r. T ,. .tfc - .. MJ"...rJ .,'.-k:,'. "---J - .ii'Hii I ill ii mini tbe Da Up 1ft e b Ta 0 h a tv K U..t E!ft IV & m . m- t'i f5"- b 1 'SIC 1 ' . 1 1 8k We8!erf,8,,1 1 O ll" jflti sPoia' Sorvlco to x Q Auto i3335 Q R A Specialty In Oysters in Season 8 O -117-18-21 No. 13th si. o WHEN I STUDENT WANTS PRINTING THERE IS HO DENYIHB THAT HE WAHTS IT PRINTED IN MODERN STYLE The New Century Printers I2il to STREET ocpocoooocqapcoooooocxx)0( ELECTRIC SHOE " - " " - ! --.i. . 1, Repairing Factory! GOODYEAR SYSTEM The only tip -tcwltito plant in tho city. Sivvos yon timo mid monoy 1220 "O" STREET OOCOOOCOCOC)000000000X)0000 XXXX)CXXXXXXXXXX300CX THESTAR RESTAURANT BEST 15 CENT MEALJJVI THE CITY. D. K. CAMPBELL. : cxocoooooooooooococoOoocbo r OXX?COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ . p - t- - - 1 1 ; r ' " "v ttv -i'w if- f DR; CHAS. YUNGBllUCT, ' DKNT1BT ,, Rooms t8 nnd 19 Bnrr Block. ' Auto , Phono IM10- BoJlOTA , : lilNCOIiN, - NEOIIASICA. (X)COCXXXXXX)bOOOCOdCX)OOODO OOOOGCOOCOPOOOOOCGCC We VouId LHco tn bo Your Laundrynicn. YULE BROS. - 4. . .-..- l uooaaGoooooooaoaoooosrcocu J&L ss V9SS. nLB n ri WON jWTQ' 96 tSlnii.filfl wkmSSSrt zm I unr.r f'Vcy TO p. .,.. .q, - MARCH ' A .;r i NON-COM. HOP OLD FRATERNITY HALL PRICE $1.25 00000OQO0000 OOO 0NIVER8ITY BULLETIN. February. Wednesday, 27. Engineering Society, 7: 30. p. m. M. '211. O. J. Fee, "Some Problems of tho Superintendent." Thursday, 28. Junior clnss meet, 11:30 In Mem. Hull. Y. W. C. A. service, 5:00 p. m, Rev. Halch. U. luG.' University Equal Suffrage Associa tion meet, 8:00 p. m., In Y. W. -C. A. rooms. German Club meets with MIbb Moore, 703 North Twenty-fifth street. March. Friday, 1. Freshman .class meeting, 12:00 m., Mem. Halt. . Convocation, 5:00 p. m. Professor Cbiidra, ''The Opening of.' Indla'n Territory." lllustrntell. Denver University vs. Nebraska1; basket-ball and dance, 8:15 p. m. Saturday 2. Mathematical Seminar meets, 7:30 .... p. in. In M. 302. ... Dramatic Club meets, 8:00 p. in., . 1 Union Hall. ... Forest Club, 8:00 p. hi., N. 110. Junior Scissors Party, 8:00 p. in:. Mem. Hall. Thursday. 7. Piano recital by Miss Archibald, 8 :0& p. m., Mom. Hall. ' Friday, 8. Annual banquet of Y. M. C. A. In -Llhdoll Hotel. Saturday, 9. . Freshman Informal, 8:30 p. m., Mem'. " Hall.' Tuesday, 12. Convocation, 11:00 a. m. Richard Ls Metcalf, "Measuring Men." .Thursday; 14. Recital, Marjorle Andorson, 8:00 p ni'.v-Mem. Hall.-.-' - - Saturday. 16, , ... Non Com Hop, 8:30 p. m. Fraternity Hall. ,- ,...n .. April. Fjflday 5. . ' . Nebraska-WiscortsliL debate. Mom. Hnll. . - . Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 8. 12. I Dr. 'Haggard, -212-213 Richards Blk. Chapln Bros., Florists.' 127 So. 12th. "Nebraska" embossed stationery, nt tho Cotop. Spmethlng now in onibosscd station ery.' Tho Co-op, You will be satisfle'd' wi'thameron's Lunch Counter. ... v A gold watch has been found. Ap ply to Mr. westermann. The Seniors of tho TJnion Society were entertained by Miss Mabol Fob soler at her home, 2431 Q street, Sat urday evening. Pctry Bakery Ca Baking Orders Filled Promptly. Tine Rfcc Drcnd Qur Speclnlty, PJione us nnd Your Order. Will Recelre Prompt At Icutlou, l Jh"'J herzogi Tbi University Kan's Tailor I I' THE F1KEST WORK DOSE AKD PRICES RtGHT i 1230 OSrREET 3 SIXTEEN a 9 y v 9. 9 8 0300a$0&0$0$0&0&0&d REF0RM8 IN THE EAST. Dr. Jorden Talks at Convocation. "Persia" and its new roform move ment was the subjoct of Mr. S. M. Jor den'n address -at Convocation yester day morning. The Shah, ho Haiti, has proclaimed a now parllment, tho first since tho days of Cyrus and Darius, j The quostlon Is often asked If this re form will he permanent nnd to affirm this, It Is Interesting as well as neces- j sary to study the foroos behind tho movement. i Tho ni-Hi forno Hn in Mm Pni'Hiiin , ..., . .w..,..,.. character itself, that of liberality. Tho kings are liberal, tho priests, who came with, rich gifts to worship tho in fant Christ who was the loader of n rival religion, wore nlso liberal. Mo hammedanism failed to hold