Gbe Dalls Hebrae ftan ARMSTRONG'S LAST CALL! On heavy Suits and Overcoats. A 15 Days Sale that will sweep our tables clean. This season our buying has been exceptionally heavy. The fall and winter has been very mild and the combination of these two conditions leaves us with several thousand men's suits and overcoats. But we.are going to keep faith with the people and sell every garment during this sale, no matter what it costs us to do it OUR PLAN IS THIS: We reduce the price for choice of our men's sack suits, both fancy and black, $1.00 each day; we give choice of any man's overcoat In our store for $10.00, and will sell boys' suits and overcoats at just half price. Monday, March l, choice of any blue-black or fancy Sack Suit in our store on this day only Tuesday, March 12, choice of any blue-black or fancy Sack Suit in store regardless former price This is the Way Men's Sack Suits Will Be Sold Today, March 1, choice of any blue-black or fancy M C Sack Suit in our store IU Saturday, March 2, choice of any blue-black or &IA fancy Sack Suit in our store worth up to $27.50 V1 Monday, March 4, choice of any blue-black or fancy fr 1 1 Sack Suit in pur store regardless of former prices v v Tuesday, March 5, choice of any blue-black or j2 fancy Sack Suit in our store hi Wednesday, March 6, choice of any blue-black M 1 Sack Suit in store no matter what former price v Thursday, March 7, choice of any blue-black or (MA forr SnJf in rnv stop ' . . P " I Friday, March 8, choice of any blue-black or fancy Q Sack Suit in our store Wends'y Mar. 13, choice of all plain and fancy Sack Suits, odd coats and vests same as suits Thursday Mar 14, choice of all plain and fancy Sack Suits, odd coats and vests counted as suits Friday, MarcB 15, choice of all plain and fancy Sack Suits, odd coats and vests counted as suits Sat'y Mar 16, choice of all plain and fancy Sack Suit in store odd coats and vests counted as suits Saturday. March 9, choice of any blue-black or ( Q Monday, Mar. 18, choice of whatever may be left . XLI C f. L -i 3 O rtf nUin anv fanr.v Suit. Coat, ond vest, counted iancy oacK. ovy in uui siuic of plain any fancy Sack Suits, as suits, $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Armstrong Clothing Company GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS I H iM M fTheBIJOu m. 3 8HOWS DAILY 7:45 and 9 p. 10c and 15c, Mat., 10c. MODERN VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM benefit result to the Astronomy De partment, but much credit be reflect ed upon the men connected with Its construction and upon the appoint ment of the University shops. COOK AND MISS ROTHERT CAPTAIN HENRY MARRIAGE FOR MILLIONS On the Blograph CLIFF DEAN & CO. MISS EDNA WOOLEY THE HAUNTED HOUSE On the Blograph THE ELITE DEAN BESSEY. (Continued from page 1.) Junior-Senior Reception Commit tee Laura Rhoades (chairman), Jesse Cook, Nellie Luddln, Abblo Stuart Esther Wood, H. B. Bergqulst, Harry Hlnman, Arthur Jorgensen, and C. C. McElroy. Finance Committee George Fen Ion (chairman), A. C. Hough, R. E. Waldo, Keo Currle, Pearl Murphy, Mary E. Strahorn, Virginia Zlmmor. Convocation Committee Elizabeth Klewltt (chairman), Vera Fall, F. C. Builta. Cornhusker Committee J. M. Swen- sen (chairman), A. S. Hardy, Alice Rudersdorf. Ttnanltoll Mnnnffar A TT Millar I i-IIOU(lll ilAUllMh' 0 . LINCOLN JOOOOOOOOOO FIRE CALL WHEN WE WERE BOY8 WRESTLING MATCHE8 OF 1906 CABBY BY THE HOUR TOMMY REJECTED LOVER POLICEMAN'S LITTLE RUN KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN ILLU8TRATED 8ONG8 "Clover Blossoms," By Persia R. Gardner "My Old Kentucky," By A. P. Lawrence Continuous Shows from 1:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 p. m. NEW TELESCOPE. (Continued from page 1.) orratlon, a Him of glass only one one thousandth of an Inch In thickness had to bo removed. Dr. Mlnnlck, how over, declared that oven this small error could bo reduced, and he has succeeded In doing so. The final test showed all the rays of light, when brought to a focus from a distance of eighteen foot, fall within -ono one thousandth of nn Inch on the focal plane, so that they might bo hidden behind a grain of sand one-tenth as large as tho dot over the letter "I." The operating machinery will con stitute a most up-to-date mounting, combining sovoral features found on tho latest telescopes put out by the leading telescope builders of the country. Before commencing the work, Professor Swozey mado a care ful study of three of the largo tele scopes of the West. The drawings are being made by George Hedges, who took It up a yoar ago last fall as a pleco of thesis work, but who, since the beginning of the present year, has been hired as an export. He has completed about half of tho sovoral hundred drawings required. Tho mechanism will be more- than usually complicated because the authorities malntln that since it Is being built, somo features may bo In troduced which might not bo consid ered If the Instrument wore being bought. Tho motion can be controlled from tho eye end or from the floor, and small accessory telescopes will be placed at the eye piece and at tho Bide of tho pier so enabling tho in strument to bo set for any part of tho hoavons from either position. Profes sor Richards estimates It will re quire three or four years yet to build tile telescope. When completed, it will likely be Bet up outside tho city, probably vit tho State Farm, whore it Is hoped a suitable observatory will bo erected to house it. If bought, tho instrument would have cost about $7,000, but by build ing hero a great saving will be effect ed. If tho toleBcopo Is successfully For refreshments and light catering completed, as tho professors are con- work see "TOMMY" at Miller fldent It will bo, not only will a great Palne's. ' - mm OLIVER THEATRE n n a t !t it TONIGHT, SAT. & SAT. MAT. Tiie Time, The Place, The Girl With ARTHUR DEACON and 50 Others MAT. $1.00 to 25c. EVE $1.50 to 50c V. TSIvSbEbbbbbbbbbbbI .HIV jllkSiPmfifSl BBBBBBF BfcBBXi 'T-r ' T&v BBBW,. BHSWi bbbbwBBBBBBBBBHBBBLtbtJ MON. & TUES. EVENINGS, MAR. 4-5 "The Lion and The Mouse" PRICES $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 50c. FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH 8. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK IN "A YANKEE TOURIST" Tm" ..LYRIC THEATRE.. imMttwro)Mtttti JAMES CRUZE & CO. MARIE GUILL AND ROBERT BOYD THE MUSICAL GOOLMAN8 EARLY AND LATE JACK WILDE Illustrated Song, "Down Where the Silvery Mohawk Flows." LYROSCOPE i Y m r r