever It goes. People with that spirit are just about as pleasant company as a cemetery on a cold moon-lit wlntor's night, and fortunately, there la no sup erabundance of them at the University. Probably, If anything, we are too lax. Of course it is considered quite proper by nearly everybody to go to OOOOOOOOCKX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R E S U L TS T E Lv L H,' . ii, , n ,! i i ,i i r . !T srs Wo claim to be the beat GLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro hero to prove It. Our methods and machinery are the VERY LATEST and our workmon the best that money can secure. We clean the finest drosses and robeB without danger of fading or shrinking and guarantee not to injure them in any way. Wo also clean gontlomon's olothlng of all kinds. Goods called for and dollv- ' ered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. Phono Bell 147 1320 N street. Phono Auto 1292 Call or write for price list Lincoln, Nob. J. C. Wood & Company .OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC tho big fashionable church once In a while, to estimate the cost of tho plume on the lady's hat in front, to commont on Iho quality of tho bari tone's voice, nnd to notice In an off hand, nocholant manner, you know, that tho proachor must bo getting much In earnest, for his face really has become very red, a sure sign al ways. Thero isa considerable repre sentation of this class In tho Universi ty, but you would hardly request tho doctor to send for" a person thus des cribed If aftor being run thru with a piece of railroad wrock you wanted a friendly chat with somebody boforo your relatives received the life Insur ance. Tho class alluded to ' always avoid those places and situations where people become r.eally, seriously, dead In earnest. , ; The trouble seema to i)o, mainly, sheer indifference. Tho spiritual per ceptions either aro never urged to the , -point of being entirely awake or are let fall asleep again noon nfter arrival nfc the University. Persumably, this Ib a place where the spiritual life should be developed to the highest point presumably, It Is for that as much as for Intellectual training that wo come here, but these presumtlona will be sadly put to shame if inquiry Is made in some directions. And there are somo reasons, which will occur to every one, why such conditions are- found. EVENT8 OF FORMER YEAR8. Happenings of other years as record ed In The Nebraskan: Two Years Ago Today. Enthusiastic reception to Chancellor Andrews on his return from Chicago aftor a short Illness. Junior and Senior class fight having the usual Indecisive result, both classes claiming a victory. More Changes. Two other changes have beon made recently in tho line-up of the staff of the Nebraskan. A. G. Schrel.ber will take the place of W. E. Standeven in the Engineering School and H. L. Wil son will be the medium thru which the paper is kept in touch with the Botany and Zoology Departments, he taking the place of J. C. Iiilder. Both men re tiring from the positions felt their school work too heavy to allow of any thing outside. Astronomy classes have Improved tho fine evenings of late for telescope work. The Great Nebula of Orion and other, fainter nebulae were well seen' In. the unusually clear atmosphere of Tuesday evening. The four small stars which lie In a vacant region of Orloil Nebula and which seem to have been developed from It, wero clearly distinguished. The "Young Augustus," a Parian marble bust In Professor Barbor's of fice has been collecting too much dust recently, bo tho professor sent to Chl- cagt) for a piece of Argentino cloth to put over It. With tho oxceptlon of In frequent reflections caused by the sheen of tho cloth, tho appearance of Augustus Is as good as ever. A propos of the $780,834 appropria tion made by tho Kansas legislature for that unlvorsity for the next blen nlum, the Kansan remarks that while the students have ceased to worrk over the legislative appropriation, monthly paternal appropriations aro still mat tors of anxiety; a stato of mind with Which students of Nebraska can sym pathize. Notice. Tho time set for the meeting of the Dramatic Club is changed from 11:30 this morning tp 11 o'clock. Lost Between Palladlan Hall and 1500 It street, hand-painted china me dallion. Return to 1500 It. OLiyERJTHEATRE, LINCOLN THE MOST IMPORTANT MUSICAL EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF LINCOLN Monday Night, March 25 HEI;,S4YGE Grand English Opera Co. In the Musical Sen- lloilam Rllttorf lu sation B xmo p"oclni IflflUHIIi OIIIICI 111 The same groat Cast, Chorus and Orchestra as during Its recont New York Triumph. Prices $2.50 io $1.00. Mall Orders Promptly filled. A number havo inquired of Mr. Townsend If the" price Tiuoted to Corn huskors would bo extended to Senior girls desiring iew sittings without cap and gown. ' The rate 1b good to July 1, '07. Why not "got your spring Oxfords now while ypu can got a swell spring sampler at' one-half price. Sander son's. Found Ladies' initial" pin. Owner may have same by Identifying It at the Nebraskan office and paying tho charge of this Insertion. Pictures and postoVs for college men's rooms. SampleB at 1600 P St., or brought to any address. Auto, 4406, Bell A-2165. L. L. Bishop. There Is no time like Harris' time. If your watch Isn't up to date you bet tor see Harris, the watch doctor, 1187 O St. Dr. Henry Ward, Dean of the Col lege of Medicine, is to deliver an ad dress at Washburn College, April 17. G. W. Cheney, academic 07, and a freshman In tho Law School Is suf fering from an attack of the measles. If you havo dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc Voy's, 125 No. 12th St. ' , B. H. Clark was called to Fremont, Saturday morning by the serious ill ness of his father. You will be satisfied with Cameron's Lunch Counter. Tho best place to oat In town Is at Don's Cafe, 114 So., 11th St Swell spring sample shoes and Ox fords, half price. Sanderson's. Why not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? L. J. Hershoy, M. Eh, '06 Is visiting with his Delta' Upilson friends. John D.-Read, ex-'07, was a campus visitor yesterday. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 8.12. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. SPECIAL LADIES' MAN TAILORED SUITS $11.35 to $40.00 JACKETS 7.35 to $21.35 SKIRTS $4.00 to $18.65 Misses' Suits.. $10.00 to $18.00 Work, goods' and fit guaranted.. Also ' GENTS' TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, 117 No. 12th Street MM CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS OLIVER Theatre! Monday Night, Mch. 18 JUIESMIMff PRESENTS PAUL ILMORE IN SPECIAL FEATURES: The Real Boat Race between a Yale and Harvard Crew. Famous Yale Glee Club Octette of Male Voices. MUSICAL NUMBERS: "Yow." "Love's Young Dream." "Love Me and the World Is. Mine." SEAT SALE FRIDAY, 9:00 A. M. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. - WHEN "WALKOVERS" GO ON Sho Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Perkins 1129 O Street mWmm- aafl aaaaaEiY aaaf Baa.BaaaV'Taa4h. aaaa m fit ( 1 1 LI A i if wPit MMaEfflrJpuaaM f Vj 4 r: &$? - i n r t ) t uJ & 1