The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1907, Image 1

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    Uhe Bail? IFlebraetmn
Vol. VI. No:?jB.
Price 5 Cents
Three Strong Men Picked From Squad
Two Juniors and One Sophomore
Debate Will Be Held Apr. 5.
Eugene J. Marshall, 1909; Edgar
E. Robinson, 1908; and Raymond B.
frost, 1908, will represent Wisconsin
Jn the Intercollegiate debate with Ne
braska at Lincoln, April 5. These men
have just been selected by the Badger
debating committee, and are regarded
as the strongest debaters In the Wis
consin school.
Two of the Badger debaters are
members of the Junior class and one
Is a second year student. ' Eugene J.
Marshall Is a sophomore and a mem
ber of the Philomathlan society. He
won the Hamilton oratorical contest
for Wisconsin last 'year and was on
the victorious joint debating team this
'Edgar E. Robinson is a Junior and
a, member of the Phllomathla society.
He will represent Wisconsin In the
Hamilton contest this year.
Raymond B. Frost is a Junior and a
member of the Athenae society. He
participated In the freshman and seml
publlc debates and took second place
in the last Steensland prlzo contest.
Wisconsin expects a hard debate
with Nebraska this spring and the
Badger debaters are making thorough
preparation for the Cornhuskers. The
following extract from the Wisconsin
Cardinal voices the sentiment of the
Badger school:
"It is rumored that Nebraska 4s to
befenred thfs year and that she real
izes 8ht) was not at her best in her last
encounter with Wisconsin and Is pro
paring to redeem her proBtige.
On Bleaching Flour.
Dr. Alway, Chemist of the Nebraska
Experiment Station, has Issued a bul
letin dealing with the subject of the
bleaching of flour In relation to public
. Tho bleaching of flopr Is very gen
erally practised In Nebraska. Dr.
Alway's conclusions may be summed
up as follows:
1. Bleaching has apparently no ef
fect on' the bread-making qualities
other than to produce a. whlted loaf,
2. Bleaching leaves compounds ,of
nitrous ' held In the flouf averaging
about4.6 parts, of a nltfjto to X mil
Hqri" parts of, flour. , ' .
3. This amount Is eliminated
In1 the process of bread making, leav
ing the quantity In bread 'so small as
tobe entirely nellglble.
, Any one desiring a copy may pro
cure one by mailing a card, tq the Ex
periment Station asking for. press bul
letin No.' 24. ' '
y "
Attention, 8ophompres!
All Sophomores who wish to try ouW
for a place on the class basket-ball
team will meet in the Armory tomor
row at 4 p. m. ,
'- ' '
The Innocenta will meet at the. Phi
Kappa Psl house, tomorrow .evening.
Important matters will come before
the meeting.
Plans Made for Regular Work in Gym
nasium and Outside.
Some twenty-five or thirty men met
In the Armory last Saturday afternoon
and were given a preliminary talk on
training by Dr. Clapp. Two classes
were formed, one of distance men to
meet daily at 5 p. m. and work out of
doors, and the other of men working
on the sprints and field events. Those
Included In the distance work are men
entering for all runs longer than the
220 yard dash. The others will meet
In the Gymnasium Monday, Wednesday
and Friday regularly at 4 p. m. and
at 2:30 p. m. on Saturday, when Dr.
CJapp will give them work of general
nature and coach each on his par
ticular event.
Every man with any ability or ex
perience whatever Is urged to get out
for Nebraska Is to have a very difficult
schedule, and many now men are
needed. As soon ns the work is begun
outside, all men taking up the work
in earnest may be excused from drill,
tno attendance at camp win bo com
Barbour Issues His Report Regarding
Mine at Peru.
Tho report on tho Honey Creek coal
mine has just been Issued by Professor
Barbour. Prior to 190G, tho report
states, that no bed of coal exceeding
eighteen Inches In thickness had been
found In Nebraska. On tho eleventh of
February, 1906, Stephen George ex
posed a bed of coal thirty-four Inches
thick on the farm of A. M. Borst, oast
of Peru. Now there Is a good mine
there, which employs eight men, has
two tunnels, and has a dally output of
from six to eight tons of average grade
bituminous coal. Up tb the present
time the output has been about 400
tons, bringing $1,400.00. A bounty
amounting to $5,000 has boon, offered
by the State Legislature for the discov
ery of a thjrfcy-slx inch seam.