the PorsiniiB and now In derision for the Mohammedan religion tho lowest cfllcor In the Persian army Is oillod a "sultau." Ono of tho Porslnn sects is responsible for tho Behol Move ment which professes to ho a religion ono degree higher than ?rIohnmmednn Ism or is the next stngo in the ovolu tlon of truo religion. They believe In Abraham, in the laws of Moso3 and in Christ, but in trying to reform Mo hammedanism for Christianity with out ChrlBt, they have had a disinteg rating Influence. Tho prosperity of christian nations hus Influenced the Persians largely and led to the belief that God blesses tho righteous. Medical missionaries nnd the great work of hospitals havo rendered sincere aorvlce to God In a mannor to bring about the. highest trust and confidence In Americans. Ascribing tho progress of Japan to Its educational system and even to religious liberty, the Persians found another element In the Russo-Jajmn-eso war. Not only tho government is liberal but tho Shah himself is an ' eusv incumbent who favors tho now iiiuvuiuuui. i no I'urmuiiH uio urigiit and realize the -value of educatolon, but it is. of no-value to any ono unless j .accompanied by morality and religion A number have Inquired of Mr. Tow'nsend if the price quoted to Corn huskers." wou)d bo extended to Senior girls desiring new sittings without L cap and gown." Tho rate ,1s good to July 1, '07, Tho University Equal ' Sufforago Association has ongaged Prof. "L? E. Aylsworth and Dr. Inez Philbrick to speak In tho Y. W.-C. A. rooms ut 81 p. m. Thursday. There will bo a regular meeting of tho intqr-fraternity council this even ing at 7:30, In the Classical library, for tho election of offlcors for the coming year. Dr. Lees was unnble yesterday to at tend his classes which were Cuken cure of by. Profo3sor Pann. A Chinamen has applied for the po sition of coxswain of tho Syracuse Nnl vorslty facing grew. . . ' :" 'K ; NEW WINDSOR HOTEL CLUB BREAKFASTS V ;i 6:30 a. m. to .2:00, p. m, l' Two Eggs, Dry Toast nhd Coffocj Tea or Milk .,15c 2 Slice of Bacon, Ono Egg, Hard Rolls, Potatoes, Hot Cakes' (2) with- Syrup, and Coffee, Tea or Milk .....' : 20c 3 Dronkfnst Food with Cream, - Slice of Bacon, Ono Egg, Pota tooB, Hard 'Rolls rind "Coffeo, ;Tea . or Milk .25o 1 Hot Cnkorf (3) Strlppol with Bncon nnd CoffeQ, Tea or Milk.. 15c 5 Plnin Steak, Potatoes, Rolls, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffeo, Toa or Milk...,. 5o C Philn Omelet, Rasher of Baoob, Rolls, Potatoes, nnd Coffuo, Tea or Milk .....;,....,;..'.. .,,. .. 30c 7 Ham or Bacpn nnd Eggs, Rolls, Potatoes, Toast, Hot Cnlios (2) with Syrup nnd Coffee, Tea or Milk t 35c 8 Brookflolds Farm Sausng.i, Pota toes, Holla, Hot Cakes (2) with; Syrup nnd Coffee, Ton or Milk.. 30c o "Windsor" Steak, Rashor of Ba- con, Potatoes, RoIIb, Hot Cakes (2) with Syrup and Coffee, Tea , l0lon- chow' (, Rasher 'of3' Bacon, Rolls, and Coffeo, Ton or - Milk ...30"c Clinngon hVado in our Club Braalc- ..,. . . '., ; V'. mat win uo cuucaeu irom mo regular Menu. Special nttontlon to studentd. per cent off on all monj tickets. 10 Gotrell & Leonard ALBANY, H. Y. Makers of CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS: Tq tho American Ciljtgis and Universities. CLASS CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY Reliable Materials Rtatanabla Prices FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Cnhdlos nhd Baked Gooflu orb Always FtcbIi nnd Good. Catering our Bpcclnlty. THE MAXWEXL CO. OothPliOHu; 13tIandNSti. nra huvler H Ml OhocolAtt)s jmI ' I "" Bon Bon. TV. Hni. PniiH mm Tk Dru Cutttr. ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON ; AFTER THE DANCE CUL UP The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Company ' i j For Good, Prompt LIVERY SERVICE Arro; CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR lOc'cACH, 2 FOR 3BC CLUETt,' PEABOOY & CO. , v r MUerV of C'lattt aaJ tionarch Bhlrfa 1 0 II ANTOY JTl m W M iWk;---. y-ir-'K ."mt V Zliii2ITrf " PB tVV I t , M V (j i ?.' u '',. tit':, y , Z: .1 i- .XftZflt i . afc , xto, J . . ' .,,