IRebtaehan Vol. VI. No. 99. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 1907. Price 5 Cents. Ghe Dailv v , ' V "T AT DISADVANTAGE RHODES 8CHOLAR8 AT OXFORD PUT IN 8ECOND PLACE. Professor Wenley 8ays tho English 8cholastic 8ystem Places Ameri can Appointees on Low Level. In the February number of the Michigan Alumnus, Prof- R. M. Wen ley discusses "Tho Rhode Experiment" and states tho position of American Btudenta at Oxford. Dr. Wenley was educated at the University of Glasgow and is very familiar with the British school system. At tho outset tho writer says that to understand tho real situation one must grasp the difference between the Brit ish and American schools In the mat ter of the election of courses. "In an American college the candidate for an arts degree is free to make multitudin ous combinations, each of which leads to the desired haven the A. B." It makes no difference what tho elec tions are, all students stand on ex actly the same level in the -American organization. It Is not so, however, at Oxford. On entering, a student must signify whether ho wishes to work for an "honor" or a "pass" degree. The latter class includes the majority of students, the former group is more se lect. Its members hold their places only by reason of marked ability. To give an Idea of the formation of this clasB- the writer gives as an ex ample the training of a student from the very beginning. "A boy proceeds, say at the age of nine, to a prepara tory school, where he Is put in trim for one of tho great public schools Eton or Winchester, Clifton, or Dul wich. For their own reputation,, the heads of the. preparatory schools 'crop' their best boys and 'run' them for scholarships at the public schools. Then in the second stage the masters of the public schools 'crop' their best and 'run' them for scholarships at Ox ford and Cambridge. The winner of a Balliol, or Trinity scholarship reflects great glqry on his school and is a marked man. But Oxford and Cam bridge happen to be groups of- col leges. And so, in a third stage, tho college dons 'crop' their best men and 'run' them for the special scholarships, fellowships, prizes and honors of the university, and on tho number of these prizes won the eminence of each col lege rests. Consequently the boy who 'arrives' Is the select remainder, from a long and severe process of elimina tion of the unfit, and on these boys'an 'honor' degree is conferred. The Rhodes scholar is compelled to meet .the' refined product on its own ground. ' as it wore. "We" may then infer,' continues the writer, ''that his very position places p. burden upon the Rhodian. His fol low scholars being the creme do la creme of the selective process have arrived at a level of preparation from which, by the' very nature of his case, ho is debarred as a rule. True, we ;might overcome this somewhat by electing, from those certified to ha.vo passed ,the one who will best fit Into land profit by the Oxford atmosphere." The method of Instruction, too, is (Continued on page 8.) MARCH NON-COM. HOP OLD FRATERNITY HALL- PRICE 00000000000 O 0 O PAN-HELLENIC. Dance Committee Met Yesterday In U. 111. The Pan-Hellenic Dance committee elected Elmer L. Llndquest chair man, and Earl O. Eager and Karl D. Begthal masters of ceremonies for tho annual "Pan-Hell" yesterday. Mr.. Llndquest is a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and a fourth year student Mr. Eager is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsllon and manager of ath letics. Ho will finish his school work next year. Mr. Begthal Is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity and a Junior law student. These three men are said to be T. N. E's., "whatever that is." FAVOR REPRESENTATION. Committee Vote for Medic School Editor. Yesterday morning in U 203 was held a joint meeting of the two com mittees of tho Junior and Senior classes, appointed. to consider the mat ter of allowing the Medical School at Omaha to be represented on the Corn husker staff by a managing editor. At this meeting it was voted to amend the present Cornhusker constitution by making provision allowing for the representation requested and this mat ter will be presented to the classes for consideration in the near future. Building to Be Reenforced. The Grounds and Buildings Depart ment is planning the reenforcement with steel of the stairs of tho main building, tho need of which strength ening has been evident for some time by the vibration of tho building at times between classes. Tho useless brick chimneys are to be removed as there is danger of their collapse in a wind storm. Professor Fossler Back. Professor Fossler has taken charge of some of his classes again after an absence of about five weeks. He does not expect to take up all his work for some time. OFFICERS' DANCE STATE FARM .