It is requested that men desiring
their track and football sweaters se
cure them from Dr. Clapp at once.
Y. M. C A.
P. M.
Professor Wallace Will Make Further
Literary Investigations.
Professor C. W. Wallace of the De
partment of English Literature, will
leave for England Immediately upon
the close of the presentsomestor to do
further research work in the vicinity
of the Shakespeare home during the
summer. Ho will endeavor while there
to finish his extensive history of "The
Drama and Stage of Shakespeare's
During the past two years, which ho
spent in England, Professor Wallace
made many valuable discoveries and
revelations touching the true history
of some of Shakespeare's greatest
plays, and it is these discoveries that
he is working. Into a valuable book.
He will return In time to take up his
classes here at the opening of school
in the fall.
Includes Games With Minnesota, Iowa
and Wisconsin.
Manager Eager has announced the
football schedule for 1907. All tho
dates are well filled except for Thanks
giving day. Colorado wants that
game as do alBo Denver University and
tho Colorado School of Mines. How
ever, If a game here will necessitate a
return game in Colorado, the proposi
tion will not be considered. Tho
schedule stands as follows:
Oct. 5 South Dakota at Lincoln.
Oct. 12 Orlnnell College at Lincoln.
Oct. 19 Minnesota University at
Oct. 26 Iowa University at Lincoln.
Nov. 2 Ames Agricultural School at
Nov. 9 Kansas University at Law
Nov. 16 Wisconsin University at
Nov. 23 Doane College at Lincoln.
Nov. 28 Open.
Rhetoric 13.
The corrected briefs will bo returned
at 3 o'clock today at U. 309.
M. M. Fogg.
P. M.
'" 0
Long and Elaborate Program Arranged
Professor Maxey Toast-master
Governor Sheldon to Come.
Next Friday ovonlng In the Llndoll
Hotel at 8:45 will bo held tho olghth
annual banquet of tho University Y. '
M. C. A. This has been a big ovont
givon rogularly ovory year, until last
spring, when owing to various hin
drances, particularly tho convontlon
at Nashville, It fell thru. This year
elaborato plans havo been mado for
both program and monu, nnd all Indi
cations point to tho ovont's bolng an
unqualified success. AH who attondod
the function two yoars ago are an
tlclpatlng much onjoyment at its re
currence now planned.
The men will gather In tho parlors
at a few minutes before the sot tlmo
and proceed to tho dining room In n
body, where an eight course bnnquet
will bo served. Tho management
realize the strongth of nn appeal to a
man's Insldo life, and this feature
bids fair to stand as a mile stono in
the college memories of ovory Univer
sity man. That the affair will pass off
successfully Is still further assured by
the fact that Professor Maxoy with
his Usual play of gonial, searching wit
is to presldo as toast-master. The first
one to respond will bo C. M. Mayno,
general secretary of the city YM. C,
A., whoso Bubject Is, "A Now Stan
dard." Anybody who has heard Mr.
Mayne speak, when he got up really
to say something, knows what is com
ing. His talk will be followed by a
selection from a quartetto composed of
Messrs. Ireland, Hlgglns, Wlldman,
ahd Agee. Two other men will then
respond toasts, T. A. Brown talking on
"Cornhuskers," and Arthur Jorgensoh
on "A College Man's Ideals." - The
quartette will furnish more music, and
tho" final response will bo mado by
Hon. E. P. Brown who speaks on "The
College Man In Public Life." Gov
ernor Sheldon has been Interviewed
and has promised to bo present If cir
cumstances permit.
In a school whoro there aid so fow
opportunities for the student body to
get together in a social way this, event
should be heralded as a rare occasion.
It Is not to be restricted to men In tho
association at all, but every man now
In the University or any alumnus will,
be cordially welcomed. Now men will
be surprised at the spirit manifested.
Tickets are now 'on sale and cost
seventy-five cents. -
May Music Festival.
The second Annual May music festi
val will be held In Lincoln on May
22 and 23. As a year ago, the famous
Theodore Thomas Orchestra has' been
secured for this, the greatest music
festival held In Nebraska. Two short
choral works will bef given, viz., "Pair
Ellen" by Max Bruch, an ''Weddln'g
Feast" 'by Coleridge tayldr. The fes
tival chorus will commence' work 'at
" i
See our fine line of Nebraska pins''
at tho Co-op.
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