-'. w.. 1 l J I 15 o - r FRIDAY MARCH EIGHT. . o - iO000000000000000 V 1 SIXTEEN $1.25 . $ 0000000000008 QET8 MONEY. Kansas Legislature Appropriates $780, 834 for University. The University of Kansas will re coivo $780,834 from tho stato for now buildings and equipment. A bill car rying this appropriation, which was passed by tho Senate of tho Kansas Legislature two weeks ago wont thru tho lower branch of that body Satur day, and will be signed by tho gov ernor this week. Tho bill grants to Kansas everything that Chancellor Strong of tho Univer sity askod for, -and will help make Kansas a strong educational rival of Nebraska. It appropriates money for tho maintenance of tho University dur ing the coming two years and for the erection of four now buildings. Tho buildings to bo constructed are a gen eral engineering building at a cost of $150,000; a mining engineering build ing at a cost of $50,000; a power plant at a cost of $50,000; and a repair shop at a cost of $7,752. Tho bill passed both houses of the legislature with no opposition. FOR TEACHER8. Committee of Professors Now to Be Consulted. The attention of students is called to the recent change In tho organiza tions of the Teacher's Bureau. It is now In charge of Professors G. E. Bar ber, F. D. Barker, P. H. Grummann, C. A. gklnner, H. K. Wolfe, and Miss Emily Guiwlts, secretary. It is tho purpose of the bureau to assist those students of tho University who de sire to teach, in securing positions. All students who wish to avail them selves of the assistance of the bureau should report to the chairman or tho secretary at once. Tho chairman may bo found in his office, 203 a, University Hall on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Fridays at ten o'clock, and on Tuesdays at four and Thursdays at five. Important. Th Innocents will have an Important meeting tomorrow (Thursday) night at the Phi Kappa Psi 'house. tO000000)l W - ' ? . ., -1 SEVEN PIECE ORCHESTRA TICKETS $1.50 och DEPENDS ON NAME EFFICIENCY IN LIFE RE8T8 ON WHAT WE CALL IT. Rev. Lewis Wilson at Chapel Ex plains "What's In a' Name" Vast Opportunities. "Whatfl In a namo?" woro tho opon lng words of Rov. Lewis Wilson's ad dress at Convocation yesterday morn- ing. Our efficiency in life ho said, do. ponds upon what wo. call it. If wo think of life as a battle-field then our attitude is that of soldiers; if It is a show to us, then we aro tho actors; or a Joke, then wo are tho fools and Merry-Andrews; or if wo consider it as a scone of contending forces wo aro apt to become scientists. Yet in all these cases we need not lose our own Individuality. Future historians will not call ours an ago of romance yet In our youth of today are tho same feel ings of chlvalary, romance and adven ture as In the days of King Arthur. This world is a vast opportunity for adventure and achievement, but wo may also put upon life a dlvino Inter pretation and thus make posslblo a series of new measurements of tho temple of God. Tho field of human competition and enterprise was en larged by Newton when he formulated tho law of falling bodies; by Colum buB, when convinced that the earth was round he discovered a now con tinent. There have been now mea sures along tho lines of philanthropy, and reforms, having tho semblance of justice bavo raised men out of tho field of. selfishness. In olden times there woro two kinds of knights; first the servant In tho household of the king; second, tho knight errant who roamed about to protect tho defenseless, help tho weak and do noblo work in tho namo of tho king. We in tho name of tho King, should consecrate our lives to some groat service. We cannot do a morel ful deed without becoming more merci ful. We aro not here to secure our own personal ends, but as deputies to fulfill the highest and best admoni tions, . SENIOR PARTY. Fourth Year r People Plan 8t. Pat- ' rick's Day Function. A Senior Party will be givent in Memorial Hall on Friday evening, March 16. It will be- a St. Patrick's Day party and all who attend' aro re quested to wear Irish costumes. Green will bo, tho predominant color Amusements PoaAmuso - et ot et sh both in dress and decorations. Amusements will' bo provided (for those who do not dance, and It is hoped that all Seniors will turn out. The class of 1907 is the first class that has had a series of these parties In their Senior year, and the DODulari- tty of the past gatherings has proved their success. It is to be hoped that these parties, will continue to be suc cessful and that a large number will turn' out Friday night.' . Tickets, which will cost fifty conta, may be procured from the members of tho .committee Friday morning, and tho committee desire, they them- ' selves, thdt boys and girls come sep erately. . " . ' .frtl H i a 'M m Lfi, T- I y l , 1 . T Sji A